This Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions (this “Declaration”) is made on this ___
day of ________, 20__ by ____________________, an Ohio ____________________ (the
A. Declarant owns certain property located in the City of Fairfield, Ohio as more
particularly described on the legal description attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated
herein by reference (the “Property”).
B. The Property is subject to Ohio EPA Permit No. OHCO00004, dated April 21,
2013, (hereinafter referred to as the “General Permit”), which General Permit requires Declarant
to submit a post-construction operation and maintenance plan for storm water facilities and
practices, and further requires implementation of the plan be ensured through recording of a
legally binding easement, agreement and/or other document.
C. In accordance with the General Permit, Declarant hereby agrees to restrict the use
of the Property as set forth in this Declaration, with the intent that such covenants and
restrictions run with the land.
NOW, THEREFORE, for valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are
hereby acknowledged, Declarant, for itself and its successors and assigns as owners of the
Property, hereby agrees as follows:
§1. Covenants and Restrictions. Declarant hereby agrees, for itself and its
successors and assigns as owners of the Property, that the Property shall be subject to the
following covenants and restrictions:
1. Declarant has submitted, and the City of Fairfield has approved, a post-
construction operation and maintenance for storm water facilities and practices
(hereinafter referred to as the “Maintenance Plan”), a copy of which Maintenance
Plan is attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference.
Declarant covenants that the owner of the Property shall be the designated entity
for the storm water inspection and maintenance responsibilities set forth in the
Maintenance Plan. The owner accordingly shall undertake any routine and/or
non-routine inspection and maintenance tasks set forth in the Maintenance Plan in
accordance with the schedule set forth in the Maintenance Plan.
2. Declarant hereby acknowledges that these covenants and restrictions run with the
land and the declarant will note on the individual property deed that the subject
parcel(s) have storm water management responsibilities as designated on the plat.
Specific storm water management responsibilities for this subdivision are as