Possession and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages
March 2006
Human Resources
Administrative Policy TBD Page 1 of 6
1.0 Possession and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages Objectives and Responsibilities
This alcohol policy, like other standards of conduct applicable to the College community, is intended to
further the educational mission of Columbia Basin College (CBC). CBCs mission includes the
development of ethically sensitive and responsible individuals who are able to understand and appreciate
the need for both individual freedom and to accept the restrictions intrinsic to living in a community. Thus,
while we balance personal liberty with responsibility, and educational opportunity with liability concerns,
our intent is to determine the appropriateness of alcohol at each event, attempting to strike the appropriate
balance of these conflicting principles.
The development of a philosophy and corresponding regulations concerning the use of alcoholic beverages
at CBC is challenging, yet essential. Such a policy must show concern for the health, safety and welfare of
all individuals (members of the campus community as well as those from outside the campus), and for the
social and educational environment of the College community. Thus, this policy includes statements
regarding our Consequences (Appendix A), Events with Alcohol Checklist (Appendix B) and Registration
Form for Events with Alcohol (Appendix C).
CBC strives to balance the following principles:
1.1 The CBC alcohol policy must be in compliance with the laws of the State of Washington, the local
community, and the College.
1.2 In our litigious society, institutions are often found to be liable for individual behavior, particularly
as to college students. At CBC functions, both on and off campus, we strive to minimize CBC’s
liability in this regard.
1.3 CBC strives to provide an educational setting in which students can learn about both the freedom
and the responsibility involved in the exercise of personal choice.
2.0 General Policy and Rules Governing Alcohol Use
The decision as to the extent and use of alcohol at CBC functions (on and off campus), and all non-CBC
functions on the CBC campus resides with the Vice President for Administration or his/her designated
2.1 CBC Prohibits:
2.1.1 The illegal or unauthorized possession, consumption, or sale of alcoholic beverages, or the
furnishing or possession of alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of 21 years on
property owned or controlled by the College or as part of any CBC event, or possession and
consumption of alcoholic beverages in unauthorized areas by those over 21 pursuant to
WAC 132S-40-165(8).
2.1.2 The consumption of alcoholic beverages by all College students and employees so as to 1)
adversely affect academic or job performance, 2) endanger the physical well-being of
others/oneself, and/or 3) leads to damage of property.
2.1.3 The possession, sale, distribution, promotion or consumption of an alcoholic beverage in a
manner that constitutes a violation of federal, state or local laws, including the sale, directly
or indirectly, of any alcoholic beverages at a premise or by an entity not licensed for such
sales on CBC property or as part of any CBC event. No state funds (including College and
student fees) may be used to purchase alcohol.
2.1.4 Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on campus for athletic contests or events unless
authorized by the President.
2.2 Policy for Events with Alcohol (on or off campus)
In order to minimize the risk of alcohol abuse, promote compliance with the law, and encourage all
campus constituents to make responsible decisions about alcohol, the following rules are designed
to control the volume and nature of alcohol products available, and ultimately, reduce the risk of
alcohol-related problems.
2.2.1 All events with alcohol available must be registered and subsequently approved by the Vice
President for Administration or his/her designated representative. In addition, student
organizations must also gain approval by the Vice President for Student Services or his/her
designated representative. Non-CBC groups must pay a deposit when the room reservation
is made. See the “Registration Form for Events with Alcohol” (see Appendix C).
2.2.2 At any event at which alcohol is available, sufficient quantities of non-alcoholic beverages
must be available. Food must also be available at no additional charge (above the cost of
the event).
2.2.3 Advertisements of social events with alcohol shall not promote or describe (text or
graphics) the availability of alcoholic beverages nor promote the consumption of alcohol by
2.2.4 College regulations prohibit the possession or consumption of any alcoholic beverage on
CBC grounds unless the College has sanctioned the location and/or conditions for
possession or consumption. The location of the event must identify an area where the
alcohol is served and consumed. This area must be secure so that only those individuals 21-
and-over have access to the serving area.
2.2.5 The service of alcohol at all on-campus events must stop one hour prior to the events’
ending time.
2.2.6 The social event organizers must properly dispose of any partially filled and empty alcohol
containers at the conclusion of the event.
2.2.7 Violators of this policy will be subject to College disciplinary actions.
Appendix A
All members of the CBC community are expected to comply with applicable local, state and
federal laws regarding the possession, use or sale of alcohol, whether on or off campus. All
members are expected to comply with all College regulations regarding alcohol possession or use
while on duty or on official state business, or in attendance at a CBC event, whether on or off-
campus. If attendance at an event is not urged by management and no state funds or resources are
used, and the event is not state business (i.e., you are attending a private party as a private
citizen), then members are not subject to this policy. At that point, while the decision to consume
alcohol belongs solely to the individual, he/she should use discretion as a CBC representative in
the community.
A. Any student who violates College policies or applicable law may be subject to
disciplinary actions and/or referral to the appropriate police department for
prosecution consideration purposes. Disciplinary actions for students may range
from warning to expulsion as provided by WAC 132S-40-170, Student Policies and
the CBC Student Handbook. The severity of action will depend, in part, on whether
this is a first incident or a repeat violation, the seriousness of the misconduct, and the
student’s attitude.
B. Any employee found to be in violation of this policy or applicable law may be
referred to an employee assistance program or alcohol treatment program through
the Human Resources Office, and subject to disciplinary action, which may include
termination from employment. By law, employee health coverage provides for some
treatment for alcohol dependency.
C. When Non-CBC groups violate this policy prior to the scheduled event, the event
will be cancelled. If a violation is found to have occurred during the event, the
sponsoring group will forfeit the deposit and may be charged additional fees as
D. Washington Revised Statutes related to alcohol generally include:
1. RCW 66.44.270 - Providing liquor to a person under the age of 21 years is illegal
and any violation of this law is a gross misdemeanor, and may result in penalties
pursuant to Chapter 9A.20 RCW.
2. RCW 66.44.200 Providing or selling liquor to an intoxicated person apparently
under the influence is an infraction punishable by a fine of not more than five-
hundred (500) dollars.
3. RCW 66.44.310 - Purchasing or possessing alcohol by a person under the age of
21 years or entering a licensed premise by a person under 21 is illegal, with a fine
of not more than $1,000. A person under 21 years of age who misrepresents
his/her age is in violation of this law, and if convicted is a misdemeanor
punishable by a fine of not more than a thousand (1,000) dollars or by
imprisonment in a county jail for not more than ninety (90) days, or both.
Appendix B
Events with Alcohol Checklist
1. All events with alcohol must be registered and approved by the Vice President for
Administration (or his/her representative). To register an event, the “Registration Form for
Events with Alcohol” (See Appendix C) must be completed and submitted for approval.
2. Alcohol must not be served to any person who is visibly intoxicated.
3. Individuals serving alcohol must be bartenders of legal age and properly trained.
4. Service of alcohol must stop one hour prior to the end of the event.
5. Adequate amounts of non-alcoholic beverages must be available to attendees. Food must also
be available, but not at an additional charge. The quantity of alcohol available for an event
must be limited to a reasonable amount to be consumed per person (i.e., at a rate of one drink
per hour).
6. Advertisements for the event may not promote alcohol in any manner (text or graphics) or
consumption of alcohol by minors. Copies of all advertisements shall be available for
7. At the conclusion of the event, all partially filled and empty alcohol containers must be
properly disposed.
Appendix C
Registration Form for Events with Alcohol
All CBC events, both those on and off campus, must be registered and pre-approved by the Vice
President for Administration at least three (3) weeks prior to the scheduled event. Please complete
all sections of this form and obtain the required signatures for approval. Refer to the “Events with
Alcohol Checklist” (see Appendix B) and the Possession and Consumption of Alcoholic
Beverages Policy.
Sponsoring Group: ___________________________________
*Deposit must be made when a room/facility is reserved.
Group Contact Person: ___________________________________________________________
Phone #: ____ /____ Addr/_____ _ ess: _____________________________________
Event (title): ___________________________________________________________________
Description: ___________________________________________________________________
Participants (check all that apply):
Faculty / Staff
Other: please specify:________________________________________________________.
Date of Event: _________________ Start Time: ___________ End Time: ________________
Location: _____________________________ Anticipated number of participants: ________
Type of alcohol service:
Cash Bar
Open Bar
Security Issues (please answer each question thoroughly, using additional paper if necessary):
1. Provide a diagram of the event, indicating where the alcohol will be served and the access
2. How will access to alcohol be controlled to ensure only those 21 or older will have access to
alcohol (ID verification, bracelets distributed, etc.)?
3. How will you monitor access in order to limit consumption to stay within reasonable health
guidelines and legal intoxication limits?
4. Who will be serving the alcohol? Describe what other beverages and food will be provided.
How will partially full and empty containers be disposed of?
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I have read and understand the CBC Possession and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages Policy
with the accompanying appendices. I agree to abide by the guidelines and rules of the CBC
alcohol policy, Washington regulations, and the laws of the State of Washington. If any rules are
not followed or adhered to, the event may be cancelled, the alcohol service may be immediately
terminated, and any deposit monies may be forfeited.
Group Representative: __________________________________ Date:____/_____/______
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Student event (requires approval of VP for Student Services or his/her designee)
V.P. for Student Services: ________________________________ Date: __/____/__ ____
V.P. for Administration: _________________________________ Date:___/_____/______
Not Approved
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Distribution of Approved Form:
Sponsoring Group’s Contact Person
VP for Student Students (if applicable)
Other: ___________________________________