Piedmont Quilt Trail
Site application Form
Complete and mail form to: 2222-A South Fayetteville Street; Asheboro, NC 27203
Individual/Group requesting quilt square ______________________________________
Site Location (911 address) ______________________________________
Type of Building ______________________________________
Contact Persons Phone/email ______________________________________
Building Owner ______________________________________
In making this request, you agree to accept the following conditions and requirements. Please initial each
line below to indicate your agreement:
____ I/We will work with Piedmont Quilt Trail Committee regarding design and colors of the proposed
____ The block cannot be my company logo, nor can the installed block be used as my company logo.
____ The Quilt Square will remain on the barn/building for at least 5 years. The Piedmont quilt committee
must be notified if it is removed after that time so that it can be removed from the publicity materials.
____ The barn or building site must be visible from the public road or on a site that is frequently visited.
____ I will allow my barn/building to be photographed by the public and photos to be used by the Quilt trail
committee in advertising of the quilt trail. I will allow my name to be used on advertising and promotional
________________________________________________ ________________________
Applicant’s Signature Date of Request
*Note: applications will be evaluated based on barn visibility and landscaping around barns.
If requests exceed available funding, special consideration will be give to:
Farm Preservation (easements or agricultural
Agro-tourism businesses
On-farm purchasing opportunities
Century Farms
Scenic byways