© TEA 5/18/2020
Domain 5 – Effective Instruction
Alignment to Practice – Students have rigorous learning experiences based on the design and delivery of
data- and objective-driven daily lessons, classroom routines, and formative monitoring systems that yield
the data necessary to reflect, adjust, and deliver instruction that meets the needs of each student. Domain
5 focuses on how the principal is responsible for ensuring that every student receives high-quality
instruction that leads to student growth and achievement.
Essential Actions for High-Performing Instructional Leadership Team – The Principal:
Incorporates written protocols and processes, e.g., data protocols, lesson planning processes, instructional
walkthrough processes, and other instructional leadership resources that are consistently used to lead, manage,
and build capacity various instructional leadership teams and other instructional functions.
Incorporates systems to track instructional leadership functions over time, e.g., agendas, minutes, follow
up, etc., and can articulate the relationship between these functions and the strategic impact on outcomes.
Builds capacity with other campus staff at all levels to lead and manage instructional initiatives, including
clear roles and responsibilities for leadership, observing and coaching leadership practices, defining expected
knowledge and skills for specific leadership functions, and communicating accountability/expectations for leaders
(Who will do what by when?).
Monitors and provides feedback to other leadership members regarding their ability to lead highly
productive meetings and tasks with clear outcomes, assesses these outcomes in relation to the impact on staff and
student performance, and encourages other leaders to take risks while supporting/coaching the process.
Essential Actions for Objective-Driven Plans – The Principal:
Incorporates a systematic approach for all teachers to collaboratively internalize, modify, create, and
submit daily lesson plans with clear learning objectives and other essential components, e.g., essential questions,
opening activities, time allotments, key vocabulary, instructional strategies/activities, assessments, closing
activities, extensions, differentiation, etc.
Implements ongoing systems for leadership teams to use daily lesson plans when conducting walkthroughs
and observations and provides teachers with feedback and lesson planning support based on evidence of student
Establishes systems for leadership teams to frequently review lesson plans for alignment to the standards,
scope and sequence, expected level of rigor, and the impact of the lesson plans on student learning and
Ensures that unit and lesson plans include instructional materials, resources, and decisions that address
the instructional needs of all students and individual student groups, including clearly defined curricular goals, paths
to address student groups, and formative assessments with understood exemplar responses.
Essential Actions for Effective Classroom Routines and Instructional Strategies – The Principal:
Leverages and builds capacity with leadership teams and teachers to model and implement high-leverage
classroom routines and instructional strategies at both the campus and classroom levels; maximizes instructional
time, ensures seamless transitions, and maintains a focus on instruction as a top priority.
Ensures that classroom instruction incorporates rigorous, high-quality experiences that promote complex,
critical-thinking skills, higher-order thinking, problem solving, and real-world applications; provides differentiated
and scaffolded supports for students with disabilities, English learners, and other student groups with diverse
learning needs.
Inspires teachers by providing real-time feedback as instructional strategies are practiced and
implemented; breaks down the practices into smaller actionable steps to assist with mastery; assesses the impact
of these strategies on student outcomes.
Domain 5
T-PESS Principal Handbook