Pitzer College Office of the Registrar
Student Verification Request
Name: ________________________________________________ ID #: _________________________
Contact Phone Number: __________________________
Check one: Cell Home Work
NOTE: Student status may only be verified for past enrollment and up to the current semester.
Please allow 3-5 days for processing. There is $10.00 fee per request for 1 day processing.
STUDENT SIGNATURE: __________________________________ DATE: ____________________
S:forms\web\verification request form 7/07
Verification for:
Fall Year ______ Spring Year ______ Summer Year ______
Academic Load (Full-time/Part-time) GPA
Other (please specify): ______________________________________________________
Please MAIL to:
___ _
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Please FAX to:
___ _
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___ _
I will pick it up. Please
call me when it is ready.
click to sign
click to edit