Statement of Understanding of the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)
Security and confidentiality of student records is a concern to all employees of Pierce College. By receiving
access to confidential student records, administrators, faculty, classified staff, part-time employees and work-
study/student workers are placed in a unique position of trust. The purpose of this document is to clarify your
responsibilities as a college employee. Unauthorized sharing of information from a student’s educational
record with persons other than the student violates the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA) regarding confidentiality. Your signature below indicates adherence to the following:
1. Unauthorized use of any personally identifiable information (electronic or hard co
y) maintained, stored
or processed by the College and its employees is prohibited.
2. No one is permitted to seek personal benefit or allow others to benefit personally by knowledge of any
confidential information which has come to them by virtue of their access to data/records or their work
3. No one is to exhibit or divulge the contents of any educational records or report to any person except in
the conduct of their work assignment and in accordance with Pierce College policies and procedures.
4. No one may knowingly include or cause to be included in any educational record or report a false,
inaccurate, or m
sleading entry. No one may knowingly expunge or cause to be expunged any
educational record or data.
5. No official educational record or report, or copy thereof
, may be removed from the office where it is
maintained except in the performance of a person’s duties. The Family Privacy Act of 1974 covers this,
and it is a felony under the RCW to release such information.
6. No one is to aid, abet, or act in conspiracy with anothe
r to violate an
y part of this code.
7. Any knowledge of a violation of this code must immediately be reported to the person’s supervisor and
the Registrar.
I have received a copy of, have read, do understand, and will comply with Pierce College’s Statement of
Understanding of FERPA.
I understand that by virtue of my employment with the ________________
Office at Pie
rce College, I may have access to records that contain personally identifiable and confidential
information, the disclosure of which is prohibited by FERPA. I acknowledge and understand that the
intentional disclosure of this information by me to any unauthorized person could subject me to criminal
and civil penalties imposed by law. I further acknowledge that such willful or unauthorized disclosure
also violates Pierce College’s policy and could constitute just cause for disciplinary action including
termination of my employment regardless of whether criminal or civil penalties are imposed.
Print Name ______________________________
Signature ________________________________Date ________________________
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