Planning & Building
130 S. McKinley Avenue Phone: 303.857.6694
Fort Lupton, CO 80621 Fax: 303.857.0351
Form PLAN001 (Rev. 03/17)
Pre-Application Review Request
A pre-application review is required prior to beginning the land use application process; however, this
review is not an official application. Applicants must submit the Pre-Application Review Questionnaire
below and schedule a meeting time with the City of Fort Lupton for a preliminary review of a land use
In order to schedule a pre-application review, submit the Questionnaire below by email to Once the Planning Department has received a completed
Questionnaire, you will be contacted to schedule a pre-application review meeting. Pre-application
reviews are held with the City of Fort Lupton’s Planning Department, Public Works, Building Inspector,
Police Department, Fire District and may include other departments as determined to be necessary.
Pre-Application Review Questionnaire
1) Applicant/Owner Name:
Applicant Company:
Phone: Email:
Company Webpage:
2) Representative Name:
Representative Company:
Phone: Email:
Pre-application meetings are held on Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. This completed form
must be submitted at least five business days prior to the requested meeting date. You will be
contacted by the Planning Department to confirm an available time once this form is received.
Generally, meetings begin at 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM or 11:00 AM. If you have preference on the
meeting start time, please note it in the space below and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Requested Time:
Site Address:
Parcel Number:
Existing Zone Classification: Proposed Zone Classification:
Currently in Violation? Yes No
Water Supply Source
Water Type: Name:
Sewage Disposal System
Sewage Type: District Name or Location Hauled to:
f existing wells and septic systems are present, please provide the date of installation and permit
Date of Installation: Permit Number:
Road Surface Type:
*If you require additional space to answer the questions below, please attach a separate page.
1) If this is a commercial or industrial development project, what type of development is planned?
E.g. building expansion, construction of a new building, etc. Provide height, square feet, etc.
2) F
or commercial or industrial development, provide a description of the type of business that will
operate at the site. Include at a minimum industry type, hours of operation, shift times, total
number of employees and number of employees onsite during various shifts, etc.
3) I
f this is a residential development project, what type of residential development is planned?
Include information such as single family, multi-family, number of units or homes, standard
me and lot size, etc.
4) P
lease provide estimated traffic that will be generated by the proposed development. I
pplicable, provide anticipated traffic at various times from employees, customers, deliveries, or
any other vehicles.
5) P
lease describe any loud noises or bright lights associated with the proposed development
including during construction, normal business operations or any other time.
6) D
escribe the current and proposed access(es) to the site. Also show the access(es) on the
required map described in Section E of this Questionnaire.
E. R
To obtain a pre-application review meeting, the applicant must provide the following items:
1) A fully completed Pre-Application Review Questionnaire.
2) An aerial or other map that shows the location of the proposed land use development. The map
should also include the location of any proposed structures on the site, parking areas, access and
traffic circulation.
For Office Use Only
Meeting Date:
Notes from Meeting:
Application Type:
Sketch Plat
Site Plan
Change of Zone
Preliminary Plat
Admin Site Plan
Comp Plan Amendment
Final Plat
Special Use Permit
PUD (Preliminary & Final)
Minor Subdivision
Oil & Gas Permit
Board of Adjustment
Amended Plat
Fees: Escrow: