SRPMIC Preliminary Application Form and Checklist - Page 1 of 5 Revised 4/23/2020
Preliminary Application Form
General Plan Amendments, Zoning Map Amendments, Conditional Use
Permits, Variances and Design Review
A Preliminary Application submittal and meeting with a staff planner is required prior to filing a
formal application with the Planning Services Division (PSD) for the following types of
applications: General Plan Amendment, Zoning Map Amendment, Conditional Use Permit,
Variances and/or Design Review.
The purpose of the Preliminary Application is to provide information regarding the Salt River
Pima-Maricopa Indian Community’s (SRPMIC) development requirements, planning review
and approval processes, application(s) and fee requirements, and to provide an initial,
informal review to assist in the preparation of documents for a formal application submittal.
Refer to the steps below to complete the Preliminary Application process:
1. Review and fill out the Preliminary Application form and prepare a packet to submit to
PSD. The packet includes the completed application for the documents listed on the
submittal checklist and a copy of the receipt. Contact a staff planner by calling the PSD at
480-362-7654 if you have questions.
2. Pay the Preliminary Application fee of $400.00 to the SRPMIC Finance Department,
located at 10061 East Osborn Road - Building A 1
Floor, Scottsdale, AZ 85256. Make
payments to account number XPS-10000-25-43800 with a check payable to SRPMIC or
with a major credit card. Request two copies of the receipt and include one copy with the
Preliminary Application packet.
3. Submit the Preliminary Application packet to the PSD office, attention to assigned case
planner, located on the third floor of 10079 East Osborn Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85256.
4. Within 1-3 business days, the assigned case planner will review the application for
completeness and set up a meeting date and time, which is about four (4) weeks after the
submittal date to go over the application, the staff review and other information.
5. Attend the meeting to review comments with PSD staff regarding the application. A copy
of the staff review comments, application forms and submittal requirements for the next
steps will be provided. The meeting is an opportunity to ask questions about feedback on
the Preliminary Application and the formal application requirements and process.
Note: If a formal application has not been submitted within one (1) year of the Preliminary
application submittal date, a new Preliminary Application may be required.