Adjacent Properties - All property lines, streets and easements on lands immediately adjacent to and
contiguous with the perimeter of the proposed subdivision and extending one hundred (100) feet shall be
shown with the names of the owners as shown on the most current Tax Assessor's files; if the adjacent
properties are platted, the names of adjoining subdivisions and the names of adjoining streets are to be shown.
The plat or deed recording information shall be shown.
Street Rights-of-Way - The width of all public street rights-of-way shall be shown on the plat. The general
location and width shall be consistent with the Bedford Development Code. Dimensions shall be shown for all
curves. The distance from the centerline of any existing roadway of a boundary street to the proposed subdivision
shall be shown to determine the adequacy of right-of-way along the route and to determine if additional right-of-
way is necessary to accommodate the proposed street. Curvilinear streets are encouraged.
Permanent Structures - The location and general outline of any existing permanent structures with sufficient
dimensions to determine building line encroachments. Any permanent structures that will remain after
completion of the development which encroach any building setback lines shall be shown on the drawing with
appropriate dimensions.
Building Set-back Lines - Front building set-back lines shall be indicated by dashed lines on all lots in
accordance with the requirements of the applicable zoning district. Side yard building set-back lines shall be
indicated by dashed lines on the side yards of lots with side street frontage. Additional building setback may be
required by the City. Existing building setback lines on adjacent properties shall be shown, where applicable.
13. City Limit Lines - The location of the city limit boundaries of the City of Bedford and any adjacent city shall
shown on the plat.
Easements - The location and dimension of all existing or proposed easements shall be shown on the plat
indicating the specific purpose. Easements for the use of public utilities of not less than seven and one-half
(7.5') feet in width shall be provided along each side of all rear property lines. If necessary for the extension of
water or sewer mains, storm drainage or other utilities, easements of greater width may be required along lot
lines or across large lots. Easements shall connect with easements already established on adjoining properties
or extend to connect with a public right-of-way. All easements shall be noted as “drainage and utility
Lot and Block Numbering - All lots and blocks shall be consecutively numbered or lettered in alphabetical
order. The blocks in subdivisions bearing the same name shall be numbered or lettered consecutively through
the several sections or phases. Lettering for blocks shall be larger and bolder than lot numbers or circled to
make identification clear. Any lot or block which is planned as an ‘out-parcel’ shall be numbered and
designated on the plat with notation regarding any development restrictions.
Sheet Size - Map sheets shall not exceed twenty-four by thirty-six (24"x 36") inches or eighteen by twenty-four
(18" x 24") inches, with a binding margin of not less than one and one-half inches on the left side of the sheets.
Sheets shall be numbered in sequence if more than one (1) sheet is used and an index sheet provided with
match lines.
Plat Notes and Conditions - When appropriate, the plat shall contain a listing of any Plat Notes and Plat
Conditions in a readily identifiable location with each note numbered consecutively.
18. Public Use Areas - The location and dimensions of all property proposed to be set aside for public use or
ommon reservation shall be shown on the plat drawing.
Street Names - All street names shall be shown on the plat. New street names shall be sufficiently different in
sound and in spelling from other street names in the city. The continuation of an existing street shall bear the
same name.
Phasing of Plats - The plat drawing shall indicate any phasing of the proposed subdivision. Plats of
subsequent phases shall conform to the approved overall layout and phasing, unless a revised Preliminary Plat
is submitted and approved.
Lot Dimensions - The approximate dimensions of all lots shall be shown on a Preliminary Plat, and the exact
dimension shown on all other plats with accuracy to one-hundredth of one foot. The dimensions shall be
sufficient to verify compliance with the minimum requirements of the applicable zoning district.
Flood Plain Features - The location of the 100-year flood limits, if applicable, shall be shown on the plat and
contained within a drainage easement. If the subdivision, or a portion thereof, is located in the 100-year flood-
prone area, the developer will be required to comply with the Subdivision Regulations Ordinance, located within
the Bedford Development Codes. Any lots adjacent to the flood plain shall show the minimum finished floor
23. Irregular Side Lot Lines - Side lot lines which are not perpendicular to the street right-of-way shall be indicated
th bearing and distance.
24. Lot Areas - The area for each lot expressed in square feet shall be shown on the plat.
25. Signature Blocks – All plats shall contain the appropriate certification blocks.