Petitions Board
Public Petition: Ref .................................... (for office use)
Before completing this petition you should read the Procedures for Dealing
with Petitions. The completed form should be sent by email to or by mail or by hand to the Head of
Corporate Governance, Department of Finance and Resources Renfrewshire
Council, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street, Paisley, PA1 1TR.
If you require any further information or advice, please contact Finance &
Resources (Tel 0141 618 7103).
Details of Principal Petitioner
Please enter the name of person raising the petition. Please include a contact
address to which correspondence may be sent and a contact telephone number.
Only the principal petitioner’s name and no other details will be made public.
Tel No:
Petition Statement
Please state clearly the purpose of your petition and what action you wish the
Council to take.
Action taken to resolve issues of concern before submitting the Petition
Before a petition is submitted, you may have already raised the issue in question
with the relevant Council department or other agency and it would be helpful if you
could briefly outline what measures if any you have taken. This could include, for
example, details of any individuals or organisations approached. Please limit any
information to no more than 4 sides of A4 paper.
Presenting your Petition
As the principal petitioner you will be invited to appear before the Board to speak
in support of the petition and also to answer any questions which members of the
Board may wish to put to you and assist them in reaching their decision.
You may be accompanied by one supporter who may speak on your behalf.
Signature of Principal Petitioner
When satisfied that the petition meets all the criteria outlined in the Procedures for
Dealing with Petitions, the Principal Petitioner should sign and date the form in the
box below.
All other signatures gathered should be appended to the form.
Signature Please sign or type your name if sending by e-mail Date
(Please type your name if sending by e-mail)
Name in block capitals
(Please type your name if sending by e-mail)
Appended Information
Please ensure that the following items are appended to this form:
Signatures to the petition
Copies of relevant correspondence
Any additional information for consideration
Please submit this form and attachments by, mail or in person
to:- The Head of Corporate Governance,
Renfrewshire Council,
Council Offices,
Cotton Street,
Paisley. PA1 1TR
or by email to