Practicum Reflection
General Information: The Practicum Reflection is to be completed by the CIEE TEFL student
after all 20 hours of practicum are completed. The Practicum Reflection is worth 8 points total.
To successfully pass the CIEE TEFL 150-Hour Certification course, a score of 4 must be achieved.
To receive distinction, a 7 or 8 must be achieved.
Instructions for CIEE TEFL Student: Complete this reflection over your practicum experience.
There is no word limit for this assignment. Answer the following prompts as fully as you need
to. Please consider filling out section 1 to help us gather information and improve CIEE TEFL’s
practicum experience for future students. Section 2 is required.
Section 1: Practicum Experience Survey (Optional)
I enjoyed my practicum experience
My practicum experience well prepared
me for my next role
received adequate support from CIEE
TEFL staff securing a practicum location
I understood the purpose of practicum
I felt the practicum requirements were
clearly outlined
The practicum expectations were fair
Section 2: Developing Skills
1. Were you able to identify your strengths as a developing teacher? If so, please describe
them in detail, using anecdotal support:
2. Were you able to identify areas of improvement as a developing teacher? If so, please
describe them in detail, using anecdotal support:
3. What concerns do you have about entering the classroom and/or about the teaching
4. What actionable steps do you plan to take to address your concerns and/or your most
significant areas for improvement? This should consist of two or three specific actions
you can take that likely will lead to improvement.
5. Do you intend on continuing to seek professional development opportunities after this
course? Why or why not?