Initiator: Date:
Phone: E-Mail:
Title of Classified Position Requested:
Is this position in a Unit Plan? Yes No If yes, please provide its location in the Unit
Please include the optimal number of hours/months for this position AND the minimum number of
hours/months for this position:
Number of Hours/week (optimal): Number of Hours/week (minimum):
Number of Months/year (optimal): Number of Months/year (minimum):
If the requested position is less than 12 months, which months (specifically) should this position work to
provide optimal coverage to the Division/Dept and provide maximum benefit to the students?
Percent Employment:
Please mark the boxes below that pertain to the requested position:
A new position
Current position that needs to be expanded
Position that was reduced in the past
Position that was eliminated in the past
Does this position already exist within the area it is being proposed?
(i.e. would this be an additional position of the same job description and/or classification in the
same area?)
To which College Goals is the requested position tied? Please explain.
Please provide the Classified Senate Hiring Priorities Committee with data to support your request. The
following categories should be addressed:
Increased FTES and FTEF and number of students that will be served by the proposed position. How
services or learning opportunities will be improved. How the needs of students and the institution will
be met. How will this position support student learning outcomes?
Is this position required to meet state, federal, and other regulatory mandates? Is this position required
to meet health and safety issues?
Staffing Issues
How would this position affect the performance of other staff? Would this position directly affect any
other current classified position? Please explain. Is this position needed to meet the needs of an
expansion or remodel of college facilities? Are temporary hourly employees currently being used to
meet the staffing needs?
What sources of funding, other than Fund 11, have been sought to fund this position? Has your
Division/Dept. collaborated either within your Division/Dept. or with other Divisions/Depts. to combine
mutual needs into one position so funding of the position can be shared? Please explain.
Charts/graphs/visual data to suport the Posistion Request may be submitted with the Position Request
Check here if submitting additional data (charts/graphs) with this Position Request: Yes No