Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.941(e), Order to Pick-Up Minor Child(ren) (03/15)
Because this Order to Pick-Up Minor Child(ren) has been issued without prior notice to the non-movant
{name} ________________________________________________________ , all parties involved in
this matter are informed that they are scheduled to appear and testify at a hearing regarding this matter
on {date} , at {time} ,at which time the Court will consider
whether the Court should issue a further order in this case, and whether other things should be ordered,
including who should pay the filing fees and costs. The hearing will be before The Honorable {name}
___________________________________________ at {room name/number, location, address,
city}__________________________________________________________________________, Florida.
If a party does not appear, this order may be continued in force, extended, or dismissed, and/or
additional orders may be issued, including the imposition of court costs.
If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order
to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the
provision of certain assistance. Please contact:
{identify applicable court personnel by name, address, and telephone number}
at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon
receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less
than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
This Court ORDERS AND DIRECTS any and all sheriffs of the State of Florida (or any other authorized law
enforcement officer in this state or in any other state) to immediately take into custody the minor
child(ren) identified below from anyone who has possession and:
1. ____ Place the minor child(ren) in the physical custody of {name} ________________
who ( ) may ( ) may not remove the minor child(ren) from the jurisdiction of this Court.
____ Accompany the minor child(ren) to the undersigned judge, if the minor child(ren) is (are)
picked up during court hours, for immediate hearing on the issue of custody or time-sharing.
It is the intention of this Court that the nonmoving party, minor child(ren), and movant appear
immediately upon service of this order before the undersigned judge, if available, or duty judge
to conduct a hearing as to which party is entitled to lawful custody of the minor child(ren) at
issue. It is not the intention of the court to turn over the child(ren) to the movant on an ex parte
basis. Neither party should be permitted to remove the child(ren) from the jurisdiction of this
Court pending a hearing. If unable to accomplish the above, the sheriff/officer shall take the
child(ren) into custody and place them with the Department of Children and Family Services of
the State of Florida pending an expedited hearing herein.
____ Place the minor child(ren) in the physical custody of {agency} _______________________