File Number:
Talbot County Department of Planning and Zoning
215 Bay Street, Suite 2
Easton, Maryland 21601
Pre-Application Meeting Request
Proposed Project Name:
Physical Address of Property:
Tax Map: ______ Grid: Parcel: ______ Lot: _______ Size: Zone:
Name of Applicant:
Address of Applicant:
Telephone Number(s): (H) (C) Fax:
Email Address:
Applicant(s) Agent:
Agent’s Telephone Number(s): (H) (C) Fax:
Email Address:
Property Owner:
Telephone Number(s): (H) (C) Fax:
Email Address:
I would like to receive comments regarding the pre-application meeting via email address listed above.
A pre-application meeting may be required to determine what process this application shall be reviewed
under. In order for reviewing staff to provide you with accurate feedback and timely project placement
decisions, submit the following for review:
Site Plans need six (6) copies and one (1) additional copy if project is located on a State Highway.
Applicant shall provide a Concept Plan representing the current use(s) of the site, as well as all
existing structures and features. The plan should include any landscaping, fencing, signage, well
and septic information, building restriction lines, and designated parking, etc. that is located on the
site. Existing and proposed lot sizes, dimensions.
The Concept Plan shall also include proposed use(s) of the site, to include any interior and/or
exterior construction activity, as well as, any proposed subdivision or line revisions.
Floor plans with associated square footage of existing and proposed structures, as well as, the square
footage of all existing and proposed uses.
Any additional information pertinent to the use and/or development activity being proposed.
Brief, but detailed description of project:
Please return this completed form with the requested information and a representative of this Office
will contact you to schedule a Pre-Application Meeting.
Applicant or Agents Signature: Date:
vised: 06/29/17
Office Use Only:
Date Received:
Meeting Date: Meeting Time:
Health Department: Date: