Pitt Community College
Title III Grant
Proposed Activity Form
Pitt Community College Title III Grant Proposed Activity Form Page 2 of 3
5. Title III funds for activities and events are only being given to people who agree to provide
professional development on PCC’s campus to faculty and staff. Have you spoken with the Teaching
and Learning Director about professional development to schedule when you and/or this activity or
event will
be providing professional development to campus? Yes No
Tentative Professional Development date: ______________________
6. Please list all anticipated travel expenses.
If you are requesting funds for bringing a speaker to campus, attach the fee quote to this form.
*Please make sure that anticipated expenses
are as close to the expected costs as possible.
a. Speaking fee:
ssion length (hours/day): _________
Session attendee limit: _________
Speaking fee $_________
b. Transportation Costs:
Private Vehicle _________ Institutional Vehicle _________
Mileage ________ Mileage Costs $_________
Estimated Gas Costs $_________
(Non-PCC Rental Vehicle Only)
Airfare Costs (including baggage fee) $_________
Other ground transportation (such as parking, rental, taxi, or tolls) _________
c. Lodging Expense
Lodging Costs (include hotel/resort fees) $_________
d. Meal Expenses for _________ days:
Meal Allowance In-State Costs: $ _________ x # of Days _________ = $_________
Meal Allowance Out-of-State Costs: $_________ x # of Days _________ = $_________
e. Registrati
on Fee:
Registration Costs: $_________
f. Miscellaneous Expenses (list all specific miscellaneous expenses in detail):
a. What is their contact information?
Name(s): ______________________________________________________________________
Organization: ___________________________________________________________________
Phone number(s): _______________________________________________________________
Email address(es): _______________________________________________________________