Pitt Community College
Title III Grant
Travel Request Form
Pitt Community College Title III Grant Travel Request Form Page 2 of 2
5. Title III funds are provided for faculty and staff to attend conferences and workshops. It is encouraged, but not
required, for those receiving these funds to agree to provide professional development through the Office of Teaching
and Learning on PCC’s campus.
6. Please list all anticipated expenses.
*Please make sure that anticipated expenses are as close to the expected costs as possible.
a. Transportation Costs:
Private Vehicle _________ Institutional Vehicle _________
Mileage _________ Mileage Costs $_________ Estimated Gas Costs $_________
(Non-PCC Rental Vehicle Only)
Airfare Costs (including baggage fee) $_________
Other ground transportation (such as parking, rental, taxi, o
r tolls) $_________
b. Lodging Expenses:
Lodging Costs (include hotel/resort fees with taxes) $_________
c. Meal Expenses for _________ days:
Meal Allowance In-State Costs: $ _________ x # of Days _________ = $_________
Meal Allowance Out-of-State Costs: $_________ x # of Days _________ = $_________
d. Registration Fee:
egistration Costs: $_________
e. Miscellaneous Expenses (list all specific miscellaneous expenses in detail):
f. Total Expected Expens
Overall total: $__________________
_________________________________________________ ___________________
Signature of attendee Date
_________________________________________________ ___________________
Signature of supervisor Date
To be completed by Title III Grant Office:
Approved: Yes _________ No _________
Approval for $__________________
Approved by: ___________________________ __________________ _____________
Signature Title Date
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