160 East 300 South, PO Box 146711, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6711
Telephone (801) 530-6747 • Facsimile (801) 526-4387 • Internet: www.realestate.utah.gov
State of Utah
Department of Commerce
Division of Real Estate
Please complete (type or neatly print), sign and submit this form along with a copy of course certificate by fax, mail, or in person.
Complaint Type: ( ) Appraisal ( ) Mortgage ( ) Real Estate
I. YOUR INFORMATION Request Confidentiality? Yes No
Your Name Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone
Mailing Address City State Zip
Name of course completed Date course was completed
Name of education provider
Have you previously contacted the provider about this course not being banked? Yes No
If yes, what was their response:
If you have any other comments or complaints about the provider, please explain:
I hereby certify that the information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge and I recognize that this information, including
my name, may become part of the public record should a case be brought before the appropriate regulatory Board/Commission.
Signature ___________________________________________________ Date ______________________________