Procedure for Payments of Human Subjects
sity funds for payment to human subjects in research can be issued in advance of the actual expenditure(s).
Advance payments are required when subjects in research are paid in small amounts throughout the duration of an
experiment or research project. The advance payment should be limited to the amount that is deemed appropriate in
view of the character and expected duration of the experiment or project.
The cash advance will be in the form of a check issued by Procurement and Vendor Services.
1. Employee receiving the cash advance needs to ensure they are an established supplier within
Procurement and Vendor Services.
2. Email with your name and employee ID # and address.
3. Enter a payment requisition in OFC. Instructions for “Submitting Invoice Payments"
found here:
4. Attach the appropriate documentation to the payment requisition including:
a. Cash Payment Advance (Attachment C- required)
b. A page from contract/grant proposal, if applicable, explaining the purpose of the cash
disbursement to the human subject or the budget page from the award document that
has a specific line item for human subjects.
c. Note Special Handling, check to be picked up at P&D.
5. Cash Log (see Attachment A) that will be used to keep account of the funds dispersed.
6. Please note when money is removed from the safe or lockbox, two individuals must be
present and both must sign the cash log.
7. Once research and cash disbursements are complete, return “Certification of Payment to Human
Subjects” (see Attachment B) to Procurement and Vendor Services at M/S 1248.
8. Any cash not disbursed must be returned to the University by way of department deposit.
Instructions found here:
Procurement and Vendor Services 5/20/20