Product switch application form
Shawbrook Bank Limited, Lutea House, Warley Hill Business Park, The Drive, Great Warley, Brentwood, Essex CM13 3BE
Property Finance, Commercial Mortgages T 03301 234 521 F 01277 751 145 cm.admin@shawbrook.co.uk shawbrook.co.uk
Registered office: Lutea House, Warley Hill Business Park, The Drive, Great Warley, Brentwood, Essex, CM13 3BE. Registered in England and Wales -
Company Number 388466. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
Owner occupied properties – to be completed if you run your business from the security property
Please enclose the latest financial accounts for your business with your application form
If you are applying to borrow more than 10% of your original loan amount, please include your latest three
months personal and business bank statements with this request
Please confirm any changes to the shareholding of the business, your role within the business, or any new appointments
that have occurred since your original mortgage with us completed. If there have been no changes, please confirm N/A.
Please note that we may not be able to proceed with your application if there have been changes to the business since
your original mortgage completed.
Commercial/semi-commercial investment securities only
Where the security contains a commercial element which is occupied under the terms of a business lease agreement,
please complete the following information: (If there are more than three business leases in place, please complete the
same details in the ‘Additional Information’ section of this form)
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3
Current annual rent £ Current annual rent £ Current annual rent £
Unexpired term Unexpired term Unexpired term
Tenant name Tenant name Tenant name
Rent review dates Rent review dates Rent review dates
Please provide copies of any business leases in place on the security property that have been entered into since your
original mortgage completed. Please note that you are required to obtain our consent before a new business lease is
granted. If it transpires that a new business lease has been granted without our consent, we will require the lease to be
reviewed by our solicitors and additional fees will therefore be incurred.
Residential Investment Property
We require confirmation of the identity of any person aged 17 or over who will occupy the property together with an
explanation of the basis they will occupy. Any licences or leases must be forwarded with your application form:
Name of occupier Date of birth
Relationship to you
(borrowers /guarantors)
Basis on which they occupy
If there are more tenants to detail that space allows for, please detail the remaining tenants on a separate sheet of paper
and return with your application form.
4. Investment property details
How many residential tenants are there? How many business tenants are there?
What is the annual rental income?