4. Description of proposal
A plan indicating the site and showing the proposed development. A
plan drawn to an identified scale will assist the authority in assessing
your development proposal. Plans can be bought from one of our
accredited suppliers using our Buy-a-Plan service
All sections of this notification completed in full, dated
and signed (typed signature if sent electronically).
5. Checklist
Please read the following checklist to make sure you have sent all the information in support of your proposal. Failure to submit all
information required could result in your notification being deemed invalid. It will not be considered valid until all information required by
the Local Planning Authority has been submitted. Please note that as part of this procedure, if any objections are received the Local
Planning Authority may require submission of further information at a later date.
Please describe the proposed development, including relevant information covering transport and highways impacts of the
development, noise and contamination risks on the site:
What is the current use of the building?