Pre-Application Advice Charges 2019/20
3.7 For PPAs, a project management framework and timetable for progressing and
delivering development on a site will be produced. The Agreement is intended to
improve the quality and efficiency of the planning process and records all Parties
commitments to an agreed timetable, which would include key milestones that
clearly identify the level of resources and actions that are required and ensure
that all key planning issues are properly considered and resolved at the earliest
possible stage. The PPA approach is therefore strongly recommended for
complex major planning applications.
3.8 Where a Planning Performance Agreement is not utilised, the Council will still
negotiate and agree with the applicant a suitable pre-application approach that
allows for multiple meetings, additional officer time, and further work than would
be covered by the broad fees stated in the table above. This will be agreed in
writing with the allocated Lead Officer prior to any significant assessment taking
place on a submission and would be based on the standard Officer fee of £120
per hour, plus VAT.
4.0 Development Management Forum
4.1 The Council holds Development Management Forums to facilitate the discussion
of large-scale or contentious development proposals. Generally the Council will
expect schemes of more than 50 homes or 5,000 square metres of
commercial/other floorspace to be the subject of such discussions. Its purpose is
to allow participants to raise issues of concern and obtain answers to questions
about the particular proposal. Wherever possible this will be prior to the review of
a development proposal by the Quality Review Panel and the submission of a
formal application.
4.2 Forum meetings will occur mostly at the pre-application stage to allow early
discussion by Councillors and members of the public on planning issues related
to these proposals and to explore the scope for amendments and agreement
between all parties in a positive and constructive way prior to the later decision
being made at the District Development Management Committee. They do not
remove the opportunity for objectors, supporters and applicants to submit
representations once an application is submitted or address the Committee
when an application is to be determined.
4.3 Applicants will be expected to arrange for leaflets to be distributed to the local
community (as agreed with the Council) and to pay a fee of £2,700 for officer
preparation, attendance and write up of the meeting together with any
associated costs such as hire of a suitable venue.
5.0 Quality Review Panel (QRP)
5.1 In general, the Council will expect the design of schemes of more than 50 homes
or 5,000 square metres of commercial/other floorspace or contentious
developments to be informed by an independent review by the QRP. This will
also include the production of Strategic Masterplans, Concept Frameworks,
Design Codes. Other smaller schemes which are complex or contentious may
also be appropriate for review.
5.2 The Quality Review Panel has been established to support Epping Forest District
Council in achieving high quality, innovative and sustainable placemaking. The