Information and Communication
c. Is an individual not involved in collecting school lunch receipts or generating daily reports compare deposits/remittances of
student collections to the Daily Record of Cash Received reports (form SF-2)?
d. Is an individual not involved in collecting school lunch receipts or generating daily reports compare the total amount of individual
meal account balances to the fund balance of the Prepaid School Lunch fund?
e. Is an individual not involved in collecting school lunch receipts or generating daily reports comparing total debits posted to
individual meal accounts to Daily Record of Cash Received reports (form SF-2)?
f. Is an individual not involved in collecting school lunch receipts or generating daily reports compare total debits posted to
individual meal accounts to deposits/remittances of student collections?
h. Is an individual not involved in collecting school lunch receipts or generating daily reports compare total credits posted to
individual meal accounts to receipts posted to the School Lunch fund?
i. If the answer is yes to any of these questions is the review documented as evidenced by initials, tick marks, etc. indicating
procedures performed?
2) Are the accounting records for the Prepaid School Lunch fund established in accordance with the SBOA chart of accounts and
Uniform Compliance Guidelines in order to allow proper oversight by management and the governing board?
a. Has a Prepaid School Lunch fund (fund 8400) been established?
b. Are collections, including those received through on line banking and in person, posted to fund 8400 using receipt account 1630
(Special Functions)?
c. Are charged meals disbursed from the Prepaid School Lunch fund (fund 8400) using expenditure account 31900 (Other Food
Services)? Note: A charged meal is when the student goes through the lunch line and charges a meal or ala carte items to their
account. Are charged meals disbursed from the Prepaid School Lunch fund (fund 8400) receipted to fund School Lunch fund (fund
800) using receipt accounts 1611-1623?
d. Are individual meal accounts established for each student?
3) Are school lunch collections and the write off of bad debts posted to the individual student meal accounts?
4) Are charged meals posted to the individual student meal accounts?
5) Are bad debts and uncollectible accounts written off in accordance with the policy approved by the governing board?
6) Are charged meals bad debts and uncollectible accounts written off in accordance with the policy approved by the governing board?
7) Are repayment plans handled in accordance with the policy approved by the governing board?
8) Are charged meals deducted from student accounts immediately (when the student goes through the line and charges a meal or
ala carte items)?
9) Are collections added to student accounts timely?
10) Are receipts issued by the ECA Treasurer or School Corporation Treasurer to the individual remitting the collections? If yes, is
the receipt retained by the school lunch staff to support deposits and receipt postings to fund 8400?
11) Are transfers of charged meals from the Prepaid School Lunch fund to the School Lunch fund made in accordance with the policy
approved by the governing board to ensure accurate monthly reporting?
12) Do families have access to detailed collections, charges and ending balances of student accounts?
1) Are procedures established to ensure that proper communication and documentation exists for internal communications between
offices, departments, management and the governing board regarding prepaid meals?
a. How does the unit internally communicate information regarding prepaid meals to employees, including objectives and
responsibilities for internal control? Are records maintained to document this communication?
b. Are procedures established to ensure that the communication requirements are being followed and necessary information is
being communicated properly?
2) What procedures are in place to collect the information needed to ensure the proper handling of prepaid meals?
a. Does management use the most current information available to ensure the proper handling of prepaid meals?