Privileged and Confidential
Attorney-Client Communication
Legal Services Request Form (For UH Community College Campus Requests)
Requestor/Contact Name:
Campus - School/College - Department:
Phone No.: Facsimile No.:
1. Nature of Request
Summarize your request and the nature of the University’s involvement, e.g., contract review,
respond to a subpoena, request for legal opinion, etc. Attach any relevant documents.
(Please use another sheet if you need more space.)
2. Date for Response
Indicate the date by which a response is desired.
3. Do you wish for a written opinion or oral response?
Campus Chancellor Signature Type Chancellor Name Date
Associate VP for Admin. Affairs Signature Type Associate VP Name
Please submit the completed form via mail/facsimile/hand delivery to:
Carrie K. S. Okinaga
Vice President for Legal Affairs
and University General Counsel
2444 Dole Street, Bachman 110
Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822
Facsimile No.: (808) 956-2109
This request is a confidential communication and should be treated as such. Indicate “Confidential” on
the envelope and/or the facsimile cover sheet.
System (Revised 6/20/18)
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