CSI Background Screening Email Directory:
General Inquiries: admin@csiscreening.com
Screening Analyst: csi@csiscreening.com
Corporate Head Office
102 Chain Lake Drive, Unit 1E
Halifax, NS B3S 1A7
Tel: 902-450-0697
Fax: 902-484-5379
Toll Free: 888-818-5251
Applicant’s Name: Date:
Please PRINT Clearly
Contact First Name/Last Name
Company Name (if applicable)
Position/Title (if applicable)
Daytime Phone# (include area code)
Other Contact Information (mobile)
What is/was your position or title?
Employment start and end dates
Contact First Name/Last Name
Company Name (if applicable)
Position/Title (if applicable)
Daytime Phone# (include area code)
Other Contact Information (mobile)
What is/was your position or title?
Employment start and end dates
Contact First Name/Last Name
Company Name (if applicable)
Position/Title (if applicable)
Daytime Phone# (include area code)
Other Contact Information (mobile)
What is/was your position or title?
Employment start and end dates