Prerequisite/Corequisite Challenge Form
Name Student ID #
Phone Number
Email address @mycr.redwoods.edu
Prerequisite/corequiste course I’m challenging
This prerequisite/corequiste is required for enrollment in
Prerequisite/corequisite challenge criteria (check appropriate box):
I challenge the stated prerequisite/corequisite on the grounds that it has not been made reasonably
available. (Student must attach a description of specific circumstance.)
I challenge the stated prerequisite/corequisite on the grounds that it was not established according to
adopted regulations and policies. (Student must attach documentation)
I challenge the stated prerequisite/corequisite on the grounds that the prerequisite is discriminatory or is
applied in a discriminatory manner. (Student must attach documentation)
I challenge the stated prerequisite/corequisite on the grounds that I have the knowledge or ability to
succeed in the course despite not meeting the stated prerequisite. (Student must attach documentation)
Please attach appropriate documentation to this form.
Term Requesting Challenge:
(example: Bio-1A)
section #
Student Signature:
Instructor Signature:
Print Instructor Name:
Dean Signature:
Print Dean Name:
This form is provided per AP4260
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