Troy University
Position Requisition Memo
Director/Dean/AVC: ________________________
Senior Vice Chancellor of Division: ________________________
Senior Vice Chancellor of Finance: ________________________
Chancellor: ________________________
Title of Position: ___________________________ PeopleAdmin Position ID: ___________
___ Rell a vacancy
___ Create a new position
Justication for position:
Previous Employee Salary: __________ Planned Hiring Salary: ______________
How position will be funded:
__ Existing budgeted funds for position
__ Transfer $___________ from Position Title:_________________________ Position ID: ______________
__ Transfer funds from part-time account. Account number: _________________________________________
__ Other - Please explain:
Comments from Approvers:
Date _______________
Date _______________
Date _______________
Date _______________
FY ____ Budget Amount: ________________
FY ____ Budget Amount: ________________
Note: If you do not know the budgeted amounts for your
position, please review the position description in
PeopleAdmin rst, then call HR if you have any questions.
Reason for request
This must include a statement of critical need, and if applicable, cost savings generated from this action.
Salary Range: __________________ Step 1 of Salary Range (Classied Positions): Hourly ______ Annual __________
Previous Employee Name: _____________________________ Date Position Vacated: ______________
Complete this form to request approval to create a new position or rell a vacant position.
Credit hours taught: ______ Number of courses taught: ______ Revenue generated for one academic year: ____________