Current landlord’s details
If you are currently renting, please provide your landlord’s name and contact details.
Phone number: Mobile phone:
May I contact this person for a reference? Yes / No
Yes / No (Please tick)
Please provide two referees that I can contact. Referees can be a friend, co-worker, your employer
or someone who knows you well.
One of your referees should be able to provide a reference about your creditworthiness. If you have
already provided your current landlord’s details, only one additional referee is needed. Please let
these people know I may be contacting them for a reference.
I authorise the Landlord/Property Manager to:
collect, retain and use this information for the purpose of assessing my creditworthiness
and suitability for the tenancy; and
disclose information about me, whether collected from me directly or from any other
source, to any other credit provider or any credit reporting agency for the purposes of
providing or obtaining a credit report (which will involve the credit reporting agency
providing information about me to the Landlord/Property Manager).
I understand that the credit reporting agency:
may hold my information on their credit reporting database and use it for providing credit
reporting services, and they may disclose my information to their subscribers for the
purpose of credit checking or debt collection; and
as part of providing a credit report, may check the Ministry of Justice fines database for any
overdue fines I may have.
Under the Privacy Act 1993, you have the right to ask for a copy of all information held about you,
and have the right to request the correction of any incorrect information.