Copper Mountain College
Request for Duplicated Materials
Date In: ____________ Date Due: ___________ Time Due: _________
Name: _______________________________ Department: ___________________________
Number of Copies: _________________
Place an “X” next to your color choice
White _____ Blue ______ Goldenrod ______ Ivory ______ Light Green ______
Lilac ______ Pink ______ Salmon ______ Yellow ______
Place an “X” next to your choices
Please DO NOT leave any field blank. Fill the form out completely.
ORIGINAL: One Sided __________ Two Sided______________
DUPLICATION: One Sided __________ Two Sided______________
PAPER SIZE: 8 ½ x 11 (regular)____________ 8 ½ x 14 __________ 11 x 17____________
PAPER TYPE: Regular (20lb)_____________ Cardstock (Colors are limited)_______________
STAPLE POSITION: Top Left__________ Side__________ None____________
PUNCH HOLES: 3 Holes___________ 2 Holes______________ None_____________
CUT: ½__________ 1/3____________ ¼ _____________ None
For any special requests, please include specific directions in your email. Please send this form along with
your electronic document to copycenter@cmccd.edu.