extension for the vacation carry-over, mandatory scheduled vacation by
manager or removal of days).
Provide on-going support to employees for using vacation carry-over and
hold them accountable for using the time prior to fiscal year-end.
Review requests for vacation carry-over extensions after fiscal year-end with
Human Resources. Ensure all requests are submitted on the Vacation Carry-
Over Request Form – Fiscal Year-end and extension requests greater than 15
days are approved by the appropriate Vice President. Submit all forms to
Human Resources to ensure the employee’s balance in the leave reporting
system is accurate.
6.2 Employees
Request vacation in accordance with department protocols, appropriate
Collective Agreements and Administrative Terms and Conditions.
Commit to taking earned vacation throughout the plan year when possible
and record all vacation time in the leave reporting system on a monthly basis
for manager approval.
Maintain a positive balance of vacation days and review balance with
manager in the leave reporting system on a monthly basis. Report all
discrepancies to Human Resources.
Request vacation carry-over 30 days prior to the end of the plan year for
amounts greater than 15 days by completing a Vacation Carry-Over Request
Form. Include a plan to take all vacation carry-over prior to fiscal year-end
on the form and submit it to manager and Vice President for approval.
Commit to taking approved vacation carry-over, when possible, prior to fiscal
Liaise with management and Human Resources if carry-over cannot be taken
prior to fiscal year-end and submit a Vacation Carry-Over Request Form –
Fiscal Year-end to develop a plan for the time (i.e. extension for the vacation
carry-over, mandatory scheduled vacation by manager or removal of days).
6.3 Human Resources Department
Request vacation carry-over plans and approval forms from Departments
before each plan year (June for Support Staff and August for Administrative
and Faculty (Non-Teaching) of each year).
Monitor the usage of carry-over days to ensure employees have the support
required to use their vacation days.
Update vacation entitlements, time and or carry-over in the leave reporting
system when applicable: remove, adjust, maintain or apply vacation time or
carry-over to balances at the beginning of plan years and at fiscal year-end.
Calculate prorated vacation entitlements for new hires, leave of absences
etc., and notify Payroll when required. Apply all updates in the leave
reporting system and notify employees / managers when adjustments have
occurred if required.
Review and approve in conjunction with management all plans for carry-over
at fiscal year-end and coordinate the process for updating balances in the
leave reporting system to reflect extension for the vacation carry-over,
mandatory scheduled vacation by manager or removal of days.