Pitt Community College
Title III Grant
Professional Development Post-Travel Report Form
Pitt Community College Professional Development Post-Travel Report Form Page 1 of 1
Instructions: This form is to be completed and submitted to the Title III Office (VEW 152) within 15 days post-
professional development.
Name: ______________________________________ Position: ______________________________________
Date(s) of Travel: ____________________________ Location of Travel: _____________________________
Name of Conference: _________________________________________________________________________
1. Pos
t-Travel Professional Development option chosen:
Option 1: Discussion/Presentation
Option 2: Interactive Workshop/Activity/Presentation
2. Title of Professional Development: _______________________________________________________
3. Date of Post-Travel Professional Development Event: ________________________________________
4. List of attendees of Post-Travel Professional Development Event (List attendees or attach sign-in sheet)
5. Pl
ease attach an outline of the event (i.e. copy of ppt., agenda, talking points, etc.)
6. Briefly describe how you think your event was received by your colleagues.
verify that the information reported on this form is accurate and confirms my completion of the Title III
Grant Travel Polices.
Signature Date
click to sign
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