Mail Redirection Service
Pos 800 (07/2019)
你的辦公室或府上喬遷 ,你可透
1. 郵件轉遞服務
1.1 香港郵政提供郵件轉遞服務(“轉遞服務”),安排把郵件從舊地址(“舊址”)轉遞至新
1.2 任何有意使用轉遞服務的人(“申請人”)須提交郵件轉遞服務申請表格(Pos 800)(“申
主申請人將代表申請表上註明的所有申請人申請轉遞服務,並於申請表第VIII部分簽署。 倘主
1.3 每份申請只可涉及一個舊址及一個新址。
1.4 除非本文另有說明,否則凡提述一天指一個工作天,一個月或一個月期間指一個曆月。
1.5 個別人士指自然人。
1.6 就向每位申請人為同一個舊址提供轉遞服務而言,商業/私人地址最多可申請連續15個曆月
2. 申請準備
2.1 申請人須在申請表所提供的空白位置內填寫與其身份證明文件相同的中英文姓名(如適用),
(a) 如申請人屬個別人士,須填寫香港身份證號碼的英文字母及頭3個數字(如該個別人士
(b) 如申請人並非個別人士,須填寫最新並有效的商業登記證號碼。
2.2 如申請人屬個別人士,主申請人須在申請表第VIII部分中簽署。
2.3 如申請人並非個別人士,主申請人須在申請表第VIII部分所提供的空白位置蓋上刻有其商業
2.4 如商業機構的僱員或前僱員有意使用轉遞服務,讓其個人郵件從屬於該商業機構的舊址轉遞
2.5 倘舊址用於超過一個商業機構,就轉遞服務而言,每個這類商業機構將被視作獨立申請人,
2.6 申請須在遷址後三個月內遞交。遞交申請時,必須連同舊址的有效證明一併遞交,而該證明
(一) 水費/電費/煤氣費/中央石油氣供應費用的收費單或發票;
(二) 固網電話/流動電話/收費電視/互聯網服務的收費單;
(三) 銀行、持牌放債人、保險公司或強制性公積金核准受託公司發出的結單或通知書;
(四) 政府部門或司法機構(法庭)發出的文件;或
(五) 下列機構發出的收費單、通知書或其他文件:
2.7 主申請人須擁有必需的權限代表申請人申請轉遞服務。
2.8 倘申請人屬個別人士,在遞交申請時須提交其身份證明文件的影印本或數碼版本。
2.9 倘申請人並非個別人士,在遞交申請時須提交其最新並有效的商業登記證的影印本或數碼版本。
2.10 倘主申請人由其指定代理人代其申請服務,代理人須提交其身份證明文件的影印本或數碼版本。
2.11 如申請人在遞交申請時未滿11歲,申請須由其父母或法定監護人代其提出,其父母或法定監
2.12 倘需為已故人士提出申請,申請須由已故人士的遺產代理人提出。除申請表外,還須提交必
2.13 倘申請人為正在清盤或已清盤的有限公司,申請須由獲該有限公司委任的受托人或破產管理
3. 提交申請
3.1 申請須以下列其中一種方式遞交:
(a) 親身交到香港郵政任何一間郵政局(“郵政局”); 或
(b) 郵寄至香港灣仔皇后大道東213號胡忠大廈2樓灣仔派遞局郵件轉遞組。
4. 評審申請
4.1 香港郵政署長有絕對酌情權接納或拒絕任何申請。
4.2 倘香港郵政署長合理地相信以下情況,申請會被拒絕:
(a) 舊址仍由申請人的同事/同一間公司合伙人/家庭成員佔用,包括申請人的父母、配偶、
(b) 處於舊址的任何人(包括但不限於屬於個別人士或合夥企業的任何合夥人的申請人的任
(c) 申請人並非永久遷出舊址;
(d) 舊址為從事特定範疇或活動的組織、酒店、旅舍、旅館、秘書處辦公室或商務中心的地
(e) 舊址是同一物業內分拆為不同單位及/或超過一個租戶(包括但不限於“劏房”)用作
4.3 除非申請人在提交轉遞某郵政信箱的郵件的申請時,已不再使用該郵政信箱,否則香港郵政
5. 服務細則
5.1 只有寄給獲批申請中的申請人的郵件才會獲得轉遞。任何寄往舊址的郵件如無法派遞,均會
5.2 寄往舊址的郵件上如註明多於一位收件人,除非所有在該郵件上所示的收件人都已取得轉遞
5.3 在一般情況下,香港郵政不會就轉遞至本地地址的郵件收取額外郵費。
5.4 寄自香港的郵件可以平郵方式轉遞至海外地址,惟收件人在收件時須支付本地與海外的郵資
5.5 除航空郵簡、航空信件、航空明信片及郵包外,香港郵政不會以空郵方式轉遞郵件至海外地址。
5.6 在海外以空郵投寄的失明人士刊物及宣傳品,例如目錄、小冊子及市場推廣資料,以及寄自
5.7 本地郵政速遞及易送遞的郵件不會獲轉遞至海外地址,有關郵件會被退回寄件人。
5.8 至於轉遞包裹,申請人會在郵件轉遞前收到電郵或電話通知,須繳付從香港郵寄至海外目的
5.9 香港郵政署長倘合理地相信以下情況出現,有權在任何時候暫停或提前終止轉遞服務:
(a) 轉遞服務正用作或涉及任何非法用途;
(b) 代表申請人提出的申請是沒有取得申請人的必需權限;或
(c) 處於舊址的任何人(包括但不限於屬於個別人士或合夥企業的任何合夥人的申請人的任
5.10 根據上文第5.9條暫停或提前終止轉遞服務而引致的任何損失或損毀,香港郵政概不負責。
5.11 香港郵政在任何情況下均不會退回顧客為轉遞服務支付的任何費用,包括但不限於任何暫停
5.12 在轉遞服務到期或提前終止時,所有郵件均會按地址派遞。任何寄往舊址但被視作無法派遞
6. 轉遞服務的應付費用
6.1 轉遞服務的各項收費如下: -
6.2 就根據第6.1條支付轉遞服務所訂明的收費而言,申請人若為《稅務條例》(第112章)第88
6.3 倘選擇前往郵政局遞交申請,上文第6.1條訂明的費用須以現金或劃線支票支付,支票抬頭
6.4 倘選擇以郵寄方式遞交申請,上文第6.1條訂明的費用須以劃線支票支付,支票抬頭為“香港
6.5 上文第6.1條訂明的費用或會有所調整。任何經調整的費用將在香港郵政公布有關調整的生效
7. 服務期
7.1 申請人須在申請表上註明屬意的轉遞服務生效日和要求的服務期。
7.2 申請人屬意的轉遞服務生效日,必須為由遞交申請日起計最少5個工作天後的日期。
7.3 除本文所載的條款另有相反規定外,就每項獲批准的申請而言,香港郵政會於生效日開始提
7.4 儘管有上文第7.3條的規定,如果獲批准申請的舊址屬於“商業回郵服務”的地址,香港郵政
8. 服務續期和服務更改
8.1 倘原來申請為期15個月的轉遞服務,或3個月的“商業回郵服務”(由生效日起計),則有
8.2 由生效日開始,主申請人可代表其申請中的所有申請人申請服務續期:-
(a) 如原來申請為期3個月的轉遞服務,只可申請續期6個月或12個月; 或
(b) 如原來申請為期9個月的轉遞服務,只可申請續期6個月。
8.3 任何服務續期申請須於續期生效日前最少 3個工作天遞交。
8.4 如剩餘的服務期少於6個月(服務期為由生效日起計最長連續15個月),續期申請不會被接
8.5 轉遞服務生效後,倘申請人要求將其郵件從舊址轉遞至新的指定地址(“第二新址”),而
(a) 涉及舊址與新址的任何未完成轉遞服務的已付費用,一概不會退回;
(b) 須根據上文第6.1條的規定,就涉及舊址與第二新址的轉遞服務支付費用;
(c) 涉及舊址與第二新址的服務期只可以是6個月或12個月,視乎原來轉遞服務申請剩餘的服
(d) 在任何情況下,轉遞服務的最長服務期為連續15個月(由原來申請的生效日起計);
(e) 相關要求須於舊址與第二新址的轉遞服務生效日前最少5個工作天遞交。
8.6 申請人應注意,香港郵政不會發出服務續期通知書或服務到期通知書。
9. 其他事項
9.1 有關評審任何提交的申請、提供轉遞服務、暫停或提前終止轉遞服務方面,香港郵政署長如
9.2 申請人須確保向香港郵政提交的資料正確無誤,並無遺漏。如資料有所變更,須妥為通知香
9.3 申請人應注意,如果在申請表上提供電郵地址,香港郵政會就申請人提交的申請及提供服務,
9.4 香港郵政不會就在履行轉遞服務時任何郵件(不論有否投保)的遺失、損壞、延誤、無法派
9.5 香港郵政可不時更改本文內的條款及細則。有關變更對所有申請人均具有約束力,而且在香
9.6 為本條款及細則所述目的而收集的個人資料只會用於評審本文提出的任何申請和提供轉遞服
9.7 申請人應注意,申請轉遞服務所提交的所有文件,包括申請表,一般不予退還。所有已遞交
9.8 根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》(第486章)第18及22條及附表1第6原則的規定,申請人有
(a) 水費電費煤氣費中央石油氣供應費用的收費單或發票;
(b) 固網電話流動電話收費電視互聯網服務的收費單;
(c) 銀行、持牌放債人、保險公司或強制性公積金核准受託公司發出的結單或通知書;
(d) 政府部門或司法機構(法庭)發出的文件;或
(e) 下列機構發出的收費單、通知書或其他文件:
出示 遞交地址證明時,不論影印本、傳真及數碼版本(經流動電話或電腦傳送)均可接受。
2.7 主申請人須擁有必需的權限代表申請人申請轉遞服務。
2.8 倘申請人屬個別人士,在遞交申請時須提交其身份證明文件的影印本或數碼版本。
2.9 倘申請人並非個別人士,在遞交申請時須提交其最新並有效的商業登記證的影印本或數碼版本。
2.10 倘主申請人由其指定代理人代其申請服務,代理人須提交其身份證明文件的影印本或數碼版本。
2.11 如申請人在遞交申請時未滿11歲,申請須由其父母或法定監護人代其提出,其父母或法定監
2.12 倘需為已故人士提出申請,申請須由已故人士的遺產代理人提出。除申請表外,還須提交必
2.13 倘申請人為正在清盤或已清盤的有限公司,申請須由獲該有限公司委任的受托人或破產管理
3. 提交申請
3.1 申請須以下列其中一種方式遞交:
(a) 親身交到香港郵政任何一間郵政局(“郵政局”); 或
(b) 郵寄至香港灣仔皇后大道東213號胡忠大廈2樓灣仔派遞局郵件轉遞組。
4. 評審申請
4.1 香港郵政署長有絕對酌情權接納或拒絕任何申請。
4.2 倘香港郵政署長合理地相信以下情況,申請會被拒絕:
(a) 舊址仍由申請人的同事/同一間公司合伙人/家庭成員佔用,包括申請人的父母、配偶、
(b) 處於舊址的任何人(包括但不限於屬於個別人士或合夥企業的任何合夥人的申請人的任
(c) 申請人並非永久遷出舊址;
(d) 舊址為從事特定範疇或活動的組織、酒店、旅舍、旅館、秘書處辦公室或商務中心的地
(e) 舊址是同一物業內分拆為不同單位及/或超過一個租戶(包括但不限於“劏房”)用作
4.3 除非申請人在提交轉遞某郵政信箱的郵件的申請時,已不再使用該郵政信箱,否則香港郵政
5. 服務細則
5.1 只有寄給獲批申請中的申請人的郵件才會獲得轉遞。任何寄往舊址的郵件如無法派遞,均會
(一) 水費/電費/煤氣費/中央石油氣供應費用的收費單或發票;
(二) 固網電話/流動電話/收費電視/互聯網服務的收費單;
(三) 銀行、持牌放債人、保險公司或強制性公積金核准受託公司發出的結單或通知書;
(四) 政府部門或司法機構(法庭)發出的文件;或
(五) 下列機構發出的收費單、通知書或其他文件:
2.7 主申請人須擁有必需的權限代表申請人申請轉遞服務。
2.8 倘申請人屬個別人士,在遞交申請時須提交其身份證明文件的影印本或數碼版本。
2.9 倘申請人並非個別人士,在遞交申請時須提交其最新並有效的商業登記證的影印本或數碼版本。
2.10 倘主申請人由其指定代理人代其申請服務,代理人須提交其身份證明文件的影印本或數碼版本。
2.11 如申請人在遞交申請時未滿11歲,申請須由其父母或法定監護人代其提出,其父母或法定監
2.12 倘需為已故人士提出申請,申請須由已故人士的遺產代理人提出。除申請表外,還須提交必
2.13 倘申請人為正在清盤或已清盤的有限公司,申請須由獲該有限公司委任的受托人或破產管理
3. 提交申請
3.1 申請須以下列其中一種方式遞交:
(a) 親身交到香港郵政任何一間郵政局(“郵政局”); 或
(b) 郵寄至香港灣仔皇后大道東213號胡忠大廈2樓灣仔派遞局郵件轉遞組。
4. 評審申請
4.1 香港郵政署長有絕對酌情權接納或拒絕任何申請。
4.2 倘香港郵政署長合理地相信以下情況,申請會被拒絕:
(a) 舊址仍由申請人的同事/同一間公司合伙人/家庭成員佔用,包括申請人的父母、配偶、
(b) 處於舊址的任何人(包括但不限於屬於個別人士或合夥企業的任何合夥人的申請人的任
(c) 申請人並非永久遷出舊址;
(d) 舊址為從事特定範疇或活動的組織、酒店、旅舍、旅館、秘書處辦公室或商務中心的地
(e) 舊址是同一物業內分拆為不同單位及/或超過一個租戶(包括但不限於“劏房”)用作
4.3 除非申請人在提交轉遞某郵政信箱的郵件的申請時,已不再使用該郵政信箱,否則香港郵政
5. 服務細則
5.1 只有寄給獲批申請中的申請人的郵件才會獲得轉遞。任何寄往舊址的郵件如無法派遞,均會
5.2 寄往舊址的郵件上如註明多於一位收件人,除非所有在該郵件上所示的收件人都已取得轉遞
5.3 在一般情況下,香港郵政不會就轉遞至本地地址的郵件收取額外郵費。
5.4 寄自香港的郵件可以平郵方式轉遞至海外地址,惟收件人在收件時須支付本地與海外的郵資
5.5 除航空郵簡、航空信件、航空明信片及郵包外,香港郵政不會以空郵方式轉遞郵件至海外地址。
5.6 在海外以空郵投寄的失明人士刊物及宣傳品,例如目錄、小冊子及市場推廣資料,以及寄自
5.7 本地郵政速遞及易送遞的郵件不會獲轉遞至海外地址,有關郵件會被退回寄件人。
5.8 至於轉遞包裹,申請人會在郵件轉遞前收到電郵或電話通知,須繳付從香港郵寄至海外目的
5.9 香港郵政署長倘合理地相信以下情況出現,有權在任何時候暫停或提前終止轉遞服務:
(a) 轉遞服務正用作或涉及任何非法用途;
(b) 代表申請人提出的申請是沒有取得申請人的必需權限;或
(c) 處於舊址的任何人(包括但不限於屬於個別人士或合夥企業的任何合夥人的申請人的任
5.10 根據上文第5.9條暫停或提前終止轉遞服務而引致的任何損失或損毀,香港郵政概不負責。
5.11 香港郵政在任何情況下均不會退回顧客為轉遞服務支付的任何費用,包括但不限於任何暫停
5.12 在轉遞服務到期或提前終止時,所有郵件均會按地址派遞。任何寄往舊址但被視作無法派遞
6. 轉遞服務的應付費用
6.1 轉遞服務的各項收費如下: -
6.2 就根據第6.1條支付轉遞服務所訂明的收費而言,申請人若為《稅務條例》(第112章)第88
6.3 倘選擇前往郵政局遞交申請,上文第6.1條訂明的費用須以現金或劃線支票支付,支票抬頭
6.4 倘選擇以郵寄方式遞交申請,上文第6.1條訂明的費用須以劃線支票支付,支票抬頭為“香港
6.5 上文第6.1條訂明的費用或會有所調整。任何經調整的費用將在香港郵政公布有關調整的生效
7. 服務期
7.1 申請人須在申請表上註明屬意的轉遞服務生效日和要求的服務期。
不超過最初3個月 其後每6個月
每個商業用戶 港幣409元 港幣512元
每個私人用戶 港幣136元 港幣172元
7.2 申請人屬意的轉遞服務生效日,必須為由遞交申請日起計最少5個工作天後的日期。
7.3 除本文所載的條款另有相反規定外,就每項獲批准的申請而言,香港郵政會於生效日開始提
7.4 儘管有上文第7.3條的規定,如果獲批准申請的舊址屬於“商業回郵服務”的地址,香港郵政
8. 服務續期和服務更改
8.1 倘原來申請為期15個月的轉遞服務,或3個月的“商業回郵服務”(由生效日起計),則有
8.2 由生效日開始,主申請人可代表其申請中的所有申請人申請服務續期:-
(a) 如原來申請為期3個月的轉遞服務,只可申請續期6個月或12個月; 或
(b) 如原來申請為期9個月的轉遞服務,只可申請續期6個月。
8.3 任何服務續期申請須於續期生效日前最少 3個工作天遞交。
8.4 如剩餘的服務期少於6個月(服務期為由生效日起計最長連續15個月),續期申請不會被接
8.5 轉遞服務生效後,倘申請人要求將其郵件從舊址轉遞至新的指定地址(“第二新址”),而
(a) 涉及舊址與新址的任何未完成轉遞服務的已付費用,一概不會退回;
(b) 須根據上文第6.1條的規定,就涉及舊址與第二新址的轉遞服務支付費用;
(c) 涉及舊址與第二新址的服務期只可以是6個月或12個月,視乎原來轉遞服務申請剩餘的服
(d) 在任何情況下,轉遞服務的最長服務期為連續15個月(由原來申請的生效日起計);
(e) 相關要求須於舊址與第二新址的轉遞服務生效日前最少5個工作天遞交。
8.6 申請人應注意,香港郵政不會發出服務續期通知書或服務到期通知書。
9. 其他事項
9.1 有關評審任何提交的申請、提供轉遞服務、暫停或提前終止轉遞服務方面,香港郵政署長如
9.2 申請人須確保向香港郵政提交的資料正確無誤,並無遺漏。如資料有所變更,須妥為通知香
9.3 申請人應注意,如果在申請表上提供電郵地址,香港郵政會就申請人提交的申請及提供服務,
9.4 香港郵政不會就在履行轉遞服務時任何郵件(不論有否投保)的遺失、損壞、延誤、無法派
9.5 香港郵政可不時更改本文內的條款及細則。有關變更對所有申請人均具有約束力,而且在香
9.6 為本條款及細則所述目的而收集的個人資料只會用於評審本文提出的任何申請和提供轉遞服
9.7 申請人應注意,申請轉遞服務所提交的所有文件,包括申請表,一般不予退還。所有已遞交
9.8 根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》(第486章)第18及22條及附表1第6原則的規定,申請人有
(一) 水費/電費/煤氣費/中央石油氣供應費用的收費單或發票;
(二) 固網電話/流動電話/收費電視/互聯網服務的收費單;
(三) 銀行、持牌放債人、保險公司或強制性公積金核准受託公司發出的結單或通知書;
(四) 政府部門或司法機構(法庭)發出的文件;或
(五) 下列機構發出的收費單、通知書或其他文件:
2.7 主申請人須擁有必需的權限代表申請人申請轉遞服務。
2.8 倘申請人屬個別人士,在遞交申請時須提交其身份證明文件的影印本或數碼版本。
2.9 倘申請人並非個別人士,在遞交申請時須提交其最新並有效的商業登記證的影印本或數碼版本。
2.10 倘主申請人由其指定代理人代其申請服務,代理人須提交其身份證明文件的影印本或數碼版本。
2.11 如申請人在遞交申請時未滿11歲,申請須由其父母或法定監護人代其提出,其父母或法定監
2.12 倘需為已故人士提出申請,申請須由已故人士的遺產代理人提出。除申請表外,還須提交必
2.13 倘申請人為正在清盤或已清盤的有限公司,申請須由獲該有限公司委任的受托人或破產管理
3. 提交申請
3.1 申請須以下列其中一種方式遞交:
(a) 親身交到香港郵政任何一間郵政局(“郵政局”); 或
(b) 郵寄至香港灣仔皇后大道東213號胡忠大廈2樓灣仔派遞局郵件轉遞組。
4. 評審申請
4.1 香港郵政署長有絕對酌情權接納或拒絕任何申請。
4.2 倘香港郵政署長合理地相信以下情況,申請會被拒絕:
(a) 舊址仍由申請人的同事/同一間公司合伙人/家庭成員佔用,包括申請人的父母、配偶、
(b) 處於舊址的任何人(包括但不限於屬於個別人士或合夥企業的任何合夥人的申請人的任
(c) 申請人並非永久遷出舊址;
(d) 舊址為從事特定範疇或活動的組織、酒店、旅舍、旅館、秘書處辦公室或商務中心的地
(e) 舊址是同一物業內分拆為不同單位及/或超過一個租戶(包括但不限於“劏房”)用作
4.3 除非申請人在提交轉遞某郵政信箱的郵件的申請時,已不再使用該郵政信箱,否則香港郵政
5. 服務細則
5.1 只有寄給獲批申請中的申請人的郵件才會獲得轉遞。任何寄往舊址的郵件如無法派遞,均會
5.2 寄往舊址的郵件上如註明多於一位收件人,除非所有在該郵件上所示的收件人都已取得轉遞
5.3 在一般情況下,香港郵政不會就轉遞至本地地址的郵件收取額外郵費。
5.4 寄自香港的郵件可以平郵方式轉遞至海外地址,惟收件人在收件時須支付本地與海外的郵資
5.5 除航空郵簡、航空信件、航空明信片及郵包外,香港郵政不會以空郵方式轉遞郵件至海外地址。
5.6 在海外以空郵投寄的失明人士刊物及宣傳品,例如目錄、小冊子及市場推廣資料,以及寄自
5.7 本地郵政速遞及易送遞的郵件不會獲轉遞至海外地址,有關郵件會被退回寄件人。
5.8 至於轉遞包裹,申請人會在郵件轉遞前收到電郵或電話通知,須繳付從香港郵寄至海外目的
5.9 香港郵政署長倘合理地相信以下情況出現,有權在任何時候暫停或提前終止轉遞服務:
(a) 轉遞服務正用作或涉及任何非法用途;
(b) 代表申請人提出的申請是沒有取得申請人的必需權限;或
(c) 處於舊址的任何人(包括但不限於屬於個別人士或合夥企業的任何合夥人的申請人的任
5.10 根據上文第5.9條暫停或提前終止轉遞服務而引致的任何損失或損毀,香港郵政概不負責。
5.11 香港郵政在任何情況下均不會退回顧客為轉遞服務支付的任何費用,包括但不限於任何暫停
5.12 在轉遞服務到期或提前終止時,所有郵件均會按地址派遞。任何寄往舊址但被視作無法派遞
6. 轉遞服務的應付費用
6.1 轉遞服務的各項收費如下: -
6.2 就根據第6.1條支付轉遞服務所訂明的收費而言,申請人若為《稅務條例》(第112章)第88
6.3 倘選擇前往郵政局遞交申請,上文第6.1條訂明的費用須以現金或劃線支票支付,支票抬頭
6.4 倘選擇以郵寄方式遞交申請,上文第6.1條訂明的費用須以劃線支票支付,支票抬頭為“香港
6.5 上文第6.1條訂明的費用或會有所調整。任何經調整的費用將在香港郵政公布有關調整的生效
7. 服務期
7.1 申請人須在申請表上註明屬意的轉遞服務生效日和要求的服務期。
例子一 例子二 例子三
連續 15個月
7.2 申請人屬意的轉遞服務生效日,必須為由遞交申請日起計最少5個工作天後的日期。
7.3 除本文所載的條款另有相反規定外,就每項獲批准的申請而言,香港郵政會於生效日開始提
7.4 儘管有上文第7.3條的規定,如果獲批准申請的舊址屬於“商業回郵服務”的地址,香港郵政
8. 服務續期和服務更改
8.1 倘原來申請為期15個月的轉遞服務,或3個月的“商業回郵服務”(由生效日起計),則有
8.2 由生效日開始,主申請人可代表其申請中的所有申請人申請服務續期:-
(a) 如原來申請為期3個月的轉遞服務,只可申請續期6個月或12個月; 或
(b) 如原來申請為期9個月的轉遞服務,只可申請續期6個月。
8.3 任何服務續期申請須於續期生效日前最少 3個工作天遞交。
8.4 如剩餘的服務期少於6個月(服務期為由生效日起計最長連續15個月),續期申請不會被接
8.5 轉遞服務生效後,倘申請人要求將其郵件從舊址轉遞至新的指定地址(“第二新址”),而
(a) 涉及舊址與新址的任何未完成轉遞服務的已付費用,一概不會退回;
(b) 須根據上文第6.1條的規定,就涉及舊址與第二新址的轉遞服務支付費用;
(c) 涉及舊址與第二新址的服務期只可以是6個月或12個月,視乎原來轉遞服務申請剩餘的服
(d) 在任何情況下,轉遞服務的最長服務期為連續15個月(由原來申請的生效日起計);
(e) 相關要求須於舊址與第二新址的轉遞服務生效日前最少5個工作天遞交。
8.6 申請人應注意,香港郵政不會發出服務續期通知書或服務到期通知書。
9. 其他事項
9.1 有關評審任何提交的申請、提供轉遞服務、暫停或提前終止轉遞服務方面,香港郵政署長如
9.2 申請人須確保向香港郵政提交的資料正確無誤,並無遺漏。如資料有所變更,須妥為通知香
9.3 申請人應注意,如果在申請表上提供電郵地址,香港郵政會就申請人提交的申請及提供服務,
9.4 香港郵政不會就在履行轉遞服務時任何郵件(不論有否投保)的遺失、損壞、延誤、無法派
9.5 香港郵政可不時更改本文內的條款及細則。有關變更對所有申請人均具有約束力,而且在香
9.6 為本條款及細則所述目的而收集的個人資料只會用於評審本文提出的任何申請和提供轉遞服
9.7 申請人應注意,申請轉遞服務所提交的所有文件,包括申請表,一般不予退還。所有已遞交
9.8 根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》(第486章)第18及22條及附表1第6原則的規定,申請人有
(a) 水費/電費/煤氣費/中央石油氣供應費用的收費單或發票;
(b) 固網電話/流動電話/收費電視/互聯網服務的收費單;
(c) 銀行、持牌放債人、保險公司或強制性公積金核准受託公司發出的結單或通知書;
(d) 政府部門或司法機構(法庭)發出的文件;或
(e) 下列機構發出的收費單、通知書或其他文件:
2.7 主申請人須擁有必需的權限代表申請人申請轉遞服務。
2.8 倘申請人屬個別人士,在遞交申請時須提交其身份證明文件的影印本或數碼版本。
2.9 倘申請人並非個別人士,在遞交申請時須提交其最新並有效的商業登記證的影印本或數碼版本。
2.10 倘主申請人由其指定代理人代其申請服務,代理人須提交其身份證明文件的影印本或數碼版本。
2.11 如申請人在遞交申請時未滿11歲,申請須由其父母或法定監護人代其提出,其父母或法定監
2.12 倘需為已故人士提出申請,申請須由已故人士的遺產代理人提出。除申請表外,還須提交必
2.13 倘申請人為正在清盤或已清盤的有限公司,申請須由獲該有限公司委任的受托人或破產管理
3. 提交申請
3.1 申請須以下列其中一種方式遞交:
(a) 親身交到香港郵政任何一間郵政局(“郵政局”); 或
(b) 郵寄至香港灣仔皇后大道東213號胡忠大廈2樓灣仔派遞局郵件轉遞組。
4. 評審申請
4.1 香港郵政署長有絕對酌情權接納或拒絕任何申請。
4.2 倘香港郵政署長合理地相信以下情況,申請會被拒絕:
(a) 舊址仍由申請人的同事/同一間公司合伙人/家庭成員佔用,包括申請人的父母、配偶、
(b) 處於舊址的任何人(包括但不限於屬於個別人士或合夥企業的任何合夥人的申請人的任
(c) 申請人並非永久遷出舊址;
(d) 舊址為從事特定範疇或活動的組織、酒店、旅舍、旅館、秘書處辦公室或商務中心的地
(e) 舊址是同一物業內分拆為不同單位及/或超過一個租戶(包括但不限於“劏房”)用作
4.3 除非申請人在提交轉遞某郵政信箱的郵件的申請時,已不再使用該郵政信箱,否則香港郵政
5. 服務細則
5.1 只有寄給獲批申請中的申請人的郵件才會獲得轉遞。任何寄往舊址的郵件如無法派遞,均會
5.2 寄往舊址的郵件上如註明多於一位收件人,除非所有在該郵件上所示的收件人都已取得轉遞
5.3 在一般情況下,香港郵政不會就轉遞至本地地址的郵件收取額外郵費。
5.4 寄自香港的郵件可以平郵方式轉遞至海外地址,惟收件人在收件時須支付本地與海外的郵資
5.5 除航空郵簡、航空信件、航空明信片及郵包外,香港郵政不會以空郵方式轉遞郵件至海外地址。
5.6 在海外以空郵投寄的失明人士刊物及宣傳品,例如目錄、小冊子及市場推廣資料,以及寄自
5.7 本地郵政速遞及易送遞的郵件不會獲轉遞至海外地址,有關郵件會被退回寄件人。
5.8 至於轉遞包裹,申請人會在郵件轉遞前收到電郵或電話通知,須繳付從香港郵寄至海外目的
5.9 香港郵政署長倘合理地相信以下情況出現,有權在任何時候暫停或提前終止轉遞服務:
(a) 轉遞服務正用作或涉及任何非法用途;
(b) 代表申請人提出的申請是沒有取得申請人的必需權限;或
(c) 處於舊址的任何人(包括但不限於屬於個別人士或合夥企業的任何合夥人的申請人的任
5.10 根據上文第5.9條暫停或提前終止轉遞服務而引致的任何損失或損毀,香港郵政概不負責。
5.11 香港郵政在任何情況下均不會退回顧客為轉遞服務支付的任何費用,包括但不限於任何暫停
5.12 在轉遞服務到期或提前終止時,所有郵件均會按地址派遞。任何寄往舊址但被視作無法派遞
6. 轉遞服務的應付費用
6.1 轉遞服務的各項收費如下: -
6.2 就根據第6.1條支付轉遞服務所訂明的收費而言,申請人若為《稅務條例》(第112章)第88
6.3 倘選擇前往郵政局遞交申請,上文第6.1條訂明的費用須以現金或劃線支票支付,支票抬頭
6.4 倘選擇以郵寄方式遞交申請,上文第6.1條訂明的費用須以劃線支票支付,支票抬頭為“香港
6.5 上文第6.1條訂明的費用或會有所調整。任何經調整的費用將在香港郵政公布有關調整的生效
7. 服務期
7.1 申請人須在申請表上註明屬意的轉遞服務生效日和要求的服務期。
7.2 申請人屬意的轉遞服務生效日,必須為由遞交申請日起計最少5個工作天後的日期。
7.3 除本文所載的條款另有相反規定外,就每項獲批准的申請而言,香港郵政會於生效日開始提
7.4 儘管有上文第7.3條的規定,如果獲批准申請的舊址屬於“商業回郵服務”的地址,香港郵政
8. 服務續期和服務更改
8.1 倘原來申請為期15個月的轉遞服務,或3個月的“商業回郵服務”(由生效日起計),則有
8.2 由生效日開始,主申請人可代表其申請中的所有申請人申請服務續期:-
(a) 如原來申請為期3個月的轉遞服務,只可申請續期6個月或12個月; 或
(b) 如原來申請為期9個月的轉遞服務,只可申請續期6個月。
8.3 任何服務續期申請須於續期生效日前最少 3個工作天遞交。
8.4 如剩餘的服務期少於6個月(服務期為由生效日起計最長連續15個月),續期申請不會被接
8.5 轉遞服務生效後,倘申請人要求將其郵件從舊址轉遞至新的指定地址(“第二新址”),而
(a) 涉及舊址與新址的任何未完成轉遞服務的已付費用,一概不會退回;
(b) 須根據上文第6.1條的規定,就涉及舊址與第二新址的轉遞服務支付費用;
(c) 涉及舊址與第二新址的服務期只可以是6個月或12個月,視乎原來轉遞服務申請剩餘的服
(d) 在任何情況下,轉遞服務的最長服務期為連續15個月(由原來申請的生效日起計);
(e) 相關要求須於舊址與第二新址的轉遞服務生效日前最少5個工作天遞交。
8.6 申請人應注意,香港郵政不會發出服務續期通知書或服務到期通知書。
9. 其他事項
9.1 有關評審任何提交的申請、提供轉遞服務、暫停或提前終止轉遞服務方面,香港郵政署長如
9.2 申請人須確保向香港郵政提交的資料正確無誤,並無遺漏。如資料有所變更,須妥為通知香
9.3 申請人應注意,如果在申請表上提供電郵地址,香港郵政會就申請人提交的申請及提供服務,
9.4 香港郵政不會就在履行轉遞服務時任何郵件(不論有否投保)的遺失、損壞、延誤、無法派
9.5 香港郵政可不時更改本文內的條款及細則。有關變更對所有申請人均具有約束力,而且在香
9.6 為本條款及細則所述目的而收集的個人資料只會用於評審本文提出的任何申請和提供轉遞服
9.7 申請人應注意,申請轉遞服務所提交的所有文件,包括申請表,一般不予退還。所有已遞交
9.8 根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》(第486章)第18及22條及附表1第6原則的規定,申請人有
you’re moving, it’s easy to arrange for your mail to be
redirected from your business and residential addresses to your new
process your application and we will notify you by letter when
redirection service commences.
address, in Hong Kong or overseas. We take five working days to
Terms & Conditions of Mail Redirection Service
1. Mail Redirection Service
1.1 Hongkong Post provides Mail Redirection Service (“Service”), an arrangement for
mails to be redirected from an old address (“Old Address”) to a new address (“New
1.2 Anyone wishing to use the Service (“Applicant”) shall submit an application for
redirection of correspondence (Pos 800) (“Application Form”) with supporting
document(s) (“Application”) and shall be bound by the terms and conditions
contained herein and contained in the Application Form. If there is more than one
Applicant under an Application Form, an Applicant shall be nominated as the
Principal Applicant in Section III of the Application Form who shall apply for the
Services for and on behalf of all Applicants under that Application Form and sign in
Section VIII of the Application Form (”Principal Applicant”). In the case of an
individual, the Principal Applicant shall be of the age of 18 or above.
1.3 Each Application shall be in respect of one Old Address and one New Address only.
1.4 Unless otherwise specified herein, references to a day mean a working day and
references to a month or a monthly period mean a calendar month.
1.5 Individual(s) means natural person(s).
1.6 The Service in respect of each Applicant in connection with the same Old Address
shall only be provided for a maximum of 15 consecutive calendar months and a
maximum of 3 consecutive calendar months counting from the commencement
date of the Service (“Commencement Date”) for business/private address and
Business Reply Service respectively. No further extension on the period of the
Service shall be allowed.
2. Preparation of Applications
2.1 An Applicant shall state his/her/its name in both English and Chinese (if applicable)
as it appears on the Applicant’s identity document in the space provided in the
Application Form as follows:-
(a) In the case of an individual, the English alphabet and the first 3 digits of his/her
Hong Kong identity card (or the birth certificate number in the case of an
individual who is under the age of 11 at the time of submission of the Application)
or passport (whichever applicable); or
(b) In cases other than an individual, the number of its latest valid Business Registration
2.2 In the case of an individual, the Principal Applicant shall sign in Section VIII of the
Application Form.
2.3 In cases other than an individual, the Principal Applicant shall stamp with the chop
bearing the name of the business entity in the space provided in Section VIII of the
Application Form.
2.4 An employee or ex-employee of a business entity wishing to use the Service to have
his/her personal mails to be redirected from an Old Address which belongs to such
business entity to a New Address shall make his/her own Application and be
charged with the rate for a private user under Clause 6.1. In addition to anything
required herein, a written proof showing that such Applicant is an employee or
ex-employee of such business entity and such business entity has no objection to
the Applicant applying for the Service under this clause shall be submitted at the
time of the submission of the Application.
2.5 If the Old Address is used for more than one business entity, each such entity shall be
regarded as a separate Applicant for the purpose of the Service and shall be
charged separately. If the registered address of a business entity has been
accepted as the Old Address of the Service, its subsidiary (e.g. identifiable from the
same first eight digits in the Business Registration Certificate number), sole proprietor,
any party of the joint venture, any partner of the partnership and any director of the
limited company, will not be separately charged when the New Address is a
business address.
2.6 An Application shall be submitted within 3 months after removal. Valid proof of the Old
Address issued within the last 3 months from the date of submission of the Application
shall be submitted together with the Application. Document, bill or notice issued by
organisations listed below, with the name and address of the applicant and the name
of issuing organisation and the date of issue clearly shown, is accepted as valid proof of
address, which include:
(a) bills or invoices issued by public bodies (utility bills for water, electricity, towngas or
centralised liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) services);
(b) bills of fixed line telephone, mobile phone, pay television or Internet services;
(c) statements or notices issued by banks, licensed money lenders, insurance compa-
nies or Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Approved Trustees;
(d) documents issued by government departments or the Judiciary; or
(e) bills, notices or other documents issued by the following organisations:
public organisations (e.g. Hong Kong Housing Authority), companies supplying
vehicle with petrol, diesel and LPG in Hong Kong and charitable organisations (e.g.
UNICEF, Orbis, Oxfam and the Community Chest).
Submitting or presenting proof of address in the form of photocopy, facsimile copy or
digital copy (sent by mobile phone or computer) is also accepted.
2.7 The Principal Applicant shall have the requisite authority to apply for the Service for
and on behalf of the Applicant(s).
2.8 If an Applicant is an individual, a photocopy or digital copy of his/her identity
document shall be submitted in the Application.
2.9 In cases other than an individual, a photocopy or digital copy of the latest valid
Business Registration Certificate shall be submitted in the Application.
2.10 If the Principal Applicant appoints an agent to apply for the Service, a photocopy or
digital copy of the agent’s identity document shall be submitted.
2.11 If an Application is made in respect of an Applicant who is under the age of 11 at the
time of the submission of the Application, the Application shall be made for and on
behalf of the Applicant by his/her parent or legal guardian. The parent or the legal
guardian shall also be the Principal Applicant. In addition to the Application Form
together with the necessary documents including those required in respect of an
Applicant who is an individual, a photocopy of the birth certificate of the Applicant
(if the Principal Applicant is the Applicant’s parent) or a photocopy of a document
such as court order proving that the Principal Applicant is the legal guardian of the
Applicant at the time of the submission of the Application shall be submitted.
2.12 If an Application is made in respect of an Applicant who is deceased, such Application
shall be made by the personal representative of the deceased. In addition to the
Application Form together with the necessary documents including those required
in respect of an Applicant who is an individual, photocopies of (i) the death certificate
or the Cremation Permit of the deceased and (ii) a certificate of the Grant of
Probate or the Letter of Administration of the deceased shall be submitted.
2.13 If an Application is made in respect of an Applicant which is a limited company being
wound up or has been wound up, such Application shall be made by the trustee
appointed for the limited company or the Official Receiver. In addition to the
Application Form together with the necessary documents including those
required in respect of an Applicant who is a limited company, photocopy of
document(s) confirming the appointment of the trustee or the Official Receiver
shall be submitted.
3. Submission of Applications
3.1 An Application shall be submitted either:-
(a) by hand to any post office of Hongkong Post (“Post Office”); or
(b) by post to the Mail Redirection Section, Wanchai Delivery Office, 2/F, Wu Chung
House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
4. Assessment of Applications
4.1 The Postmaster General of Hongkong Post (“Postmaster General”) shall have the
absolute discretion in accepting or declining any Application(s).
4.2 An Application will be declined if the Postmaster General reasonably believes that:
(a) the Old Address is still occupied by colleagues /partners of the same company /
family members, including parents, spouse, siblings of the Applicant (in case the
Applicant is an individual) who can redirect the mail items to the Applicant;
(b) any person at the Old Address (including but not limited to any family member,
colleague of an Applicant who is an individual or any partner of a partnership)
has objected to the Service to be provided to a particular Applicant of the
(c) the Applicant has not permanently vacated from the Old Address;
(d) the Old Address is an address of an association dedicated to a particular interest
or activity, hotel, boarding house, lodging house, secretariat office or business
centre; or
(e) the Old Address is subdivided into different units and/or more than one tenant in
the same property (including but not limited to “multi-dwellers” residential
premises) that is only served as a central point or mailbox for receiving mail
4.3 No Application in respect of an Old Address which is the address of a Post Office
Box will be accepted unless the Post Office Box has ceased to be used by an
Applicant at the time of submission of the Application in respect of such Post
Office Box.
5. Conditions of the Service
5.1 Only mail items addressing to the Applicant(s) of an approved Application will be
redirected. Any undeliverable mail items addressed to the Old Address will be
returned to their senders. For the avoidance of doubt, mails addressing to an
Applicant who is an individual bearing only a Christian name will not be
5.2 If a mail item for the Old Address has more than one addressee, unless all addressees
indicated on the mail item have used the Service, the mail item will be delivered to
the address written on the mail item i.e. Old Address. Any undeliverable mail items
addressed to the Old Address will be returned to their senders.
5.3 No additional postage charge will be imposed to a mail item that will be redirected
to local address normally.
5.4 Mail items posted in Hong Kong can be redirected to an overseas address by surface
provided that any additional charges for the difference between the local and
foreign rate of postage will be paid on delivery.
5.5 No mail items will be redirected by air to an overseas address, except aerogrammes,
airmail letters, airmail postcards and packets.
5.6 Literature for the Blind and promotional items, such as catalogues, pamphlets and
marketing materials posted from abroad by air, and letter post items posted from
abroad by surface may be redirected to an overseas address by surface with no
additional charge.
5.7 Local CouerierPost and Smart Post items will not be redirected to an overseas address
and the respective items will be returned to the senders.
5.8 For redirection of parcels to an overseas address, the Applicant(s) will be notified by
e-mail or phone to settle a fresh postage from Hong Kong to overseas destination
before the redirection. The redirection will be arranged when the Applicant(s) settles
the postage. If the Applicant(s) either refuses to pay or cannot be contacted, the
items will be returned to the sender. Normally, parcels originating abroad are
excluded from redirection arrangements unless specifically requested by the Appli-
cant. When an insured parcel is redirected from one country to another, a further
insurance fee has to be paid. If fees are not prepaid, they will be collected from the
addressee on delivery.
5.9 The Postmaster General shall have the right to suspend or early terminate the Service
at any time if he/she reasonably believes that:
(a) the Service is being used for or in connection with any illegal purpose;
(b) an Application has been made for and on behalf of any Applicant thereof without
the requisite authority of the Applicant; or
(c) any person at the Old Address (including but not limited to any family member,
colleague of an Applicant who is an individual or any partner of a partnership)
has objected to the Service to be provided to a particular Applicant of the
5.10 Hongkong Post shall not in any way be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever
arising from suspension or early termination of the Service under Clause 5.9 above.
5.11 In any event including but not limited to any suspension or early termination, no
refund of any fees paid for the Service will be made.
5.12 Upon expiration or early termination of the Service, all mail items will be delivered as
per addressed. Any mail items deemed undeliverable to the Old Address will be
returned to their senders.
6. Fees Payable for the Service
6.1 The following respective fees shall be paid for the provision of the Service:-
In the case of an individual, the fees for the private users shall be paid. In cases
other than an individual , the fees for the business users shall be paid.
6.2 For the purpose of payment of fees for the provision of the Service under this Clause
6.1, an Applicant which is a charitable institution or a trust of a public character
having been granted tax exemption under section 88 of the Inland Revenue
Ordinance (Cap. 112) may pay the fee for private users for the provision of the
Service. A copy of proof showing the Applicant’s registration under section 88 of
the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) shall be submitted in the Application.
6.3 If an Application is submitted by hand, payment of the fees set out in Clause 6.1
above shall be made in cash or by a crossed cheque in the name of “Postmaster
6.4 If an Application is submitted by post, payment of the fees set out in Clause 6.1 above
shall be made by a crossed cheque in the name of “Postmaster General”. Please
do not send cash by post.
6.5 Fees set out in Clause 6.1 above may be subject to adjustment. Any adjusted fees shall
apply upon the effective date of adjustment announced by Hongkong Post.
7. Period of the Service
7.1 Applicant(s) shall indicate in the Application Form the preferred Commencement
Date and the required period of the Service.
7.2 The preferred Commencement Date shall be at least 5 working days after the date
of submission of the Application.
7.3 Subject to provisions herein to the contrary, Hongkong Post shall provide the Service
in respect of each approved Application for a period of either 3, 9 or 15 months
from the Commencement Date. The Service in respect of each Applicant in
connection with the same Old Address shall only be provided for a maximum of 15
consecutive calendar months counting from the Commencement Date for
business/private address. No extension on the period of the Service shall be
7.4 Notwithstanding Clause 7.3 above, Hongkong Post shall provide the Service in respect
of each approved Application for a maximum of 3 consecutive months from the
Commencement Date if the Old Address of an approved Application is under
“Business Reply Service”.
8. Service Extension and Change of the Service
8.1 No extension of Service period shall be allowed if the Service is originally for a period
of 15 months counting from the Commencement Date. For “Business Reply
Service”, no extension of Service period shall be allowed if the Service is originally for
a period of 3 months counting from the Commencement Date.
8.2 Upon the Commencement Date, the Principal Applicant may apply to extend the
Service for and on behalf of all Applicants in the Application:-
(a) for a period of 6 or 12 months only if the Service is originally for a period of 3
months; or
(b) for a period of 6 months only if the Service is originally for a period of 9 months.
8.3 Any application of Service extension shall be made at least 3 working days before
the commencement date of the service extension.
8.4 No Service extension will be provided if the remaining period, in the maximum 15
consecutive months counting from the Commencement Date, is less than 6
months. Applicant(s) shall take this restriction into account when preparing and
submitting its Application to apply for an extension of the period of the Service.
Examples are set out below for the sake of clarity:-
8.5 After the Service commences, if the Applicant requests to have the mails to be
redirected from the Old Address to a newly specified address (“2nd New Address”)
instead of the address originally submitted as the New Address in the Application
(a) no refund of fees paid for any unfinished Service in connection with the Old
Address and the New Address shall be made;
(b) fresh fees shall be paid in respect of the Service in connection with the Old
Address and the 2nd New Address according to Clause 6.1 above;
(c) the period of the Service in connection with the Old Address and the 2nd New
Address shall only be for a period of 6 or 12 months, subject to the remaining
service period of the original Application;
(d) in any event, the Service shall only be provided for a maximum of 15 consecutive
months counting from the Commencement Date of the original Application;
(e) such request shall be made at least 5 working days before the commencement
date of the service in connection with the Old Address and 2nd New Address.
8.6 Applicants shall note that no reminder for Service extension or expiry of the Service
will be issued.
9. Other Matters
9.1 In respect of the assessment of any Application submitted, the provision of the Service
or suspension or early termination of the Service, the Postmaster General may
request an Applicant to provide further information and/or supporting
document(s) if deemed necessary. Failure of an Applicant to do so may
jeopardise the chance of approval of any Application made herein. If the
Postmaster General considers that the Applicant has failed to provide such
supporting document(s), the Postmaster General shall be entitled to reject the
Application or, by serving the client a 7-day prior written notice, terminate the
9.2 Applicant(s) shall ensure that information provided to Hongkong Post is complete and
accurate. Hongkong Post shall be duly notified should there be any change of the
9.3 Applicant(s) should note that if an email address is provided in the Application Form,
it will be used for communication purpose in respect of the Application submitted
and the provision of the Service.
9.4 Hongkong Post gives no warranty, indemnity or representation for and shall not be
liable for the loss, damage, delay, non-delivery or misdelivery of anything sent by
post, whether insured or not when performing the Service.
9.5 The provisions herein may be varied from time to time by Hongkong Post. Such
variation shall bind all Applicants and shall be effective upon the variation being
announced on the website of
Hongkong Post. All Applicants shall keep themselves
updated by checking the website of Hongkong Post from time to time.
9.6 Personal data collected for the purposes herein shall only be used for or in connection
with the assessment of any Application made herein and the provision of the
9.7 Applicant(s) should note that all documents, including the Application Form, submitted
for the purposes herein may not be returned. Any supporting document will be
disposed of by Hongkong Post upon verification. In case the Application is submitted
by hand to the Post Office, the supporting document will be returned after verification.
9.8 Applicants have a right of access and correction with respect to personal data as
provided for in sections 18 and 22 and principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data
(Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486).
Terms & Conditions of Mail Redirection Service
1. Mail Redirection Service
1.1 Hongkong Post provides Mail Redirection Service (“Service”), an arrangement for
mails to be redirected from an old address (“Old Address”) to a new address (“New
1.2 Anyone wishing to use the Service (“Applicant”) shall submit an application for
redirection of correspondence (Pos 800) (“Application Form”) with supporting
document(s) (“Application”) and shall be bound by the terms and conditions
contained herein and contained in the Application Form. If there is more than one
Applicant under an Application Form, an Applicant shall be nominated as the
Principal Applicant in Section III of the Application Form who shall apply for the
Services for and on behalf of all Applicants under that Application Form and sign in
Section VIII of the Application Form (”Principal Applicant”). In the case of an
individual, the Principal Applicant shall be of the age of 18 or above.
1.3 Each Application shall be in respect of one Old Address and one New Address only.
1.4 Unless otherwise specified herein, references to a day mean a working day and
references to a month or a monthly period mean a calendar month.
1.5 Individual(s) means natural person(s).
1.6 The Service in respect of each Applicant in connection with the same Old Address
shall only be provided for a maximum of 15 consecutive calendar months and a
maximum of 3 consecutive calendar months counting from the commencement
date of the Service (“Commencement Date”) for business/private address and
Business Reply Service respectively. No further extension on the period of the
Service shall be allowed.
2. Preparation of Applications
2.1 An Applicant shall state his/her/its name in both English and Chinese (if applicable)
as it appears on the Applicant’s identity document in the space provided in the
Application Form as follows:-
(a) In the case of an individual, the English alphabet and the first 3 digits of his/her
Hong Kong identity card (or the birth certificate number in the case of an
individual who is under the age of 11 at the time of submission of the Application)
or passport (whichever applicable); or
(b) In cases other than an individual, the number of its latest valid Business Registration
2.2 In the case of an individual, the Principal Applicant shall sign in Section VIII of the
Application Form.
2.3 In cases other than an individual, the Principal Applicant shall stamp with the chop
bearing the name of the business entity in the space provided in Section VIII of the
Application Form.
2.4 An employee or ex-employee of a business entity wishing to use the Service to have
his/her personal mails to be redirected from an Old Address which belongs to such
business entity to a New Address shall make his/her own Application and be
charged with the rate for a private user under Clause 6.1. In addition to anything
required herein, a written proof showing that such Applicant is an employee or
ex-employee of such business entity and such business entity has no objection to
the Applicant applying for the Service under this clause shall be submitted at the
time of the submission of the Application.
2.5 If the Old Address is used for more than one business entity, each such entity shall be
regarded as a separate Applicant for the purpose of the Service and shall be
charged separately. If the registered address of a business entity has been
accepted as the Old Address of the Service, its subsidiary (e.g. identifiable from the
same first eight digits in the Business Registration Certificate number), sole proprietor,
any party of the joint venture, any partner of the partnership and any director of the
limited company, will not be separately charged when the New Address is a
business address.
2.6 An Application shall be submitted within 3 months after removal. Valid proof of the Old
Address issued within the last 3 months from the date of submission of the Application
shall be submitted together with the Application. Document, bill or notice issued by
organisations listed below, with the name and address of the applicant and the name
of issuing organisation and the date of issue clearly shown, is accepted as valid proof of
address, which include:
(a) bills or invoices issued by public bodies (utility bills for water, electricity, towngas or
centralised liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) services);
(b) bills of fixed line telephone, mobile phone, pay television or Internet services;
(c) statements or notices issued by banks, licensed money lenders, insurance compa-
nies or Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Approved Trustees;
(d) documents issued by government departments or the Judiciary; or
(e) bills, notices or other documents issued by the following organisations:
public organisations (e.g. Hong Kong Housing Authority), companies supplying
vehicle with petrol, diesel and LPG in Hong Kong and charitable organisations (e.g.
UNICEF, Orbis, Oxfam and the Community Chest).
Submitting or presenting proof of address in the form of photocopy, facsimile copy or
digital copy (sent by mobile phone or computer) is also accepted.
2.7 The Principal Applicant shall have the requisite authority to apply for the Service for
and on behalf of the Applicant(s).
2.8 If an Applicant is an individual, a photocopy or digital copy of his/her identity
document shall be submitted in the Application.
2.9 In cases other than an individual, a photocopy or digital copy of the latest valid
Business Registration Certificate shall be submitted in the Application.
2.10 If the Principal Applicant appoints an agent to apply for the Service, a photocopy or
digital copy of the agent’s identity document shall be submitted.
2.11 If an Application is made in respect of an Applicant who is under the age of 11 at the
time of the submission of the Application, the Application shall be made for and on
behalf of the Applicant by his/her parent or legal guardian. The parent or the legal
guardian shall also be the Principal Applicant. In addition to the Application Form
together with the necessary documents including those required in respect of an
Applicant who is an individual, a photocopy of the birth certificate of the Applicant
(if the Principal Applicant is the Applicant’s parent) or a photocopy of a document
such as court order proving that the Principal Applicant is the legal guardian of the
Applicant at the time of the submission of the Application shall be submitted.
2.12 If an Application is made in respect of an Applicant who is deceased, such Application
shall be made by the personal representative of the deceased. In addition to the
Application Form together with the necessary documents including those required
in respect of an Applicant who is an individual, photocopies of (i) the death certificate
or the Cremation Permit of the deceased and (ii) a certificate of the Grant of
Probate or the Letter of Administration of the deceased shall be submitted.
2.13 If an Application is made in respect of an Applicant which is a limited company being
wound up or has been wound up, such Application shall be made by the trustee
appointed for the limited company or the Official Receiver. In addition to the
Application Form together with the necessary documents including those
required in respect of an Applicant who is a limited company, photocopy of
document(s) confirming the appointment of the trustee or the Official Receiver
shall be submitted.
3. Submission of Applications
3.1 An Application shall be submitted either:-
(a) by hand to any post office of Hongkong Post (“Post Office”); or
(b) by post to the Mail Redirection Section, Wanchai Delivery Office, 2/F, Wu Chung
House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
4. Assessment of Applications
4.1 The Postmaster General of Hongkong Post (“Postmaster General”) shall have the
absolute discretion in accepting or declining any Application(s).
4.2 An Application will be declined if the Postmaster General reasonably believes that:
(a) the Old Address is still occupied by colleagues /partners of the same company /
family members, including parents, spouse, siblings of the Applicant (in case the
Applicant is an individual) who can redirect the mail items to the Applicant;
(b) any person at the Old Address (including but not limited to any family member,
colleague of an Applicant who is an individual or any partner of a partnership)
has objected to the Service to be provided to a particular Applicant of the
(c) the Applicant has not permanently vacated from the Old Address;
(d) the Old Address is an address of an association dedicated to a particular interest
or activity, hotel, boarding house, lodging house, secretariat office or business
centre; or
(e) the Old Address is subdivided into different units and/or more than one tenant in
the same property (including but not limited to “multi-dwellers” residential
premises) that is only served as a central point or mailbox for receiving mail
4.3 No Application in respect of an Old Address which is the address of a Post Office
Box will be accepted unless the Post Office Box has ceased to be used by an
Applicant at the time of submission of the Application in respect of such Post
Office Box.
5. Conditions of the Service
5.1 Only mail items addressing to the Applicant(s) of an approved Application will be
redirected. Any undeliverable mail items addressed to the Old Address will be
returned to their senders. For the avoidance of doubt, mails addressing to an
Applicant who is an individual bearing only a Christian name will not be
5.2 If a mail item for the Old Address has more than one addressee, unless all addressees
indicated on the mail item have used the Service, the mail item will be delivered to
the address written on the mail item i.e. Old Address. Any undeliverable mail items
addressed to the Old Address will be returned to their senders.
5.3 No additional postage charge will be imposed to a mail item that will be redirected
to local address normally.
5.4 Mail items posted in Hong Kong can be redirected to an overseas address by surface
provided that any additional charges for the difference between the local and
foreign rate of postage will be paid on delivery.
5.5 No mail items will be redirected by air to an overseas address, except aerogrammes,
airmail letters, airmail postcards and packets.
5.6 Literature for the Blind and promotional items, such as catalogues, pamphlets and
marketing materials posted from abroad by air, and letter post items posted from
abroad by surface may be redirected to an overseas address by surface with no
additional charge.
5.7 Local CouerierPost and Smart Post items will not be redirected to an overseas address
and the respective items will be returned to the senders.
5.8 For redirection of parcels to an overseas address, the Applicant(s) will be notified by
e-mail or phone to settle a fresh postage from Hong Kong to overseas destination
before the redirection. The redirection will be arranged when the Applicant(s) settles
the postage. If the Applicant(s) either refuses to pay or cannot be contacted, the
items will be returned to the sender. Normally, parcels originating abroad are
excluded from redirection arrangements unless specifically requested by the Appli-
cant. When an insured parcel is redirected from one country to another, a further
insurance fee has to be paid. If fees are not prepaid, they will be collected from the
addressee on delivery.
5.9 The Postmaster General shall have the right to suspend or early terminate the Service
at any time if he/she reasonably believes that:
(a) the Service is being used for or in connection with any illegal purpose;
(b) an Application has been made for and on behalf of any Applicant thereof without
the requisite authority of the Applicant; or
(c) any person at the Old Address (including but not limited to any family member,
colleague of an Applicant who is an individual or any partner of a partnership)
has objected to the Service to be provided to a particular Applicant of the
5.10 Hongkong Post shall not in any way be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever
arising from suspension or early termination of the Service under Clause 5.9 above.
5.11 In any event including but not limited to any suspension or early termination, no
refund of any fees paid for the Service will be made.
5.12 Upon expiration or early termination of the Service, all mail items will be delivered as
per addressed. Any mail items deemed undeliverable to the Old Address will be
returned to their senders.
6. Fees Payable for the Service
6.1 The following respective fees shall be paid for the provision of the Service:-
In the case of an individual, the fees for the private users shall be paid. In cases
other than an individual , the fees for the business users shall be paid.
6.2 For the purpose of payment of fees for the provision of the Service under this Clause
6.1, an Applicant which is a charitable institution or a trust of a public character
having been granted tax exemption under section 88 of the Inland Revenue
Ordinance (Cap. 112) may pay the fee for private users for the provision of the
Service. A copy of proof showing the Applicant’s registration under section 88 of
the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) shall be submitted in the Application.
6.3 If an Application is submitted by hand, payment of the fees set out in Clause 6.1
above shall be made in cash or by a crossed cheque in the name of “Postmaster
6.4 If an Application is submitted by post, payment of the fees set out in Clause 6.1 above
shall be made by a crossed cheque in the name of “Postmaster General”. Please
do not send cash by post.
6.5 Fees set out in Clause 6.1 above may be subject to adjustment. Any adjusted fees shall
apply upon the effective date of adjustment announced by Hongkong Post.
7. Period of the Service
7.1 Applicant(s) shall indicate in the Application Form the preferred Commencement
Date and the required period of the Service.
7.2 The preferred Commencement Date shall be at least 5 working days after the date
of submission of the Application.
7.3 Subject to provisions herein to the contrary, Hongkong Post shall provide the Service
in respect of each approved Application for a period of either 3, 9 or 15 months
from the Commencement Date. The Service in respect of each Applicant in
connection with the same Old Address shall only be provided for a maximum of 15
consecutive calendar months counting from the Commencement Date for
business/private address. No extension on the period of the Service shall be
7.4 Notwithstanding Clause 7.3 above, Hongkong Post shall provide the Service in respect
of each approved Application for a maximum of 3 consecutive months from the
Commencement Date if the Old Address of an approved Application is under
“Business Reply Service”.
8. Service Extension and Change of the Service
8.1 No extension of Service period shall be allowed if the Service is originally for a period
of 15 months counting from the Commencement Date. For “Business Reply
Service”, no extension of Service period shall be allowed if the Service is originally for
a period of 3 months counting from the Commencement Date.
8.2 Upon the Commencement Date, the Principal Applicant may apply to extend the
Service for and on behalf of all Applicants in the Application:-
(a) for a period of 6 or 12 months only if the Service is originally for a period of 3
months; or
(b) for a period of 6 months only if the Service is originally for a period of 9 months.
8.3 Any application of Service extension shall be made at least 3 working days before
the commencement date of the service extension.
8.4 No Service extension will be provided if the remaining period, in the maximum 15
consecutive months counting from the Commencement Date, is less than 6
months. Applicant(s) shall take this restriction into account when preparing and
submitting its Application to apply for an extension of the period of the Service.
Examples are set out below for the sake of clarity:-
8.5 After the Service commences, if the Applicant requests to have the mails to be
redirected from the Old Address to a newly specified address (“2nd New Address”)
instead of the address originally submitted as the New Address in the Application
(a) no refund of fees paid for any unfinished Service in connection with the Old
Address and the New Address shall be made;
(b) fresh fees shall be paid in respect of the Service in connection with the Old
Address and the 2nd New Address according to Clause 6.1 above;
(c) the period of the Service in connection with the Old Address and the 2nd New
Address shall only be for a period of 6 or 12 months, subject to the remaining
service period of the original Application;
(d) in any event, the Service shall only be provided for a maximum of 15 consecutive
months counting from the Commencement Date of the original Application;
(e) such request shall be made at least 5 working days before the commencement
date of the service in connection with the Old Address and 2nd New Address.
8.6 Applicants shall note that no reminder for Service extension or expiry of the Service
will be issued.
9. Other Matters
9.1 In respect of the assessment of any Application submitted, the provision of the Service
or suspension or early termination of the Service, the Postmaster General may
request an Applicant to provide further information and/or supporting
document(s) if deemed necessary. Failure of an Applicant to do so may
jeopardise the chance of approval of any Application made herein. If the
Postmaster General considers that the Applicant has failed to provide such
supporting document(s), the Postmaster General shall be entitled to reject the
Application or, by serving the client a 7-day prior written notice, terminate the
9.2 Applicant(s) shall ensure that information provided to Hongkong Post is complete and
accurate. Hongkong Post shall be duly notified should there be any change of the
9.3 Applicant(s) should note that if an email address is provided in the Application Form,
it will be used for communication purpose in respect of the Application submitted
and the provision of the Service.
9.4 Hongkong Post gives no warranty, indemnity or representation for and shall not be
liable for the loss, damage, delay, non-delivery or misdelivery of anything sent by
post, whether insured or not when performing the Service.
9.5 The provisions herein may be varied from time to time by Hongkong Post. Such
variation shall bind all Applicants and shall be effective upon the variation being
announced on the website of Hongkong Post. All Applicants shall keep themselves
updated by checking the website of Hongkong Post from time to time.
9.6 Personal data collected for the purposes herein shall only be used for or in connection
with the assessment of any Application made herein and the provision of the
9.7 Applicant(s) should note that all documents, including the Application Form, submitted
for the purposes herein may not be returned. Any supporting document will be
disposed of by Hongkong Post upon verification. In case the Application is submitted
by hand to the Post Office, the supporting document will be returned after verification.
9.8 Applicants have a right of access and correction with respect to personal data as
provided for in sections 18 and 22 and principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data
(Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486).
Terms & Conditions of Mail Redirection Service
1. Mail Redirection Service
1.1 Hongkong Post provides Mail Redirection Service (“Service”), an arrangement for
mails to be redirected from an old address (“Old Address”) to a new address (“New
1.2 Anyone wishing to use the Service (“Applicant”) shall submit an application for
redirection of correspondence (Pos 800) (“Application Form”) with supporting
document(s) (“Application”) and shall be bound by the terms and conditions
contained herein and contained in the Application Form. If there is more than one
Applicant under an Application Form, an Applicant shall be nominated as the
Principal Applicant in Section III of the Application Form who shall apply for the
Services for and on behalf of all Applicants under that Application Form and sign in
Section VIII of the Application Form (”Principal Applicant”). In the case of an
individual, the Principal Applicant shall be of the age of 18 or above.
1.3 Each Application shall be in respect of one Old Address and one New Address only.
1.4 Unless otherwise specified herein, references to a day mean a working day and
references to a month or a monthly period mean a calendar month.
1.5 Individual(s) means natural person(s).
1.6 The Service in respect of each Applicant in connection with the same Old Address
shall only be provided for a maximum of 15 consecutive calendar months and a
maximum of 3 consecutive calendar months counting from the commencement
date of the Service (“Commencement Date”) for business/private address and
Business Reply Service respectively. No further extension on the period of the
Service shall be allowed.
2. Preparation of Applications
2.1 An Applicant shall state his/her/its name in both English and Chinese (if applicable)
as it appears on the Applicant’s identity document in the space provided in the
Application Form as follows:-
(a) In the case of an individual, the English alphabet and the first 3 digits of his/her
Hong Kong identity card (or the birth certificate number in the case of an
individual who is under the age of 11 at the time of submission of the Application)
or passport (whichever applicable); or
(b) In cases other than an individual, the number of its latest valid Business Registration
2.2 In the case of an individual, the Principal Applicant shall sign in Section VIII of the
Application Form.
2.3 In cases other than an individual, the Principal Applicant shall stamp with the chop
bearing the name of the business entity in the space provided in Section VIII of the
Application Form.
2.4 An employee or ex-employee of a business entity wishing to use the Service to have
his/her personal mails to be redirected from an Old Address which belongs to such
business entity to a New Address shall make his/her own Application and be
charged with the rate for a private user under Clause 6.1. In addition to anything
required herein, a written proof showing that such Applicant is an employee or
ex-employee of such business entity and such business entity has no objection to
the Applicant applying for the Service under this clause shall be submitted at the
time of the submission of the Application.
2.5 If the Old Address is used for more than one business entity, each such entity shall be
regarded as a separate Applicant for the purpose of the Service and shall be
charged separately. If the registered address of a business entity has been
accepted as the Old Address of the Service, its subsidiary (e.g. identifiable from the
same first eight digits in the Business Registration Certificate number), sole proprietor,
any party of the joint venture, any partner of the partnership and any director of the
limited company, will not be separately charged when the New Address is a
business address.
2.6 An Application shall be submitted within 3 months after removal. Valid proof of the Old
Address issued within the last 3 months from the date of submission of the Application
shall be submitted together with the Application. Document, bill or notice issued by
organisations listed below, with the name and address of the applicant and the name
of issuing organisation and the date of issue clearly shown, is accepted as valid proof of
address, which include:
(a) bills or invoices issued by public bodies (utility bills for water, electricity, towngas or
centralised liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) services);
(b) bills of fixed line telephone, mobile phone, pay television or Internet services;
(c) statements or notices issued by banks, licensed money lenders, insurance compa-
nies or Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Approved Trustees;
(d) documents issued by government departments or the Judiciary; or
(e) bills, notices or other documents issued by the following organisations:
public organisations (e.g. Hong Kong Housing Authority), companies supplying
vehicle with petrol, diesel and LPG in Hong Kong and charitable organisations (e.g.
UNICEF, Orbis, Oxfam and the Community Chest).
Submitting or presenting proof of address in the form of photocopy, facsimile copy
or digital copy (sent by mobile phone or computer) is also accepted.
2.7 The Principal Applicant shall have the requisite authority to apply for the Service for
and on behalf of the Applicant(s).
2.8 If an Applicant is an individual, a photocopy or digital copy of his/her identity
document shall be submitted in the Application.
2.9 In cases other than an individual, a photocopy or digital copy of the latest valid
Business Registration Certificate shall be submitted in the Application.
2.10 If the Principal Applicant appoints an agent to apply for the Service, a photocopy or
digital copy of the agent’s identity document shall be submitted.
2.11 If an Application is made in respect of an Applicant who is under the age of 11 at the
time of the submission of the Application, the Application shall be made for and on
behalf of the Applicant by his/her parent or legal guardian. The parent or the legal
guardian shall also be the Principal Applicant. In addition to the Application Form
together with the necessary documents including those required in respect of an
Applicant who is an individual, a photocopy of the birth certificate of the Applicant
(if the Principal Applicant is the Applicant’s parent) or a photocopy of a document
such as court order proving that the Principal Applicant is the legal guardian of the
Applicant at the time of the submission of the Application shall be submitted.
2.12 If an Application is made in respect of an Applicant who is deceased, such Application
shall be made by the personal representative of the deceased. In addition to the
Application Form together with the necessary documents including those required
in respect of an Applicant who is an individual, photocopies of (i) the death certificate
or the Cremation Permit of the deceased and (ii) a certificate of the Grant of
Probate or the Letter of Administration of the deceased shall be submitted.
2.13 If an Application is made in respect of an Applicant which is a limited company being
wound up or has been wound up, such Application shall be made by the trustee
appointed for the limited company or the Official Receiver. In addition to the
Application Form together with the necessary documents including those
required in respect of an Applicant who is a limited company, photocopy of
document(s) confirming the appointment of the trustee or the Official Receiver
shall be submitted.
3. Submission of Applications
3.1 An Application shall be submitted either:-
(a) by hand to any post office of Hongkong Post (“Post Office”); or
(b) by post to the Mail Redirection Section, Wanchai Delivery Office, 2/F, Wu Chung
House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
4. Assessment of Applications
4.1 The Postmaster General of Hongkong Post (“Postmaster General”) shall have the
absolute discretion in accepting or declining any Application(s).
4.2 An Application will be declined if the Postmaster General reasonably believes that:
(a) the Old Address is still occupied by colleagues /partners of the same company /
family members, including parents, spouse, siblings of the Applicant (in case the
Applicant is an individual) who can redirect the mail items to the Applicant;
(b) any person at the Old Address (including but not limited to any family member,
colleague of an Applicant who is an individual or any partner of a partnership)
has objected to the Service to be provided to a particular Applicant of the
(c) the Applicant has not permanently vacated from the Old Address;
(d) the Old Address is an address of an association dedicated to a particular interest
or activity, hotel, boarding house, lodging house, secretariat office or business
centre; or
(e) the Old Address is subdivided into different units and/or more than one tenant in
the same property (including but not limited to “multi-dwellers” residential
premises) that is only served as a central point or mailbox for receiving mail
4.3 No Application in respect of an Old Address which is the address of a Post Office
Box will be accepted unless the Post Office Box has ceased to be used by an
Applicant at the time of submission of the Application in respect of such Post
Office Box.
5. Conditions of the Service
5.1 Only mail items addressing to the Applicant(s) of an approved Application will be
redirected. Any undeliverable mail items addressed to the Old Address will be
returned to their senders. For the avoidance of doubt, mails addressing to an
Applicant who is an individual bearing only a Christian name will not be
5.2 If a mail item for the Old Address has more than one addressee, unless all addressees
indicated on the mail item have used the Service, the mail item will be delivered to
the address written on the mail item i.e. Old Address. Any undeliverable mail items
addressed to the Old Address will be returned to their senders.
5.3 No additional postage charge will be imposed to a mail item that will be redirected
to local address normally.
5.4 Mail items posted in Hong Kong can be redirected to an overseas address by surface
provided that any additional charges for the difference between the local and
foreign rate of postage will be paid on delivery.
5.5 No mail items will be redirected by air to an overseas address, except aerogrammes,
airmail letters, airmail postcards and packets.
5.6 Literature for the Blind and promotional items, such as catalogues, pamphlets and
marketing materials posted from abroad by air, and letter post items posted from
abroad by surface may be redirected to an overseas address by surface with no
additional charge.
5.7 Local CouerierPost and Smart Post items will not be redirected to an overseas address
and the respective items will be returned to the senders.
5.8 For redirection of parcels to an overseas address, the Applicant(s) will be notified by
e-mail or phone to settle a fresh postage from Hong Kong to overseas destination
before the redirection. The redirection will be arranged when the Applicant(s) settles
the postage. If the Applicant(s) either refuses to pay or cannot be contacted, the
items will be returned to the sender. Normally, parcels originating abroad are
excluded from redirection arrangements unless specifically requested by the Appli-
cant. When an insured parcel is redirected from one country to another, a further
insurance fee has to be paid. If fees are not prepaid, they will be collected from the
addressee on delivery.
5.9 The Postmaster General shall have the right to suspend or early terminate the Service
at any time if he/she reasonably believes that:
(a) the Service is being used for or in connection with any illegal purpose;
(b) an Application has been made for and on behalf of any Applicant thereof without
the requisite authority of the Applicant; or
(c) any person at the Old Address (including but not limited to any family member,
colleague of an Applicant who is an individual or any partner of a partnership)
has objected to the Service to be provided to a particular Applicant of the
5.10 Hongkong Post shall not in any way be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever
arising from suspension or early termination of the Service under Clause 5.9 above.
5.11 In any event including but not limited to any suspension or early termination, no
refund of any fees paid for the Service will be made.
5.12 Upon expiration or early termination of the Service, all mail items will be delivered as
per addressed. Any mail items deemed undeliverable to the Old Address will be
returned to their senders.
6. Fees Payable for the Service
6.1 The following respective fees shall be paid for the provision of the Service:-
In the case of an individual, the fees for the private users shall be paid. In cases
other than an individual , the fees for the business users shall be paid.
6.2 For the purpose of payment of fees for the provision of the Service under this Clause
6.1, an Applicant which is a charitable institution or a trust of a public character
having been granted tax exemption under section 88 of the Inland Revenue
Ordinance (Cap. 112) may pay the fee for private users for the provision of the
Service. A copy of proof showing the Applicant’s registration under section 88 of
the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) shall be submitted in the Application.
6.3 If an Application is submitted by hand, payment of the fees set out in Clause 6.1
above shall be made in cash or by a crossed cheque in the name of “Postmaster
6.4 If an Application is submitted by post, payment of the fees set out in Clause 6.1 above
shall be made by a crossed cheque in the name of “Postmaster General”. Please
do not send cash by post.
6.5 Fees set out in Clause 6.1 above may be subject to adjustment. Any adjusted fees shall
apply upon the effective date of adjustment announced by Hongkong Post.
7. Period of the Service
7.1 Applicant(s) shall indicate in the Application Form the preferred Commencement
Date and the required period of the Service.
7.2 The preferred Commencement Date shall be at least 5 working days after the date
of submission of the Application.
7.3 Subject to provisions herein to the contrary, Hongkong Post shall provide the Service
in respect of each approved Application for a period of either 3, 9 or 15 months
from the Commencement Date. The Service in respect of each Applicant in
connection with the same Old Address shall only be provided for a maximum of 15
consecutive calendar months counting from the Commencement Date for
business/private address. No extension on the period of the Service shall be
7.4 Notwithstanding Clause 7.3 above, Hongkong Post shall provide the Service in respect
of each approved Application for a maximum of 3 consecutive months from the
Commencement Date if the Old Address of an approved Application is under
“Business Reply Service”.
8. Service Extension and Change of the Service
8.1 No extension of Service period shall be allowed if the Service is originally for a period
of 15 months counting from the Commencement Date. For “Business Reply
Service”, no extension of Service period shall be allowed if the Service is originally for
a period of 3 months counting from the Commencement Date.
8.2 Upon the Commencement Date, the Principal Applicant may apply to extend the
Service for and on behalf of all Applicants in the Application:-
(a) for a period of 6 or 12 months only if the Service is originally for a period of 3
months; or
(b) for a period of 6 months only if the Service is originally for a period of 9 months.
8.3 Any application of Service extension shall be made at least 3 working days before
the commencement date of the service extension.
8.4 No Service extension will be provided if the remaining period, in the maximum 15
consecutive months counting from the Commencement Date, is less than 6
months. Applicant(s) shall take this restriction into account when preparing and
submitting its Application to apply for an extension of the period of the Service.
Examples are set out below for the sake of clarity:-
8.5 After the Service commences, if the Applicant requests to have the mails to be
redirected from the Old Address to a newly specified address (“2nd New Address”)
instead of the address originally submitted as the New Address in the Application
(a) no refund of fees paid for any unfinished Service in connection with the Old
Address and the New Address shall be made;
(b) fresh fees shall be paid in respect of the Service in connection with the Old
Address and the 2nd New Address according to Clause 6.1 above;
(c) the period of the Service in connection with the Old Address and the 2nd New
Address shall only be for a period of 6 or 12 months, subject to the remaining
service period of the original Application;
(d) in any event, the Service shall only be provided for a maximum of 15 consecutive
months counting from the Commencement Date of the original Application;
(e) such request shall be made at least 5 working days before the commencement
date of the service in connection with the Old Address and 2nd New Address.
8.6 Applicants shall note that no reminder for Service extension or expiry of the Service
will be issued.
9. Other Matters
9.1 In respect of the assessment of any Application submitted, the provision of the Service
or suspension or early termination of the Service, the Postmaster General may
request an Applicant to provide further information and/or supporting
document(s) if deemed necessary. Failure of an Applicant to do so may
jeopardise the chance of approval of any Application made herein. If the
Postmaster General considers that the Applicant has failed to provide such
supporting document(s), the Postmaster General shall be entitled to reject the
Application or, by serving the client a 7-day prior written notice, terminate the
9.2 Applicant(s) shall ensure that information provided to Hongkong Post is complete and
accurate. Hongkong Post shall be duly notified should there be any change of the
9.3 Applicant(s) should note that if an email address is provided in the Application Form,
it will be used for communication purpose in respect of the Application submitted
and the provision of the Service.
9.4 Hongkong Post gives no warranty, indemnity or representation for and shall not be
liable for the loss, damage, delay, non-delivery or misdelivery of anything sent by
post, whether insured or not when performing the Service.
9.5 The provisions herein may be varied from time to time by Hongkong Post. Such
variation shall bind all Applicants and shall be effective upon the variation being
announced on the website of Hongkong Post. All Applicants shall keep themselves
updated by checking the website of Hongkong Post from time to time.
9.6 Personal data collected for the purposes herein shall only be used for or in connection
with the assessment of any Application made herein and the provision of the
9.7 Applicant(s) should note that all documents, including the Application Form, submitted
for the purposes herein may not be returned. Any supporting document will be
disposed of by Hongkong Post upon verification. In case the Application is submitted
by hand to the Post Office, the supporting document will be returned after verification.
9.8 Applicants have a right of access and correction with respect to personal data as
provided for in sections 18 and 22 and principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data
(Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486).
Terms & Conditions of Mail Redirection Service
1. Mail Redirection Service
1.1 Hongkong Post provides Mail Redirection Service (“Service”), an arrangement for
mails to be redirected from an old address (“Old Address”) to a new address (“New
1.2 Anyone wishing to use the Service (“Applicant”) shall submit an application for
redirection of correspondence (Pos 800) (“Application Form”) with supporting
document(s) (“Application”) and shall be bound by the terms and conditions
contained herein and contained in the Application Form. If there is more than one
Applicant under an Application Form, an Applicant shall be nominated as the
Principal Applicant in Section III of the Application Form who shall apply for the
Services for and on behalf of all Applicants under that Application Form and sign in
Section VIII of the Application Form (”Principal Applicant”). In the case of an
individual, the Principal Applicant shall be of the age of 18 or above.
1.3 Each Application shall be in respect of one Old Address and one New Address only.
1.4 Unless otherwise specified herein, references to a day mean a working day and
references to a month or a monthly period mean a calendar month.
1.5 Individual(s) means natural person(s).
1.6 The Service in respect of each Applicant in connection with the same Old Address
shall only be provided for a maximum of 15 consecutive calendar months and a
maximum of 3 consecutive calendar months counting from the commencement
date of the Service (“Commencement Date”) for business/private address and
Business Reply Service respectively. No further extension on the period of the
Service shall be allowed.
2. Preparation of Applications
2.1 An Applicant shall state his/her/its name in both English and Chinese (if applicable)
as it appears on the Applicant’s identity document in the space provided in the
Application Form as follows:-
(a) In the case of an individual, the English alphabet and the first 3 digits of his/her
Hong Kong identity card (or the birth certificate number in the case of an
individual who is under the age of 11 at the time of submission of the Application)
or passport (whichever applicable); or
(b) In cases other than an individual, the number of its latest valid Business Registration
2.2 In the case of an individual, the Principal Applicant shall sign in Section VIII of the
Application Form.
2.3 In cases other than an individual, the Principal Applicant shall stamp with the chop
bearing the name of the business entity in the space provided in Section VIII of the
Application Form.
2.4 An employee or ex-employee of a business entity wishing to use the Service to have
his/her personal mails to be redirected from an Old Address which belongs to such
business entity to a New Address shall make his/her own Application and be
charged with the rate for a private user under Clause 6.1. In addition to anything
required herein, a written proof showing that such Applicant is an employee or
ex-employee of such business entity and such business entity has no objection to
the Applicant applying for the Service under this clause shall be submitted at the
time of the submission of the Application.
2.5 If the Old Address is used for more than one business entity, each such entity shall be
regarded as a separate Applicant for the purpose of the Service and shall be
charged separately. If the registered address of a business entity has been
accepted as the Old Address of the Service, its subsidiary (e.g. identifiable from the
same first eight digits in the Business Registration Certificate number), sole proprietor,
any party of the joint venture, any partner of the partnership and any director of the
limited company, will not be separately charged when the New Address is a
business address.
2.6 An Application shall be submitted within 3 months after removal. Valid proof of the Old
Address issued within the last 3 months from the date of submission of the Application
shall be submitted together with the Application. Document, bill or notice issued by
organisations listed below, with the name and address of the applicant and the name
of issuing organisation and the date of issue clearly shown, is accepted as valid proof of
address, which include:
(a) bills or invoices issued by public bodies (utility bills for water, electricity, towngas or
centralised liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) services);
(b) bills of fixed line telephone, mobile phone, pay television or Internet services;
(c) statements or notices issued by banks, licensed money lenders, insurance compa-
nies or Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Approved Trustees;
(d) documents issued by government departments or the Judiciary; or
(e) bills, notices or other documents issued by the following organisations:
public organisations (e.g. Hong Kong Housing Authority), companies supplying
vehicle with petrol, diesel and LPG in Hong Kong and charitable organisations (e.g.
UNICEF, Orbis, Oxfam and the Community Chest).
Submitting or presenting proof of address in the form of photocopy, facsimile copy
or digital copy (sent by mobile phone or computer) is also accepted.
2.7 The Principal Applicant shall have the requisite authority to apply for the Service for
and on behalf of the Applicant(s).
2.8 If an Applicant is an individual, a photocopy or digital copy of his/her identity
document shall be submitted in the Application.
2.9 In cases other than an individual, a photocopy or digital copy of the latest valid
Business Registration Certificate shall be submitted in the Application.
2.10 If the Principal Applicant appoints an agent to apply for the Service, a photocopy or
digital copy of the agent’s identity document shall be submitted.
2.11 If an Application is made in respect of an Applicant who is under the age of 11 at the
time of the submission of the Application, the Application shall be made for and on
behalf of the Applicant by his/her parent or legal guardian. The parent or the legal
guardian shall also be the Principal Applicant. In addition to the Application Form
together with the necessary documents including those required in respect of an
Applicant who is an individual, a photocopy of the birth certificate of the Applicant
(if the Principal Applicant is the Applicant’s parent) or a photocopy of a document
such as court order proving that the Principal Applicant is the legal guardian of the
Applicant at the time of the submission of the Application shall be submitted.
2.12 If an Application is made in respect of an Applicant who is deceased, such Application
shall be made by the personal representative of the deceased. In addition to the
Application Form together with the necessary documents including those required
in respect of an Applicant who is an individual, photocopies of (i) the death certificate
or the Cremation Permit of the deceased and (ii) a certificate of the Grant of
Probate or the Letter of Administration of the deceased shall be submitted.
2.13 If an Application is made in respect of an Applicant which is a limited company being
wound up or has been wound up, such Application shall be made by the trustee
appointed for the limited company or the Official Receiver. In addition to the
Application Form together with the necessary documents including those
required in respect of an Applicant who is a limited company, photocopy of
document(s) confirming the appointment of the trustee or the Official Receiver
shall be submitted.
3. Submission of Applications
3.1 An Application shall be submitted either:-
(a) by hand to any post office of Hongkong Post (“Post Office”); or
(b) by post to the Mail Redirection Section, Wanchai Delivery Office, 2/F, Wu Chung
House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
4. Assessment of Applications
4.1 The Postmaster General of Hongkong Post (“Postmaster General”) shall have the
absolute discretion in accepting or declining any Application(s).
4.2 An Application will be declined if the Postmaster General reasonably believes that:
(a) the Old Address is still occupied by colleagues /partners of the same company /
family members, including parents, spouse, siblings of the Applicant (in case the
Applicant is an individual) who can redirect the mail items to the Applicant;
(b) any person at the Old Address (including but not limited to any family member,
colleague of an Applicant who is an individual or any partner of a partnership)
has objected to the Service to be provided to a particular Applicant of the
(c) the Applicant has not permanently vacated from the Old Address;
(d) the Old Address is an address of an association dedicated to a particular interest
or activity, hotel, boarding house, lodging house, secretariat office or business
centre; or
(e) the Old Address is subdivided into different units and/or more than one tenant in
the same property (including but not limited to “multi-dwellers” residential
premises) that is only served as a central point or mailbox for receiving mail
4.3 No Application in respect of an Old Address which is the address of a Post Office
Box will be accepted unless the Post Office Box has ceased to be used by an
Applicant at the time of submission of the Application in respect of such Post
Office Box.
5. Conditions of the Service
5.1 Only mail items addressing to the Applicant(s) of an approved Application will be
redirected. Any undeliverable mail items addressed to the Old Address will be
returned to their senders. For the avoidance of doubt, mails addressing to an
Applicant who is an individual bearing only a Christian name will not be
5.2 If a mail item for the Old Address has more than one addressee, unless all addressees
indicated on the mail item have used the Service, the mail item will be delivered to
the address written on the mail item i.e. Old Address. Any undeliverable mail items
addressed to the Old Address will be returned to their senders.
5.3 No additional postage charge will be imposed to a mail item that will be redirected
to local address normally.
5.4 Mail items posted in Hong Kong can be redirected to an overseas address by surface
provided that any additional charges for the difference between the local and
foreign rate of postage will be paid on delivery.
5.5 No mail items will be redirected by air to an overseas address, except aerogrammes,
airmail letters, airmail postcards and packets.
5.6 Literature for the Blind and promotional items, such as catalogues, pamphlets and
marketing materials posted from abroad by air, and letter post items posted from
abroad by surface may be redirected to an overseas address by surface with no
additional charge.
5.7 Local CouerierPost and Smart Post items will not be redirected to an overseas address
and the respective items will be returned to the senders.
5.8 For redirection of parcels to an overseas address, the Applicant(s) will be notified by
e-mail or phone to settle a fresh postage from Hong Kong to overseas destination
before the redirection. The redirection will be arranged when the Applicant(s) settles
the postage. If the Applicant(s) either refuses to pay or cannot be contacted, the
items will be returned to the sender. Normally, parcels originating abroad are
excluded from redirection arrangements unless specifically requested by the Appli-
cant. When an insured parcel is redirected from one country to another, a further
insurance fee has to be paid. If fees are not prepaid, they will be collected from the
addressee on delivery.
5.9 The Postmaster General shall have the right to suspend or early terminate the Service
at any time if he/she reasonably believes that:
(a) the Service is being used for or in connection with any illegal purpose;
(b) an Application has been made for and on behalf of any Applicant thereof without
the requisite authority of the Applicant; or
(c) any person at the Old Address (including but not limited to any family member,
colleague of an Applicant who is an individual or any partner of a partnership)
has objected to the Service to be provided to a particular Applicant of the
5.10 Hongkong Post shall not in any way be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever
arising from suspension or early termination of the Service under Clause 5.9 above.
5.11 In any event including but not limited to any suspension or early termination, no
refund of any fees paid for the Service will be made.
5.12 Upon expiration or early termination of the Service, all mail items will be delivered as
per addressed. Any mail items deemed undeliverable to the Old Address will be
returned to their senders.
6. Fees Payable for the Service
6.1 The following respective fees shall be paid for the provision of the Service:-
In the case of an individual, the fees for the private users shall be paid. In cases
other than an individual , the fees for the business users shall be paid.
6.2 For the purpose of payment of fees for the provision of the Service under this Clause
6.1, an Applicant which is a charitable institution or a trust of a public character
having been granted tax exemption under section 88 of the Inland Revenue
Ordinance (Cap. 112) may pay the fee for private users for the provision of the
Service. A copy of proof showing the Applicant’s registration under section 88 of
the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) shall be submitted in the Application.
6.3 If an Application is submitted by hand, payment of the fees set out in Clause 6.1
above shall be made in cash or by a crossed cheque in the name of “Postmaster
6.4 If an Application is submitted by post, payment of the fees set out in Clause 6.1 above
shall be made by a crossed cheque in the name of “Postmaster General”. Please
do not send cash by post.
6.5 Fees set out in Clause 6.1 above may be subject to adjustment. Any adjusted fees shall
apply upon the effective date of adjustment announced by Hongkong Post.
7. Period of the Service
7.1 Applicant(s) shall indicate in the Application Form the preferred Commencement
Date and the required period of the Service.
7.2 The preferred Commencement Date shall be at least 5 working days after the date
of submission of the Application.
7.3 Subject to provisions herein to the contrary, Hongkong Post shall provide the Service
in respect of each approved Application for a period of either 3, 9 or 15 months
from the Commencement Date. The Service in respect of each Applicant in
connection with the same Old Address shall only be provided for a maximum of 15
consecutive calendar months counting from the Commencement Date for
business/private address. No extension on the period of the Service shall be
7.4 Notwithstanding Clause 7.3 above, Hongkong Post shall provide the Service in respect
of each approved Application for a maximum of 3 consecutive months from the
Commencement Date if the Old Address of an approved Application is under
“Business Reply Service”.
8. Service Extension and Change of the Service
8.1 No extension of Service period shall be allowed if the Service is originally for a period
of 15 months counting from the Commencement Date. For “Business Reply
Service”, no extension of Service period shall be allowed if the Service is originally for
a period of 3 months counting from the Commencement Date.
8.2 Upon the Commencement Date, the Principal Applicant may apply to extend the
Service for and on behalf of all Applicants in the Application:-
(a) for a period of 6 or 12 months only if the Service is originally for a period of 3
months; or
(b) for a period of 6 months only if the Service is originally for a period of 9 months.
8.3 Any application of Service extension shall be made at least 3 working days before
the commencement date of the service extension.
8.4 No Service extension will be provided if the remaining period, in the maximum 15
consecutive months counting from the Commencement Date, is less than 6
months. Applicant(s) shall take this restriction into account when preparing and
submitting its Application to apply for an extension of the period of the Service.
Examples are set out below for the sake of clarity:-
For each 6 months thereafterFor the first 3 months
For each business user HK$409 HK$512
For each private user HK$136 HK$172
8.5 After the Service commences, if the Applicant requests to have the mails to be
redirected from the Old Address to a newly specified address (“2nd New Address”)
instead of the address originally submitted as the New Address in the Application
(a) no refund of fees paid for any unfinished Service in connection with the Old
Address and the New Address shall be made;
(b) fresh fees shall be paid in respect of the Service in connection with the Old
Address and the 2nd New Address according to Clause 6.1 above;
(c) the period of the Service in connection with the Old Address and the 2nd New
Address shall only be for a period of 6 or 12 months, subject to the remaining
service period of the original Application;
(d) in any event, the Service shall only be provided for a maximum of 15 consecutive
months counting from the Commencement Date of the original Application;
(e) such request shall be made at least 5 working days before the commencement
date of the service in connection with the Old Address and 2nd New Address.
8.6 Applicants shall note that no reminder for Service extension or expiry of the Service
will be issued.
9. Other Matters
9.1 In respect of the assessment of any Application submitted, the provision of the Service
or suspension or early termination of the Service, the Postmaster General may
request an Applicant to provide further information and/or supporting
document(s) if deemed necessary. Failure of an Applicant to do so may
jeopardise the chance of approval of any Application made herein. If the
Postmaster General considers that the Applicant has failed to provide such
supporting document(s), the Postmaster General shall be entitled to reject the
Application or, by serving the client a 7-day prior written notice, terminate the
9.2 Applicant(s) shall ensure that information provided to Hongkong Post is complete and
accurate. Hongkong Post shall be duly notified should there be any change of the
9.3 Applicant(s) should note that if an email address is provided in the Application Form,
it will be used for communication purpose in respect of the Application submitted
and the provision of the Service.
9.4 Hongkong Post gives no warranty, indemnity or representation for and shall not be
liable for the loss, damage, delay, non-delivery or misdelivery of anything sent by
post, whether insured or not when performing the Service.
9.5 The provisions herein may be varied from time to time by Hongkong Post. Such
variation shall bind all Applicants and shall be effective upon the variation being
announced on the website of Hongkong Post. All Applicants shall keep themselves
updated by checking the website of Hongkong Post from time to time.
9.6 Personal data collected for the purposes herein shall only be used for or in connection
with the assessment of any Application made herein and the provision of the
9.7 Applicant(s) should note that all documents, including the Application Form, submitted
for the purposes herein may not be returned. Any supporting document will be
disposed of by Hongkong Post upon verification. In case the Application is submitted
by hand to the Post Office, the supporting document will be returned after verification.
9.8 Applicants have a right of access and correction with respect to personal data as
provided for in sections 18 and 22 and principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data
(Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486).
Terms & Conditions of Mail Redirection Service
1. Mail Redirection Service
1.1 Hongkong Post provides Mail Redirection Service (“Service”), an arrangement for
mails to be redirected from an old address (“Old Address”) to a new address (“New
1.2 Anyone wishing to use the Service (“Applicant”) shall submit an application for
redirection of correspondence (Pos 800) (“Application Form”) with supporting
document(s) (“Application”) and shall be bound by the terms and conditions
contained herein and contained in the Application Form. If there is more than one
Applicant under an Application Form, an Applicant shall be nominated as the
Principal Applicant in Section III of the Application Form who shall apply for the
Services for and on behalf of all Applicants under that Application Form and sign in
Section VIII of the Application Form (”Principal Applicant”). In the case of an
individual, the Principal Applicant shall be of the age of 18 or above.
1.3 Each Application shall be in respect of one Old Address and one New Address only.
1.4 Unless otherwise specified herein, references to a day mean a working day and
references to a month or a monthly period mean a calendar month.
1.5 Individual(s) means natural person(s).
1.6 The Service in respect of each Applicant in connection with the same Old Address
shall only be provided for a maximum of 15 consecutive calendar months and a
maximum of 3 consecutive calendar months counting from the commencement
date of the Service (“Commencement Date”) for business/private address and
Business Reply Service respectively. No further extension on the period of the
Service shall be allowed.
2. Preparation of Applications
2.1 An Applicant shall state his/her/its name in both English and Chinese (if applicable)
as it appears on the Applicant’s identity document in the space provided in the
Application Form as follows:-
(a) In the case of an individual, the English alphabet and the first 3 digits of his/her
Hong Kong identity card (or the birth certificate number in the case of an
individual who is under the age of 11 at the time of submission of the Application)
or passport (whichever applicable); or
(b) In cases other than an individual, the number of its latest valid Business Registration
2.2 In the case of an individual, the Principal Applicant shall sign in Section VIII of the
Application Form.
2.3 In cases other than an individual, the Principal Applicant shall stamp with the chop
bearing the name of the business entity in the space provided in Section VIII of the
Application Form.
2.4 An employee or ex-employee of a business entity wishing to use the Service to have
his/her personal mails to be redirected from an Old Address which belongs to such
business entity to a New Address shall make his/her own Application and be
charged with the rate for a private user under Clause 6.1. In addition to anything
required herein, a written proof showing that such Applicant is an employee or
ex-employee of such business entity and such business entity has no objection to
the Applicant applying for the Service under this clause shall be submitted at the
time of the submission of the Application.
2.5 If the Old Address is used for more than one business entity, each such entity shall be
regarded as a separate Applicant for the purpose of the Service and shall be
charged separately. If the registered address of a business entity has been
accepted as the Old Address of the Service, its subsidiary (e.g. identifiable from the
same first eight digits in the Business Registration Certificate number), sole proprietor,
any party of the joint venture, any partner of the partnership and any director of the
limited company, will not be separately charged when the New Address is a
business address.
2.6 An Application shall be submitted within 3 months after removal. Valid proof of the Old
Address issued within the last 3 months from the date of submission of the Application
shall be submitted together with the Application. Document, bill or notice issued by
organisations listed below, with the name and address of the applicant and the name
of issuing organisation and the date of issue clearly shown, is accepted as valid proof of
address, which include:
(a) bills or invoices issued by public bodies (utility bills for water, electricity, towngas or
centralised liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) services);
(b) bills of fixed line telephone, mobile phone, pay television or Internet services;
(c) statements or notices issued by banks, licensed money lenders, insurance compa-
nies or Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Approved Trustees;
(d) documents issued by government departments or the Judiciary; or
(e) bills, notices or other documents issued by the following organisations:
public organisations (e.g. Hong Kong Housing Authority), companies supplying
vehicle with petrol, diesel and LPG in Hong Kong and charitable organisations (e.g.
UNICEF, Orbis, Oxfam and the Community Chest).
Submitting or presenting proof of address in the form of photocopy, facsimile copy
or digital copy (sent by mobile phone or computer) is also accepted.
2.7 The Principal Applicant shall have the requisite authority to apply for the Service for
and on behalf of the Applicant(s).
2.8 If an Applicant is an individual, a photocopy or digital copy of his/her identity
document shall be submitted in the Application.
2.9 In cases other than an individual, a photocopy or digital copy of the latest valid
Business Registration Certificate shall be submitted in the Application.
2.10 If the Principal Applicant appoints an agent to apply for the Service, a photocopy or
digital copy of the agent’s identity document shall be submitted.
2.11 If an Application is made in respect of an Applicant who is under the age of 11 at the
time of the submission of the Application, the Application shall be made for and on
behalf of the Applicant by his/her parent or legal guardian. The parent or the legal
guardian shall also be the Principal Applicant. In addition to the Application Form
together with the necessary documents including those required in respect of an
Applicant who is an individual, a photocopy of the birth certificate of the Applicant
(if the Principal Applicant is the Applicant’s parent) or a photocopy of a document
such as court order proving that the Principal Applicant is the legal guardian of the
Applicant at the time of the submission of the Application shall be submitted.
2.12 If an Application is made in respect of an Applicant who is deceased, such Application
shall be made by the personal representative of the deceased. In addition to the
Application Form together with the necessary documents including those required
in respect of an Applicant who is an individual, photocopies of (i) the death certificate
or the Cremation Permit of the deceased and (ii) a certificate of the Grant of
Probate or the Letter of Administration of the deceased shall be submitted.
2.13 If an Application is made in respect of an Applicant which is a limited company being
wound up or has been wound up, such Application shall be made by the trustee
appointed for the limited company or the Official Receiver. In addition to the
Application Form together with the necessary documents including those
required in respect of an Applicant who is a limited company, photocopy of
document(s) confirming the appointment of the trustee or the Official Receiver
shall be submitted.
3. Submission of Applications
3.1 An Application shall be submitted either:-
(a) by hand to any post office of Hongkong Post (“Post Office”); or
(b) by post to the Mail Redirection Section, Wanchai Delivery Office, 2/F, Wu Chung
House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
4. Assessment of Applications
4.1 The Postmaster General of Hongkong Post (“Postmaster General”) shall have the
absolute discretion in accepting or declining any Application(s).
4.2 An Application will be declined if the Postmaster General reasonably believes that:
(a) the Old Address is still occupied by colleagues /partners of the same company /
family members, including parents, spouse, siblings of the Applicant (in case the
Applicant is an individual) who can redirect the mail items to the Applicant;
(b) any person at the Old Address (including but not limited to any family member,
colleague of an Applicant who is an individual or any partner of a partnership)
has objected to the Service to be provided to a particular Applicant of the
(c) the Applicant has not permanently vacated from the Old Address;
(d) the Old Address is an address of an association dedicated to a particular interest
or activity, hotel, boarding house, lodging house, secretariat office or business
centre; or
(e) the Old Address is subdivided into different units and/or more than one tenant in
the same property (including but not limited to “multi-dwellers” residential
premises) that is only served as a central point or mailbox for receiving mail
4.3 No Application in respect of an Old Address which is the address of a Post Office
Box will be accepted unless the Post Office Box has ceased to be used by an
Applicant at the time of submission of the Application in respect of such Post
Office Box.
5. Conditions of the Service
5.1 Only mail items addressing to the Applicant(s) of an approved Application will be
redirected. Any undeliverable mail items addressed to the Old Address will be
returned to their senders. For the avoidance of doubt, mails addressing to an
Applicant who is an individual bearing only a Christian name will not be
5.2 If a mail item for the Old Address has more than one addressee, unless all addressees
indicated on the mail item have used the Service, the mail item will be delivered to
the address written on the mail item i.e. Old Address. Any undeliverable mail items
addressed to the Old Address will be returned to their senders.
5.3 No additional postage charge will be imposed to a mail item that will be redirected
to local address normally.
5.4 Mail items posted in Hong Kong can be redirected to an overseas address by surface
provided that any additional charges for the difference between the local and
foreign rate of postage will be paid on delivery.
5.5 No mail items will be redirected by air to an overseas address, except aerogrammes,
airmail letters, airmail postcards and packets.
5.6 Literature for the Blind and promotional items, such as catalogues, pamphlets and
marketing materials posted from abroad by air, and letter post items posted from
abroad by surface may be redirected to an overseas address by surface with no
additional charge.
5.7 Local CouerierPost and Smart Post items will not be redirected to an overseas address
and the respective items will be returned to the senders.
5.8 For redirection of parcels to an overseas address, the Applicant(s) will be notified by
e-mail or phone to settle a fresh postage from Hong Kong to overseas destination
before the redirection. The redirection will be arranged when the Applicant(s) settles
the postage. If the Applicant(s) either refuses to pay or cannot be contacted, the
items will be returned to the sender. Normally, parcels originating abroad are
excluded from redirection arrangements unless specifically requested by the Appli-
cant. When an insured parcel is redirected from one country to another, a further
insurance fee has to be paid. If fees are not prepaid, they will be collected from the
addressee on delivery.
5.9 The Postmaster General shall have the right to suspend or early terminate the Service
at any time if he/she reasonably believes that:
(a) the Service is being used for or in connection with any illegal purpose;
(b) an Application has been made for and on behalf of any Applicant thereof without
the requisite authority of the Applicant; or
(c) any person at the Old Address (including but not limited to any family member,
colleague of an Applicant who is an individual or any partner of a partnership)
has objected to the Service to be provided to a particular Applicant of the
5.10 Hongkong Post shall not in any way be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever
arising from suspension or early termination of the Service under Clause 5.9 above.
5.11 In any event including but not limited to any suspension or early termination, no
refund of any fees paid for the Service will be made.
5.12 Upon expiration or early termination of the Service, all mail items will be delivered as
per addressed. Any mail items deemed undeliverable to the Old Address will be
returned to their senders.
6. Fees Payable for the Service
6.1 The following respective fees shall be paid for the provision of the Service:-
In the case of an individual, the fees for the private users shall be paid. In cases
other than an individual , the fees for the business users shall be paid.
6.2 For the purpose of payment of fees for the provision of the Service under this Clause
6.1, an Applicant which is a charitable institution or a trust of a public character
having been granted tax exemption under section 88 of the Inland Revenue
Ordinance (Cap. 112) may pay the fee for private users for the provision of the
Service. A copy of proof showing the Applicant’s registration under section 88 of
the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) shall be submitted in the Application.
6.3 If an Application is submitted by hand, payment of the fees set out in Clause 6.1
above shall be made in cash or by a crossed cheque in the name of “Postmaster
6.4 If an Application is submitted by post, payment of the fees set out in Clause 6.1 above
shall be made by a crossed cheque in the name of “Postmaster General”. Please
do not send cash by post.
6.5 Fees set out in Clause 6.1 above may be subject to adjustment. Any adjusted fees shall
apply upon the effective date of adjustment announced by Hongkong Post.
7. Period of the Service
7.1 Applicant(s) shall indicate in the Application Form the preferred Commencement
Date and the required period of the Service.
7.2 The preferred Commencement Date shall be at least 5 working days after the date
of submission of the Application.
7.3 Subject to provisions herein to the contrary, Hongkong Post shall provide the Service
in respect of each approved Application for a period of either 3, 9 or 15 months
from the Commencement Date. The Service in respect of each Applicant in
connection with the same Old Address shall only be provided for a maximum of 15
consecutive calendar months counting from the Commencement Date for
business/private address. No extension on the period of the Service shall be
7.4 Notwithstanding Clause 7.3 above, Hongkong Post shall provide the Service in respect
of each approved Application for a maximum of 3 consecutive months from the
Commencement Date if the Old Address of an approved Application is under
“Business Reply Service”.
8. Service Extension and Change of the Service
8.1 No extension of Service period shall be allowed if the Service is originally for a period
of 15 months counting from the Commencement Date. For “Business Reply
Service”, no extension of Service period shall be allowed if the Service is originally for
a period of 3 months counting from the Commencement Date.
8.2 Upon the Commencement Date, the Principal Applicant may apply to extend the
Service for and on behalf of all Applicants in the Application:-
(a) for a period of 6 or 12 months only if the Service is originally for a period of 3
months; or
(b) for a period of 6 months only if the Service is originally for a period of 9 months.
8.3 Any application of Service extension shall be made at least 3 working days before
the commencement date of the service extension.
8.4 No Service extension will be provided if the remaining period, in the maximum 15
consecutive months counting from the Commencement Date, is less than 6
months. Applicant(s) shall take this restriction into account when preparing and
submitting its Application to apply for an extension of the period of the Service.
Examples are set out below for the sake of clarity:-
Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
The period of Service
originally applied for
The maximum of 15
consecutive months since
the Commencement Date
Application of Service Extension after the Expiry of the Original Application
Date of Application to
extend the Service
Commencement date of
the Service extension if it is
End Date of the Extended
Service if it is accepted
From 1 April 2019 (Mon)
to 30 June 2019 (Sun)
(for 3-month Service)
30 June 2020 (Tue)
5 July 2019 (Fri)
(for 6-month Service
9 July 2019 (Tue)
8 January 2020 (Wed)
From 1 April 2019 (Mon) to
31 December 2019 (Tue)
(for 9-month Service)
30 June 2020 (Tue)
1 February 2020 (Sat)
(for 6-month Service
Service extension is not
accepted since the
end date of the service
extension i.e. 4 August
2020 exceeds the
maximum of 15
consecutive months of
30 June 2020 counting
from the Commence-
ment Date of the
Service originally
applied for.
From 1 April 2019 (Mon)
to 30 June 2019 (Sun)
(for 3-month Service)
30 June 2020 (Tue)
5 July 2019 (Fri)
(for 12-month Service
12-month Service
extension is not
accepted since the
end date of the service
extension i.e. 8 July 2020
exceeds the maximum
of 15 consecutive
months of 30 June 2020
counting from the
Commencement Date
of the Service originally
applied for. Alterna-
tively, a 6-month
Service extension will be
accepted (see
Example 1).
8.5 After the Service commences, if the Applicant requests to have the mails to be
redirected from the Old Address to a newly specified address (“2nd New Address”)
instead of the address originally submitted as the New Address in the Application
(a) no refund of fees paid for any unfinished Service in connection with the Old
Address and the New Address shall be made;
(b) fresh fees shall be paid in respect of the Service in connection with the Old
Address and the 2nd New Address according to Clause 6.1 above;
(c) the period of the Service in connection with the Old Address and the 2nd New
Address shall only be for a period of 6 or 12 months, subject to the remaining
service period of the original Application;
(d) in any event, the Service shall only be provided for a maximum of 15 consecutive
months counting from the Commencement Date of the original Application;
(e) such request shall be made at least 5 working days before the commencement
date of the service in connection with the Old Address and 2nd New Address.
8.6 Applicants shall note that no reminder for Service extension or expiry of the Service
will be issued.
9. Other Matters
9.1 In respect of the assessment of any Application submitted, the provision of the Service
or suspension or early termination of the Service, the Postmaster General may
request an Applicant to provide further information and/or supporting
document(s) if deemed necessary. Failure of an Applicant to do so may
jeopardise the chance of approval of any Application made herein. If the
Postmaster General considers that the Applicant has failed to provide such
supporting document(s), the Postmaster General shall be entitled to reject the
Application or, by serving the client a 7-day prior written notice, terminate the
9.2 Applicant(s) shall ensure that information provided to Hongkong Post is complete and
accurate. Hongkong Post shall be duly notified should there be any change of the
9.3 Applicant(s) should note that if an email address is provided in the Application Form,
it will be used for communication purpose in respect of the Application submitted
and the provision of the Service.
9.4 Hongkong Post gives no warranty, indemnity or representation for and shall not be
liable for the loss, damage, delay, non-delivery or misdelivery of anything sent by
post, whether insured or not when performing the Service.
9.5 The provisions herein may be varied from time to time by Hongkong Post. Such
variation shall bind all Applicants and shall be effective upon the variation being
announced on the website of Hongkong Post. All Applicants shall keep themselves
updated by checking the website of Hongkong Post from time to time.
9.6 Personal data collected for the purposes herein shall only be used for or in connection
with the assessment of any Application made herein and the provision of the
9.7 Applicant(s) should note that all documents, including the Application Form, submitted
for the purposes herein may not be returned. Any supporting document will be
disposed of by Hongkong Post upon verification. In case the Application is submitted
by hand to the Post Office, the supporting document will be returned after verification.
9.8 Applicants have a right of access and correction with respect to personal data as
provided for in sections 18 and 22 and principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data
(Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486).
Terms & Conditions of Mail Redirection Service
1. Mail Redirection Service
1.1 Hongkong Post provides Mail Redirection Service (“Service”), an arrangement for
mails to be redirected from an old address (“Old Address”) to a new address (“New
1.2 Anyone wishing to use the Service (“Applicant”) shall submit an application for
redirection of correspondence (Pos 800) (“Application Form”) with supporting
document(s) (“Application”) and shall be bound by the terms and conditions
contained herein and contained in the Application Form. If there is more than one
Applicant under an Application Form, an Applicant shall be nominated as the
Principal Applicant in Section III of the Application Form who shall apply for the
Services for and on behalf of all Applicants under that Application Form and sign in
Section VIII of the Application Form (”Principal Applicant”). In the case of an
individual, the Principal Applicant shall be of the age of 18 or above.
1.3 Each Application shall be in respect of one Old Address and one New Address only.
1.4 Unless otherwise specified herein, references to a day mean a working day and
references to a month or a monthly period mean a calendar month.
1.5 Individual(s) means natural person(s).
1.6 The Service in respect of each Applicant in connection with the same Old Address
shall only be provided for a maximum of 15 consecutive calendar months and a
maximum of 3 consecutive calendar months counting from the commencement
date of the Service (“Commencement Date”) for business/private address and
Business Reply Service respectively. No further extension on the period of the
Service shall be allowed.
2. Preparation of Applications
2.1 An Applicant shall state his/her/its name in both English and Chinese (if applicable)
as it appears on the Applicant’s identity document in the space provided in the
Application Form as follows:-
(a) In the case of an individual, the English alphabet and the first 3 digits of his/her
Hong Kong identity card (or the birth certificate number in the case of an
individual who is under the age of 11 at the time of submission of the Application)
or passport (whichever applicable); or
(b) In cases other than an individual, the number of its latest valid Business Registration
2.2 In the case of an individual, the Principal Applicant shall sign in Section VIII of the
Application Form.
2.3 In cases other than an individual, the Principal Applicant shall stamp with the chop
bearing the name of the business entity in the space provided in Section VIII of the
Application Form.
2.4 An employee or ex-employee of a business entity wishing to use the Service to have
his/her personal mails to be redirected from an Old Address which belongs to such
business entity to a New Address shall make his/her own Application and be
charged with the rate for a private user under Clause 6.1. In addition to anything
required herein, a written proof showing that such Applicant is an employee or
ex-employee of such business entity and such business entity has no objection to
the Applicant applying for the Service under this clause shall be submitted at the
time of the submission of the Application.
2.5 If the Old Address is used for more than one business entity, each such entity shall be
regarded as a separate Applicant for the purpose of the Service and shall be
charged separately. If the registered address of a business entity has been
accepted as the Old Address of the Service, its subsidiary (e.g. identifiable from the
same first eight digits in the Business Registration Certificate number), sole proprietor,
any party of the joint venture, any partner of the partnership and any director of the
limited company, will not be separately charged when the New Address is a
business address.
2.6 An Application shall be submitted within 3 months after removal. Valid proof of the Old
Address issued within the last 3 months from the date of submission of the Application
shall be submitted together with the Application. Document, bill or notice issued by
organisations listed below, with the name and address of the applicant and the name
of issuing organisation and the date of issue clearly shown, is accepted as valid proof of
address, which include:
(a) bills or invoices issued by public bodies (utility bills for water, electricity, towngas or
centralised liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) services);
(b) bills of fixed line telephone, mobile phone, pay television or Internet services;
(c) statements or notices issued by banks, licensed money lenders, insurance compa-
nies or Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Approved Trustees;
(d) documents issued by government departments or the Judiciary; or
(e) bills, notices or other documents issued by the following organisations:
public organisations (e.g. Hong Kong Housing Authority), companies supplying
vehicle with petrol, diesel and LPG in Hong Kong and charitable organisations (e.g.
UNICEF, Orbis, Oxfam and the Community Chest).
Submitting or presenting proof of address in the form of photocopy, facsimile copy
or digital copy (sent by mobile phone or computer) is also accepted.
2.7 The Principal Applicant shall have the requisite authority to apply for the Service for
and on behalf of the Applicant(s).
2.8 If an Applicant is an individual, a photocopy or digital copy of his/her identity
document shall be submitted in the Application.
2.9 In cases other than an individual, a photocopy or digital copy of the latest valid
Business Registration Certificate shall be submitted in the Application.
2.10 If the Principal Applicant appoints an agent to apply for the Service, a photocopy or
digital copy of the agent’s identity document shall be submitted.
2.11 If an Application is made in respect of an Applicant who is under the age of 11 at the
time of the submission of the Application, the Application shall be made for and on
behalf of the Applicant by his/her parent or legal guardian. The parent or the legal
guardian shall also be the Principal Applicant. In addition to the Application Form
together with the necessary documents including those required in respect of an
Applicant who is an individual, a photocopy of the birth certificate of the Applicant
(if the Principal Applicant is the Applicant’s parent) or a photocopy of a document
such as court order proving that the Principal Applicant is the legal guardian of the
Applicant at the time of the submission of the Application shall be submitted.
2.12 If an Application is made in respect of an Applicant who is deceased, such Application
shall be made by the personal representative of the deceased. In addition to the
Application Form together with the necessary documents including those required
in respect of an Applicant who is an individual, photocopies of (i) the death certificate
or the Cremation Permit of the deceased and (ii) a certificate of the Grant of
Probate or the Letter of Administration of the deceased shall be submitted.
2.13 If an Application is made in respect of an Applicant which is a limited company being
wound up or has been wound up, such Application shall be made by the trustee
appointed for the limited company or the Official Receiver. In addition to the
Application Form together with the necessary documents including those
required in respect of an Applicant who is a limited company, photocopy of
document(s) confirming the appointment of the trustee or the Official Receiver
shall be submitted.
3. Submission of Applications
3.1 An Application shall be submitted either:-
(a) by hand to any post office of Hongkong Post (“Post Office”); or
(b) by post to the Mail Redirection Section, Wanchai Delivery Office, 2/F, Wu Chung
House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
4. Assessment of Applications
4.1 The Postmaster General of Hongkong Post (“Postmaster General”) shall have the
absolute discretion in accepting or declining any Application(s).
4.2 An Application will be declined if the Postmaster General reasonably believes that:
(a) the Old Address is still occupied by colleagues /partners of the same company /
family members, including parents, spouse, siblings of the Applicant (in case the
Applicant is an individual) who can redirect the mail items to the Applicant;
(b) any person at the Old Address (including but not limited to any family member,
colleague of an Applicant who is an individual or any partner of a partnership)
has objected to the Service to be provided to a particular Applicant of the
(c) the Applicant has not permanently vacated from the Old Address;
(d) the Old Address is an address of an association dedicated to a particular interest
or activity, hotel, boarding house, lodging house, secretariat office or business
centre; or
(e) the Old Address is subdivided into different units and/or more than one tenant in
the same property (including but not limited to “multi-dwellers” residential
premises) that is only served as a central point or mailbox for receiving mail
4.3 No Application in respect of an Old Address which is the address of a Post Office
Box will be accepted unless the Post Office Box has ceased to be used by an
Applicant at the time of submission of the Application in respect of such Post
Office Box.
5. Conditions of the Service
5.1 Only mail items addressing to the Applicant(s) of an approved Application will be
redirected. Any undeliverable mail items addressed to the Old Address will be
returned to their senders. For the avoidance of doubt, mails addressing to an
Applicant who is an individual bearing only a Christian name will not be
5.2 If a mail item for the Old Address has more than one addressee, unless all addressees
indicated on the mail item have used the Service, the mail item will be delivered to
the address written on the mail item i.e. Old Address. Any undeliverable mail items
addressed to the Old Address will be returned to their senders.
5.3 No additional postage charge will be imposed to a mail item that will be redirected
to local address normally.
5.4 Mail items posted in Hong Kong can be redirected to an overseas address by surface
provided that any additional charges for the difference between the local and
foreign rate of postage will be paid on delivery.
5.5 No mail items will be redirected by air to an overseas address, except aerogrammes,
airmail letters, airmail postcards and packets.
5.6 Literature for the Blind and promotional items, such as catalogues, pamphlets and
marketing materials posted from abroad by air, and letter post items posted from
abroad by surface may be redirected to an overseas address by surface with no
additional charge.
5.7 Local CouerierPost and Smart Post items will not be redirected to an overseas address
and the respective items will be returned to the senders.
5.8 For redirection of parcels to an overseas address, the Applicant(s) will be notified by
e-mail or phone to settle a fresh postage from Hong Kong to overseas destination
before the redirection. The redirection will be arranged when the Applicant(s) settles
the postage. If the Applicant(s) either refuses to pay or cannot be contacted, the
items will be returned to the sender. Normally, parcels originating abroad are
excluded from redirection arrangements unless specifically requested by the Appli-
cant. When an insured parcel is redirected from one country to another, a further
insurance fee has to be paid. If fees are not prepaid, they will be collected from the
addressee on delivery.
5.9 The Postmaster General shall have the right to suspend or early terminate the Service
at any time if he/she reasonably believes that:
(a) the Service is being used for or in connection with any illegal purpose;
(b) an Application has been made for and on behalf of any Applicant thereof without
the requisite authority of the Applicant; or
(c) any person at the Old Address (including but not limited to any family member,
colleague of an Applicant who is an individual or any partner of a partnership)
has objected to the Service to be provided to a particular Applicant of the
5.10 Hongkong Post shall not in any way be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever
arising from suspension or early termination of the Service under Clause 5.9 above.
5.11 In any event including but not limited to any suspension or early termination, no
refund of any fees paid for the Service will be made.
5.12 Upon expiration or early termination of the Service, all mail items will be delivered as
per addressed. Any mail items deemed undeliverable to the Old Address will be
returned to their senders.
6. Fees Payable for the Service
6.1 The following respective fees shall be paid for the provision of the Service:-
In the case of an individual, the fees for the private users shall be paid. In cases
other than an individual , the fees for the business users shall be paid.
6.2 For the purpose of payment of fees for the provision of the Service under this Clause
6.1, an Applicant which is a charitable institution or a trust of a public character
having been granted tax exemption under section 88 of the Inland Revenue
Ordinance (Cap. 112) may pay the fee for private users for the provision of the
Service. A copy of proof showing the Applicant’s registration under section 88 of
the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) shall be submitted in the Application.
6.3 If an Application is submitted by hand, payment of the fees set out in Clause 6.1
above shall be made in cash or by a crossed cheque in the name of “Postmaster
6.4 If an Application is submitted by post, payment of the fees set out in Clause 6.1 above
shall be made by a crossed cheque in the name of “Postmaster General”. Please
do not send cash by post.
6.5 Fees set out in Clause 6.1 above may be subject to adjustment. Any adjusted fees shall
apply upon the effective date of adjustment announced by Hongkong Post.
7. Period of the Service
7.1 Applicant(s) shall indicate in the Application Form the preferred Commencement
Date and the required period of the Service.
7.2 The preferred Commencement Date shall be at least 5 working days after the date
of submission of the Application.
7.3 Subject to provisions herein to the contrary, Hongkong Post shall provide the Service
in respect of each approved Application for a period of either 3, 9 or 15 months
from the Commencement Date. The Service in respect of each Applicant in
connection with the same Old Address shall only be provided for a maximum of 15
consecutive calendar months counting from the Commencement Date for
business/private address. No extension on the period of the Service shall be
7.4 Notwithstanding Clause 7.3 above, Hongkong Post shall provide the Service in respect
of each approved Application for a maximum of 3 consecutive months from the
Commencement Date if the Old Address of an approved Application is under
“Business Reply Service”.
8. Service Extension and Change of the Service
No extension of Service period shall be allowed if the Service is originally for a period
of 15 months counting from the Commencement Date. For “Business Reply
Service”, no extension of Service period shall be allowed if the Service is
originally for
a period of 3 months counting from the Commencement Date.
8.2 Upon the Commencement Date, the Principal Applicant may apply to extend the
Service for and on behalf of all Applicants in the Application:-
(a) for a period of 6 or 12 months only if the Service is originally for a period of 3
months; or
(b) for a period of 6 months only if the Service is originally for a period of 9 months.
8.3 Any application of Service extension shall be made at least 3 working days before
the commencement date of the service extension.
8.4 No Service extension will be provided if the remaining period, in the maximum 15
consecutive months counting from the Commencement Date, is less than 6
months. Applicant(s) shall take this restriction into account when preparing and
submitting its Application to apply for an extension of the period of the Service.
Examples are set out below for the sake of clarity:-
8.5 After the Service commences, if the Applicant requests to have the mails to be
redirected from the Old Address to a newly specified address (“2nd New Address”)
instead of the address originally submitted as the New Address in the Application
(a) no refund of fees paid for any unfinished Service in connection with the Old
Address and the New Address shall be made;
(b) fresh fees shall be paid in respect of the Service in connection with the Old
Address and the 2nd New Address according to Clause 6.1 above;
(c) the period of the Service in connection with the Old Address and the 2nd New
Address shall only be for a period of 6 or 12 months, subject to the remaining
service period of the original Application;
(d) in any event, the Service shall only be provided for a maximum of 15 consecutive
months counting from the Commencement Date of the original Application;
(e) such request shall be made at least 5 working days before the commencement
date of the service in connection with the Old Address and 2nd New Address.
8.6 Applicants shall note that no reminder for Service extension or expiry of the Service
will be issued.
9. Other Matters
9.1 In respect of the assessment of any Application submitted, the provision of the Service
or suspension or early termination of the Service, the Postmaster General may
request an Applicant to provide further information and/or supporting
document(s) if deemed necessary. Failure of an Applicant to do so may
jeopardise the chance of approval of any Application made herein. If the
Postmaster General considers that the Applicant has failed to provide such
supporting document(s), the Postmaster General shall be entitled to reject the
Application or, by serving the client a 7-day prior written notice, terminate the
9.2 Applicant(s) shall ensure that information provided to Hongkong Post is complete and
accurate. Hongkong Post shall be duly notified should there be any change of the
9.3 Applicant(s) should note that if an email address is provided in the Application Form,
it will be used for communication purpose in respect of the Application submitted
and the provision of the Service.
9.4 Hongkong Post gives no warranty, indemnity or representation for and shall not be
liable for the loss, damage, delay, non-delivery or misdelivery of anything sent by
post, whether insured or not when performing the Service.
9.5 The provisions herein may be varied from time to time by Hongkong Post. Such
variation shall bind all Applicants and shall be effective upon the variation being
announced on the website of Hongkong Post. All Applicants shall keep themselves
updated by checking the website of Hongkong Post from time to time.
9.6 Personal data collected for the purposes herein shall only be used for or in connection
with the assessment of any Application made herein and the provision of the
9.7 Applicant(s) should note that all documents, including the Application Form, submitted
for the purposes herein may not be returned. Any supporting document will be
disposed of by Hongkong Post upon verification. In case the Application is submitted
by hand to the Post Office, the supporting document will be returned after verification.
9.8 Applicants have a right of access and correction with respect to personal data as
provided for in sections 18 and 22 and principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data
(Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486).
Pos 800 (07/2019)
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