ARIZONA Agricultural Best Management Practices
Total Miles of Unpaved Irrigation District Operation
and Maintenance Roads:
Total Miles of Unpaved Utility Access Roads:
Total Miles of Irrigation District Canals:
Total Acreage of Non-road Utility Access Areas:
Select the implemented Best Management Practices for each category
Unpaved Operation and Maintenance Roads
Unpaved Utility Access Roads
Type _____________ Miles controlled __________
Apply and maintain aggregate cover:
Miles controlled ____________________________
Install supervisory control system to limit vehicle
travel: Avg daily trips reduced _________________
Limit activity: Type __________________________
Miles controlled____________________________
Install signage to limit vehicle speed to 25 mph:
Miles controlled ____________________________
Post warning signs for unauthorized use at point of
entry to roads: Miles controlled ________________
Reduce vehicle speed: Average speed ____________
Install and maintain a track-out control system:
Type _______________Miles controlled _________
Type _______________Miles controlled _________
Apply and maintain synthetic or natural particulate
suppressant: Miles controlled __________________
Frequency applied ___________________________
Use paved non-district or paved public roads to
access structures: Miles controlled ______________
Avg daily trips diverted ______________________
Install wind barriers:
Height _______________ Length ______________
Apply and maintain water before, during, and after
major and minor earth moving activities:
Miles controlled ____________________________
Frequency applied ___________________________
Apply and maintain water when grading roadways:
Miles controlled ____________________________
Frequency applied ___________________________
Type ______________ Miles/Acres _______________
Apply and maintain aggregate cover:
Miles/Acres __________________________________
Limit activity: Type ________ Miles/Acres __________
Install signage to limit vehicle speed to 25 mph:
Post warning signs for unauthorized use at point of entry
to roads: Miles controlled _______________________
Reduce vehicle speed: Average speed ______________
Install and maintain a track-out control system:
Type ________________ Miles/Acres_____________
Type ________________ Miles/Acres _____________
Apply and maintain pavement:
Miles/Acres __________________________________
Apply and maintain synthetic or natural particulate
suppressant: Miles/Acres ______________
Frequency applied _____________________________
Apply and maintain water before, during and after major
and minor earth moving activities:
Miles/Acres ________________________
Frequency applied _____________________________
Apply and maintain water when grading roadways:
Miles _______________________________________
Frequency applied _____________________________
Use paved non-district or paved public roads to access
structures: Miles controlled ______________________
Avg daily trips diverted _________________________
Install wind barriers:
Height _______________ Length _________________
Dredge canals while muck or debris is still wet
Dispose of muck or debris while still damp
Weed management
Biological control of aquatic weeds
Apply and maintain water before, during and after
major and minor earth moving activities:
Miles/Acres controlled _______________________
Frequency applied ___________________________