Running Start Program
PROBATION Student Success Plan
Name: _______________________ SID: ____________________ Phone: ____________________
e Level: 11
Year Senior High School: ________________________
h School Counselor: _____________________________ Phone: ______________________
At y
our orientation, you agreed to adhere to the following Academic Standards policy:
1. You must achieve satisfactory academic progress by earning at least a 2.0
quarterly G.P.A. in credits paid for through Running Start.
2. You must earn credit in courses for which you are enrolled: any grade below a
1.0 or credit not completed is posted to the transcript as a “W”, “I”, or “NC”.
As a
result of my recent academic performance, I agree to the following stipulations while
working toward meeting academic standard this quarter. I will (initial each line):
• Mee
t with my instructors as necessary to: trouble shoot difficulties I may be having in
class, clarify class expectations, and/or ensure I am making satisfactory academic
progress. ______
(initial here)
• Att
end my classes regularly, whether attendance is required or not. _____
(initial here)
• Seek a
ssistance from the resources GRC has to offer (check all that apply):
Study Skills Course, ST SK 110 (5 cr.)
Tutoring, Help Center 2
floor Library
Math Skills, Math Learning Center CH 313
Writing Center, RLC 173
Counseling Services (stress, personal, academic motivation), 2
floor SA
Academic Advising, Educational Planning 1
floor rm 126 SA
Learning/Physical Disability, Disability Support Services 2
floor SA
• Complete all registration activity (add/drop, pass/no credit, etc.) by the date listed on
page 1 of the quarterly class schedule.
• Meet with a Running Start advisor to review my academic progress prior to your
registration access time. _____ (initial here)
Student Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ______________
By signing above, I am verifying that I met with a Running Start advisor to discuss this academic plan and agree to the
conditions set herein. If I do not meet the conditions stated above, I am subject to dismissal from the Running Start Program.
I understand this dismissal could impede my high school graduation.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________ Date: ______________
High School Counselor Signature: ___________________________ Date: ______________
RS Advisor Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ______________
AS Student Success Plan 01/2016
Completed for:
This document is available in alternative formats to individuals with disabilities by contacting Disability Support Services at 253-833-9111, ext. 2631; TTY 253-288-3359; or by email at
Green River College is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Learn more at The above referenced program of study information was current at the time of
printing. The program may have been updated or changed to remain industry current. For program updates, please visit or contact the program’s listed faculty adviser.