Prairie State College Classification Appeal
This form is due to your Supervisor/Director by (xx/xx/xxxx).
Your Name:
Your Supervisor’s Name:
Your Division:
Your Department:
Your Current Job Title:
Your Current Classification:
Please select the appeal option that most accurately reflects your situation,
and supply all requested information.
1. The class specification does not describe my job. (Please attach a
completed PDQ)
Please specify why you believe the proposed classification is not correct for
your position. Specify how your position differs from the proposed
classification. If you believe that the minimum qualifications or required
knowledge and skills are inappropriate, please indicate what qualifications
are appropriate and why.
2. My job fits better in a different classification than the one to which I
have been assigned. (Attach a copy of your PDQ and a copy of the
class specification that you believe is more appropriate)
Classification preferred:
Please specify why you believe the requested classification is more
appropriate for your position than the proposed classification. Relate duties
you perform to the essential duties, class concept and minimum qualifications
listed for the requested classification:
3. My job title does not fit my job. (Attach a copy of your PDQ)
Classification Class Title:
Please specify why you believe the requested title is more appropriate for
your classification than the proposed classification title:
4. My job has changed since I filled out my PDQ. (Attach a new or
updated PDQ)
New Classification:
Please specify why you believe the requested classification is more
appropriate for your position than the proposed classification. Relate duties
you perform to the essential duties, class concept and minimum qualifications
listed for the requested classification:
Use additional sheets if necessary
Employee Signature: Date:
Employee: Complete and forward this form to your department head for review and comment. Your
department head will review your request, make comments as appropriate and then forward it to the
Human Resources Department no later than (Date) . Appeals must include
department head comments and signatures.
Department Head or Designee Comments
I agree with the employee’s appeal.
I disagree with the employee’s appeal.
Department Head: Complete and forward this form to the Human Resources Department. The Human
Resources Department will review this request and make changes as appropriate. Please note that all
appeals must be filed with the Human Resources Department no later than (Date) .
Prairie State College Appeal Determination
1. This position is to be reallocated to:
2. This position is appropriately classified as:
3. Other:
Reviewer’s Signature Date