_______ _______ _______ Disclosure documents included if system selection is other than
Y N N/A Polk County Board of Health Rules and Regulations Section 3.7.
_______ _______ _______ Has the area where the system is being constructed been
Y N N/A disturbed, cut or filled? If yes, how long since it has been
disturbed, cut or filled?________________________________
_______ _______ _______ Is the system in a floodplain? If so, a floodplain development
Y N N/A application is required.
_______ _______ _______ Boundaries, drainage and utility easements have been included
Y N N/A on the system layout diagram or the percolation test/soil evaluation.
For Discharging Systems:
_______________ A completed copy of the Notice of Intent Application for the NPDES Permit
must be submitted. (See attached)
Distance to Class A Waterway* _________Less than 1 mile (E Coli testing is required)
_________Greater than 1 mile
*Class A waterways in Polk County include: Des Moines River, Walnut Creek, Raccoon River,
Saylorville Lake, Big Creek Lake, Four-Mile Creek, Beaver Creek, Camp Creek, Skunk River, and
any private or public recreational lake exceeding 1 acre in surface area.
_______ _______ _______ Does the system discharge over another’s property? If so, a copy
Y N N/A of the recorded easement must be submitted.
Special Conditions or considerations:________________________________________________
As a Polk County licensed septic contractor, I hereby affirm that I will conform to the
onsite wastewater treatment and disposal system specifications. Further, I understand that
any variance from this design must be approved by the Administrative Authority before
system installation commences.
_____________________________ ____________________________ _____________
Contractor Signature Print Name Date
Polk County License Number______________________
_______________________________________________________ __________________
Onsite Wastewater System Construction Authorized/Approved Date
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