Policy established in accordance with Title 5 Education Code §55003 (m) & Coast Community College District Board Policy (030-1-8)
Orange Coast College
Prerequisite Challenge Form
Submit this form to the appropriate Academic Division if you believe you possess the knowledge and skills
necessary to fulfill the OCC course prerequisite. Provide a brief explanation to explain why you are submitting
the form along with the supporting documents outlined below. Two faculty members or the Division Dean will
review your request. You will be notified of a decision within 5 business days. Prerequisite/Corequisite
challenge(s) must be filed within two weeks prior to the first day of instruction.
Student (Print Name): ______________________________________ Student ID #: ______________________________
Student OCC Email: _______________________________@student.cccd.edu Phone: ___________________________
**Please fill out one Prerequisite Challenge form per course and attach supporting documents to each request. **
I believe I possess the ability to succeed in the course because of my knowledge and skills
The course has not been made reasonably available (for example, the course is no longer being offered but is required
to complete a program.)
The course was established in violation of regulation or in violation of the District approved processes and/or is
discriminatory or applied in a discriminatory manner (the burden of proof is on the student and must be documented.)
OCC Clearances-I submitted an OCC Clearance Form that was denied and want to Challenge that decision.
Myself-I chose not to submit an OCC Clearance Form but understand that it is recommended to submit an OCC
Clearance Request Form before submitting a Prerequisite Challenge Form. By submitting this form, I accept that the
final decision will be determined by the appropriate Academic Division for the course prerequisite I am challenging.
Referral-It was recommended to me by the following OCC faculty/staff member _________________________ from
the ________________________ (Department or Academic Division) to submit a Challenge form.
Other: How did you hear about the Prerequisite Challenge Form? __________________________________________
I understand that my request and supporting documentation will be reviewed by faculty panel from the
appropriate academic area, who will provide me with written notification within 10 working days, when submitted within the
deadline. I understand that it is my responsibility to provide compelling evidence to support my prerequisite challenge. No
further appeal is available, and the decision of the panel is final.
Student Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________
What is the course and semester you wish to enroll in at OCC?
What is the OCC prerequisite you are challenging as listed in
the OCC Course Catalog?
Example: CHEM A220/L, Fall 2019
Please identify who referred you to the challenge process.
Select an option that best describes why you are submitting this form.
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