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Copyright ©2013 The Pennsylvania State University
This publication is available in alternative media on request.
Claudia C. Mincemoyer, Ph.D., Better Kid Care Program Director
341 North Science Park Road – Suite 208, State College, PA 16803
Phone: 1-800-452-9108 • Web site:
Supported by funds from the Oce of Child Development and Early
Learning, a joint oce of the Pennsylvania Departments of Education
and Public Welfare.
HO_NSO_Partnerships–Jun 03, 2013
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New Sta Orientaon – Get Started, Lesson Eleven
with Families
Plan to build Partnerships with Families
List what you will do to get to know the families of the children in your care.
List questions you will ask families so you can learn about their child.
How will you ensure respect for non-traditional families and their children?
How will you maintain partnerships with families of the children in your care?