Interest in the Site:
Please state whether you are owner, occupier, interested party or agent acting on behalf of another.
Current Use, Occupation and Buildings:
Please describe the current use of the site or the last known use (with cessation date) if the
site is vacant or in disuse. In describing the use of the site please describe the activities taking place.
For example if the use is retail please state what goods (i.e. grocery store, bakers, florists) are
being sold, if the use is industrial, please state the industrial processes taking place (i.e. metal
fabrication, car repairs). Also provide a brief description of the buildings on site in terms of their size
and form. For example, a residential unit can be described as a traditional two storey
dwellinghouse, comprising slate roof tiles, stone and render walling and timber window frames.
3. Proposal
escription of Proposal:
Please provide a detailed description of your proposed development including its intended use
and scale of building/engineering works. Proposals for buildings should include a description of
the intended size, form, design and materials.
Please provide, as far as you may be aware, details of any previous planning applications, pre-
application enquiries or enquiries with other Council departments or external agencies, such as
Historic Scotland.
Plans and Supporting Documents:
In the majority of cases plans and drawings (these can be sketched plans at this stage) should
accompany your enquiry. The Council recommends that you submit a location/site plan which
shows the location of the site, the siting of existing buildings, landscape features, site access and
other site constraints and elevation drawings showing the scale, form and design of any proposed
buildings or extensions to buildings. It is also recommended that you submit supporting
photographs of the site, existing buildings and street scene, especially when new building works
are proposed. It is important to remember that the more information you can provide about a
proposal the more accurate and in-depth our feedback will be.
Please note that you are submitting a pre-application enquiry on the understanding that any written advice
provided is based on the information submitted and that the advice is not binding on Midlothian Council.
Any advice given by Council officers for pre-application enquiries does not constitute a formal response or
decision of the Council with regards to any applications.
If you are filling out the enquiry form on your computer, to return to us by email then typing your name in the
Signature field of the form will be accepted as a signature.
f you have any further information relating to your enquiry that cannot be fitted onto this form,
please attach as a separate document.