NCTC Completion Center
Presentation Request Form
(Please submit at least one week in advance of requested presentation date!)
Please return or e-mail information in this form to the NCTC Completion Center:
Amy Klohn: or Anja Taylor:
Today’s Date: Instructor’s Name:
Course Name and Section Number: Campus and Room Number of Course:
Day and Time Class Meets: Number of Students:
Instructor Contact Number and/or E-mail: Types of Media Equipment Available in Class:
Please check topic(s) you are requesting (All topics are typically 50 minute presentations):
College Majors and Career Choices Career Assessment/Research
Career Services Interview Skills
Transfer 101
Resume Writing
Habits for College Success Test Taking and Test Anxiety
Planning a Study Routine
Learning Styles and Study Strategies
Presentation Date Request (please list at least 3 possible dates, in order of preference):
1) __________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________