Trading Standards Service
Application for a Petroleum Storage Certificate
(in accordance with the Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014)
We shall use this information to process your application for a Petroleum Storage Licence. The data collected is in accordance with current data
protection legislation, and will be used only for the purpose outlined in this form. For further information on how this data will be processed
please see the Fair Processing Notice on our website at www.leicestershire.gov.uk/about-the-council/data-protection
QD153-Petroleum Storage Certificate Application Form.docx Page 1 of 2 V1-30/01/19
Please note: To maintain the integrity of the data, we request returned electronic versions of this form to be
submitted as a PDF document
Please provide the following information.
1. The application is for:
[tick the box that applies]
New Storage Certificate Renewal Storage Certificate
2. Enter Site Address
[including Postcode]
3. Enter Date you want the certificate to come into force
4. Tank Information [N.B. Please provide all details of all fuel storage tanks].
Tanks in which the Petroleum Enforcing Authority is required to permit petroleum to be stored:
(Split compartment tanks)
Maximum Working
Fuel Currently Stored