schemes (proposals to extend or alter an existing dwelling. We aim to provide our written advice to you
within eight weeks of the request. During periods of high demand this may take longer.
Please carefully read the general notes below.
Service level 3
This service provides a more considered view compared to Levels 1 and 2. It gives more detailed advice in
writing about what we consider to be the main issues relating to the development. Internal consultation may
undertaken with specialist services but is limited to our consideration of the main issues. Consulted
responses from external partners such as Historic England, the Environment Agency or Wessex Water is
not included. We aim to provide our written advice to you within eight weeks of the request. During periods
of high demand this may take longer.
Please carefully read the general notes below.
Pre-application advice forum (PAF)
Our PAF service forms part of service level 3 for large-scale applications. We will contact you to arrange a
meeting with the forum within two weeks of your request. The PAF process typically takes eight weeks but
on agreement with the applicant, this can be extended. To discuss how the PAF process can help your
project contact us so that we can arrange an introductory meeting.
Please carefully read the general notes below.
Additional meetings
Additional meetings can only be requested in relation to existing and ongoing requests for pre-application
advice at service level 3 or within six months of a decision we have issued in relation to a formal planning
application. Additional meetings are limited to two additional meetings only.
Please carefully read the general notes below.
General notes
1. We reserve the right to not accept requests for pre-application advice.
2. Requests for advice will not be accepted or considered until the following has been submitted:
a. A pre-application request application form completed in full
b. A location plan at a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 with the site edged red
c. Photographs of the site
d. The required fee
3. The advice given, whether in writing or verbally, is based on the information you provide to us.
4. The advice given, whether in writing or verbally, is the informal opinion of the officers of the council
only and does not fetter or prejudice our statutory duty, as the local planning authority, to determine
formal planning and other applications, pursuant to our statutory powers and duties under the
planning acts or otherwise.
5. You need to act upon the advice we give within six months since changes to planning policy,
interpretation of policy or any other relevant issues can result in advice becoming out of date.
6. When you are unable to act quickly on the advice given, we recommend that you submit a new
request for further advice – standard fees will apply.
7. We may share and discuss your proposal with local councillors, town or parish councils or other
statutory consultees.
8. We may share the advice we provide with other developers, separately from the details of your
9. We may share your request for advice and the advice we provide following a request made they
under the Freedom of Information Act.