Practicum Extension Request
To request an extension, please fill out the information below. Students must receive written
approval 14 days prior to the original due date of their practicum documentation. An extension
must not exceed 30 days from their original practicum due date.
I, , wish to request an extension for my practicum.
Currently, my practicum is due:
I am requesting an extension until:
In a few sentences, please describe why a practicum extension is being requested:
Pending CIEE TEFL’s approval, I understand that if I submit my practicum documentation later
than my requested extension, I will assume a late practicum grading fee.
Please review CIEE TEFL’s Late Practicum Grading Policy:
If a student requires more time to complete their practicum, they must get written approval
from CIEE TEFL at least 14 days prior to the due date of the practicum documentation by filling
out this form and submitting it to tefl@ciee.org. In the event that a student does not turn in
complete and required practicum documents within 30 days of week 10 and has not received
an approved extension, the student will have up to 180 days from the last day of week 10 to
complete their practicum for a $150 late grading fee. Practicum submitted after 180 days
from week 10 will not be reviewed and the course will be concluded.
To be completed by CIEE TEFL:
Date Requested:
Approval Granted: Approval Denied:
CIEE TEFL Signature:
click to sign
click to edit