License Number:
2. An accessory farm building shall meet all the required setbacks from property lines.
3. All temporary structures shall be setback at least twenty (20) feet from property lines
and shall be located so as to provide safe ingress and egress from the public road.
4. A minimum of five (5) parking spaces shall be provided on the site of the produce
stand. The dimension of each space shall be a minimum of 10 feet wide and 20 feet
5. Each stand may have up to two (2) signs: one flat wall sign not to exceed fifty (50)
square feet in area and one free-standing sign not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet
in area. No signs are allowed off the premises of the stand.
6. A twenty-five (25) foot area around the sales structure may be used for display of
7. All produce stands and related structures shall be considered seasonal or temporary in
nature and shall not be erected until April 15
and shall be removed by the end of the
local produce season or by November 30
of each year.
As previously stated all products to be sold must be locally grown on the Delmarva Peninsula.
As the applicant, I certify that I have read and understand the above information and that my
application falls within these guidelines.
Property owner signature is required if applicant does not own property on which the
produce stand will be located.
Applicant’s Signature Date
Property Owner’s Signature Date
Office Use Only:
Approved by:
Date Approved: