Student Name
Current Street Address / City, State, Zip
Current phone # (include area code)
E-mail Address
Expiration date on visa (mm-dd-yyyy):
Expiration date on passport: (mm-dd-yyyy)
Program Major:
Anticipated graduation date:
International Student's Rights and Responsibilities
International F1 Students: Every semester you are a student at Prairie State College, the International
Advisors need to report to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service indicating that you have met
certain criteria associated with your student status. It is your responsibility to provide and submit proof of
the following to your International Advisor by Oct. 15 (fall semester) or Feb. 15 (spring semester). You
may also fax this information to (708) 709-3915, or scan and e-mail all documents to and
Emergency Contact person name and phone # in U.S.:
Emergency Contact person name and phone # in home country:
Expiration date on I-20: (Program End Date)
Understanding the Responsibilities and Rights of an International F1 Student
Please read through the following information provided for F1 students, initial by each statement, and
sign at the bottom indicating that you understand this information.
The F1 student visa and I-20 give you the rights listed below:
• The right to remain in the U.S. as long as you are a full-time student.
• The right to study at Prairie State College. If you wish to transfer to another F1 granting
school, you must request in person.
• The right to travel within the U.S. and outside of the U.S., and to return to the U.S. from
another country (as long as the I-20 is valid and signed by the International Student
Advisor at Prairie State College).
• The right to work on campus up to 20 hours a week during the school year.
The F1 student visa and I-20 require certain responsibilities listed below:
You must make sure to have a valid passport at all times. Your passport must contain an F1
You must be enrolled as a full-time student (12 credit hours per semester or more).
You must pay all Prairie State College student account balances in a timely fashion. You
may be deregistered from your classes if the student account balance is not paid by the
payment due dates.
You must notify the International Student Advisor if you plan to work on campus and
request a Social security number. You must not work off campus.
If your program of study requires an internship, you may accept an internship only
after 9 months of F-1 status.
If any of the personal information including name, address, emergency contact, academic
major, program end date, schedule, or funding changes you must notify the International
Student Advisor at Prairie State College.
Student Signature Date
You must attend all classes regularly. You may be deregistered from a class you do not attend.
Please be sure to sign up for PSC ALERT.
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