Process Technology PLOs 2018-2019
Acad Program - Process Technology (AAS)
Mission: The mission of the Process Technology program is to provide classroom instruction
and practical laboratory experience leading to the successful completion of the Associate
of Applied Science in Process Technology, preparing students for employment in the industrial
manufacturing and processing field.
Program Learning Action Taken (Use of
Assessment Methods Assessment Results
Outcomes Results)
1. Utilize PTEC Processing Units - Run
one or more PTEC processing units
and create a piping and instrument
diagram of an operating
refinery/petrochemical process.
Outcome Status: Active/Ongoing
Assessment Year: 2016 - 2017
2. Communications - Demonstrate
the ability to work in one or more of
the PTEC processing units while
simulating real world activity as in the
commercial units using inside/
outside operator concepts,
communicating via radios comparing
inside/outside data.
Outcome Status: Active/Ongoing
Assessment Year: 2016 - 2017
3. Safety - Demonstrate knowledge of
safety procedures, hazards,
housekeeping, and appropriate
cautions in the process technology
Outcome Status: Active/Ongoing
Assessment Year: 2016 - 2017
Capstone Assignment - Students will
operate and create a P&ID diagram
from assigned operational
processing units.
Demonstration - A performance log
will be documented and retained on
each student demonstrating his/her
ability to operate Pilot Plants.
Demonstration - A performance log
will be documented and retained on
each student’s internship
demonstrating his/her ability to
follow company safety procedures
and precautions.
Reporting Period: 2018 - 2019 BoY
Result Type: On Track
Students will operate and create a P&ID diagram from
assigned operational processing units. (10/16/2018)
Analysis: pending
Reporting Period: 2018 - 2019 BoY
Result Type: On Track
A performance log will be documented and retained on
each student demonstrating his/her ability to operate Pilot
Plants. (10/16/2018)
Analysis: pending
Reporting Period: 2018 - 2019 BoY
Result Type: On Track
A performance log will be documented and retained on
each student’s internship demonstrating his/her ability o
follow company safety procedures and precautions.
Analysis: pending
Action Taken (Use of Results):
pending (10/16/2018)
Action Taken (Use of Results):
pending (10/16/2018)
Action Taken (Use of Results):
pending (10/16/2018)
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