Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology
Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Petition Form
This petition should be completed when requesting a qualifying examination. Topic areas should be determined in
consultation with Ph.D. Advisor. Faculty Evaluators are appointed by the department chair and are charged with
determining the results for the qualifying examination in each topical area.
Students Name: Banner ID:
Phone: Email:
Local Address: Department:
Qualification Method: _____ Research Writings _____ Topical Examination _____ Portfolio
(Check One)
(Requested Exam Format)
(Allowable Qualification Methods
Vary by Department)
Designated Topic 1: Faculty Evaluators 1.
(Approved by Department Chair) (Committee Chair)
(Criteria varies by Department)
2: 2.
3: 3.
Time & Date of Examination:
Location of Examination:
Student: Date:
Ph.D. Advisor: Date:
Department Chair: Date:
Director of Parks Graduate Programs: Date:
Please return this original form to the Graduate Programs Office. Copies should be retained by the student and his/her academic department.