Preschool Equipment and Supplies
(33 mos. through Pre-Kindergarten)
One Form per Classroom
Program Name: Address, City, State, Zip: License Number: Room Capacity:
To complete this form, please refer to Minnesota Rules, part 9503.0060, to determine the description and numbers of equipment
required for this age group. Equipment must be age appropriate and address any special needs of children served. The center must
have enough equipment for the number of children for which the center is licensed. If equipment is rotated among groups of children,
there must be enough to serve the maximum group size of the age group using the equipment and the rotation must be shown on the
daily schedule in the child care program plan. Equipment must be in good repair and accessible for use by the children during hours of
operation each day. Accessible means that the equipment is stored in a location where children themselves are able to reach and use
the equipment.
# Req.
Area rug or carpeting-1 per group
Non-folding child size chairs-1 per child
Cot-1 per child
Partially enclosed quiet activity space-1 per group
Open shelves-1 linear foot per child
Tables-20 linear inches per child
Interest Areas
A child care center operating more than three hours a day must
provide children with daily access to all interest areas. A center
operating for less than three hours a day, operating exclusively as
a drop-in center, or a center serving school-age children only must
provide access to large muscle activities and at least ve of the
required interest areas
Creative arts and crafts
Dramatic play
Fine motor activities
Large muscle activities*
Sensory stimulation activities
Books-2 per child
Large building blocks-48 per group
Dramatic Play
Pictures (at child’s eye level)
Program Equipment and Materials
Materials and accessories for dramatic play
DHS Use Only:
Small building blocks-200 per group
Dramatic play equipment or sets of Montessori
Practical Life equipment-5 pieces per group
Double easel-1 per group
Durable outdoor large muscle equipment-3 pieces
per group
Durable indoor large muscle equipment-3 pieces
per group
Mirror at least 12x36 inches, made of Plexiglas or
similar plastic or safety glass-1 per group
Musical or rhythm instruments-1 per child
Interest areas are physically dened and observable areas within the
classroom that are supplied with the equipment and materials needed
to carry out the activities specied for each area. Children must be
provided daily access to interest areas according to the center’s child
care program plan. Daily access to interest areas means children have
access to the equipment and materials within the interest area. It is not
considered to meet the requirement if all equipment and materials are
stored out of reach of children and only brought out for a brief period of
Music source and selections-1 per group
Manipulative toys (e.g. interlocking plastic forms)
-2 sets per child
Supplies-Adequate Amount
Facial tissue
Single service towels
Liquid hand soap
The following should be available in an adequate supply:
Clay or playdough, tempera or ngerpaints, white or
colored paper, paste, collage materials, paint brushes, felt
type markers, crayons, scissors, and smocks
Large Muscle Play
Cognitive developmental equipment (e.g. puzzels
and letter games, etc.)-1 per child
Bulletin board or wall display-2 sq ft per child
Art and Craft Supplies
Clear Form