Troy University
Position Requisition Memo
Director/Dean/AVC: ________________________
Senior Vice Chancellor of Division: ________________________
Senior Vice Chancellor of Finance: ________________________
Chancellor: ________________________
Title of Position: ___________________________ PeopleAdmin Position ID: ___________
___ Rell a vacancy
___ Create a new position
Justication for position:
Previous Employee Salary: __________ Planned Hiring Salary: ______________
How position will be funded:
__ Existing budgeted funds for position
__ Transfer $___________ from Position Title:_________________________ Position ID: ______________
__ Transfer funds from part-time account. Account number: _________________________________________
__ Other - Please explain:
Comments from Approvers:
Date _______________
Date _______________
Date _______________
Date _______________
FY ____ Budget Amount: ________________
FY ____ Budget Amount: ________________
Note: If you do not know the budgeted amounts for your
position, please review the position description in
PeopleAdmin rst, then call HR if you have any questions.
Reason for request
This must include a statement of critical need, and if applicable, cost savings generated from this action.
Salary Range: __________________ Step 1 of Salary Range (Classied Positions): Hourly ______ Annual __________
Previous Employee Name: _____________________________ Date Position Vacated: ______________
Complete this form to request approval to create a new position or rell a vacant position.
Credit hours taught: ______ Number of courses taught: ______ Revenue generated for one academic year: ____________