Plagiarism Statement
I. Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the representation of words, data, and/or ideas of another as one's
own. Course-sharing materials (reusing elements of one’s own work), unless
authorized by the instructor, is also an instance of academic dishonesty closely
related to plagiarism.
II. Documentation
Since the writing of most academic papers involves material using primary and
secondary sources, it is necessary to document such material with an in-text or
footnote reference. Any portion of the paper not documented will be assumed to
be original or to be "common knowledge." If a student is in doubt about what is
"common knowledge," the student should consult the instructor. Course-shared
materials, if authorized, must also be documented.
A. Quotations
Quotations, however small, must be placed within quotation marks or
indented and block quoted following the individual instructor's criteria for
a long or short quotation. A direct quotation must be acknowledged
either within the text or in a footnote, following the documentation style
preferred by the instructor.
B. Paraphrasing-Summarizing
Paraphrasing is an approximate restatement of material from another
source. A paraphrase should not repeat or reuse the exact language from
the source but still replicate it fully. In contrast, a summary is the
restating of the major points of a source. Paraphrases may be as long as
the source material; summaries are always brief. Any material
paraphrased or summarized must be acknowledged with an in-text or a
footnote reference, even though such material does not require quotation
marks. Simply shifting words of an author's text is not considered a
correct paraphrase or summary. The student, when reading sources and
taking notes, should carefully indicate quoted, paraphrased, and
summarized material.
C. Ideas and Facts
Any ideas and facts borrowed from a source should be acknowledged
even though the student may have elaborated on such material. Data
should not be altered in such a way as to be misleading.
D. False Citation
A false citation is attributing referenced material to a source from which it
was not obtained. A student should carefully document his or her source
so that references may be readily checked.
Rev. 3/2018
III. Disciplinary Procedure
Any act of academic dishonesty will place the student in jeopardy of suspension from the College.
1. All acts of academic dishonesty, as based on instructor's determination of probable
cause*, and following review with the appropriate Academic Dean, shall be reported in
writing, to the Vice President of Student and Information Services. The faculty member
will submit the completed Academic Dishonesty Report Form to the Vice President of
Student and Information Services, with copies to the student and the appropriate Academic
2. The faculty member reporting an act of academic dishonesty may recommend expulsion from
the College or program, or a lesser disciplinary action such as a failing grade on the
test, paper, project, etc., or a failing grade in the course. In all cases of academic
dishonesty, the proportionality of the sanction is to be considered relative to the
incident. Sanctions less than expulsion should be based on a preponderance of the
evidence**, whereas expulsion from the College or a program should be based on clear and
convincing evidence***.
3. The student accused of academic dishonesty should sign the Academic Dishonesty Report
Form indicating his/her agreement or disagreement with the charge and his/her agreement
or disagreement with the recommended penalty. In the event the student signs the form in
agreement with both the charge and recommended penalty, and if the Vice President of
Student and Information Services accepts the recommended disciplinary action, the student
waives the right to appeal.
4. The Vice President of Student and Information Services shall make available an
opportunity for consultation with both parties. Following consultation (if desired by
either or both parties), the Vice President shall inform in writing the faculty member
and student of his/her acceptance, rejection or modification of the disciplinary
recommendation within seven (7) days of receipt of the Academic Dishonesty Report Form.
5. The Vice President shall inform both parties of the appeal/due process available.
6. The Vice President shall maintain a record of all acts of academic dishonesty.
7. If the disciplinary action taken is a failing grade in the course, the student shall not
be allowed to withdraw from the class with a grade of ‘‘ W.’’
8. Procedural timelines may be waived by the Vice President in the interest of facilitating
due process and fairness.
*Probable cause: reason to believe, based on reliable information, that academic
dishonesty has occurred and that a particular student has committed an act of academic
**Preponderance of the evidence: burden of proof has been established by evidence which
outweighs the evidence against.
***Clear and convincing evidence: the evidence must satisfy that the proposition has
been established with a high degree of probability.
I have read and understand the information on plagiarism and documentation.
NAME (Please print) ________________________
STUDENT'S SIGNATURE___________________
DATE ____________________________________
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