To Be Completed By Student
1) The student will meet with the professor to explain the need for testing accommodations and
verify that documentation is on file with the DAR to validate the accommodations.
2) The student will then return the completed form to the DAR to schedule the test.
Students name: Students phone:
Professor’s name: Course number:
Example: Prof. Smith Psy 100
Classroom test time is: (We want to know how much time the class gets; we’ll calculate your extended time.)
Day: Date: Time: Length:
(Students must schedule their exam to coincide with their class. In the event that a student’s class
schedule prohibits an extension of the testing period, the DAR will work with the student to find
an alternate testing time that same day.)
Testing accommodations: Quiet Setting Scribe Laptop
Please check all that apply) Extended Time Reader Other:
Student: Please return this form to the DAR at least
3 business days
prior to test.
If the test is on , pink sheet is due to the ASC on .
Monday ….................................................................... Wednesday
Tuesday ….................................................................... Thursday
Wednesday ….............................................................. Friday
Thursday ….................................................................. Monday
Friday …....................................................................... Tuesday
To Be Completed By Professor
1) The professor will note any special testing instructions below and sign the form. The
professor will receive an email confirming that the test has been scheduled. This email will
also serve as a reminder to deliver the test to the DAR.
2) The DAR staff will hand deliver the completed test to the department for a signature verifying
receipt within 1 business day of completion. Professors are also welcome to pick up the
completed test from the DAR at their convenience.
Special instructions the DAR staff should know when administering the test:
Example: 1 sheet of notes & calculator allowed, needs computer, scantron needed
*Scantrons & bluebooks must be provided by the professor
Signatur oe Pfr ofessor:
Cell Phone # (or way to contact if student has questions):
Professor: Please
send test to the DAR in person or electronically to dartests@hope.edu
For DAR Office Use Only
Test is scheduled:
Day: Date: Time: Length: