IN AND FOR ______________________________ COUNTY, FLORIDA
Case No: ________________________
Division: ________________________
This cause came before this Court on a Petition/Supplemental Petition to relocate filed by (name)
____________________________________ the _______________________ of the child(ren). The
Court makes these findings of fact and ORDERS as follows:
1. The Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties.
2. The last judgment or order establishing or modifying parental responsibility, custody, visitation, or
time-sharing (if any) was entered on (date)________________________.
3. ____ {If Applicable} A prior order or judgment in this cause expressly governs the issue of relocation
of the child(ren).
4. The parties’ dependent or minor child(ren) is (are):
Name(s) Birth Date(s)
5. The _____ Petitioner _____ Respondent _____Other Person entitled to access or time-sharing
{name} __________________________________ has filed a petition to relocate to {location/or
a location more than 50 miles from his/her principal place of residence at the time of entry of the
last order establishing or modifying time-sharing, or at the time of filing of the pending action to
establish or modify time-sharing. The relocation is for a period of at least 60 consecutive days.
6. This judgment/supplemental judgment was entered: {Choose only one}
_____After a Hearing;
Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.950(i), Final Judgment/Supplemental Final Judgment
Granting Relocation (03/15)
_____Without an evidentiary hearing due to the _____ written agreement of the parties or the
_____ other party’s failure to respond.
The Court finds that the relocation is GRANTED based upon:
{Choose only one}
1. _____No response. The other parent or person entitled to access to or time-sharing with the
child(ren) failed to timely file a response objecting to the petition to relocate. The Court finds that
the relocation is in the best interests of the child(ren) based upon the undisputed pleadings. The
access or time-sharing schedule and post-relocation transportation arrangements contained within
the petition are adopted by the Court.
2. _____Agreement. The parents or other person entitled to time-sharing with the child(ren) agree to
the relocation and have signed a written agreement which consents to the relocation; defines the
access or time-sharing schedule for the parents or any other persons entitled to access and time-
sharing, and describes, if necessary, any post-relocation transportation arrangements relating to
access or time-sharing. The Court finds that the relocation is in the best interests of the child(ren)
based upon the pleadings and the Agreement.
A copy of this Agreement is attached as Exhibit _______.
3. _____Evidentiary Hearing. The Court finds that the relocation is in the best interests of the
child(ren) based upon the evidence presented at the evidentiary hearing. The Court has evaluated
each of the factors enumerated in Section 61.13001(7), Florida Statutes, and FINDS:
{Choose only one}
1. ____ Time-Sharing. The _____ Petitioner _____ Respondent _____ Other Person entitled to access
or time-sharing shall have frequent, continuing, and meaningful contact, access, and time-sharing in
accordance with:
{Choose only one }
a. _____the Agreement for Relocation attached as Exhibit ______and incorporated herein.
b. _____the Parenting Plan attached as Exhibit ______and incorporated herein.
c. _____the following specified time-sharing schedule:
Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.950(i), Final Judgment/Supplemental Final Judgment
Granting Relocation (03/15)
2. _____ No Contact. The _____ Petitioner _____ Respondent _____ Other Person entitled to access,
visitation, or time-sharing shall have no contact with parties minor child(ren) until further order of
the Court, as such contact is detrimental to the welfare of the minor child(ren).
{Explain} _______________________________________________________________________
{Indicate all that apply}
1. _____ The Court finds that based upon the relocation, the _____ Petitioner’s _____ Respondent’s
child support obligation should be modified in consideration of the costs of transportation and the
respective net incomes of the parents.
{Choose only one}
a. _____ The amounts in the Child Support Guidelines Worksheet, Florida Family Law Rules of
Procedure Form 12.902(e), filed by the _____ Petitioner _____ Respondent are correct and are
adopted by the Court.
b. _____ The Court makes the following findings:
The Petitioner’s net monthly income is $_____________.
The Respondent’s net monthly income is $______________.
Monthly child care costs are $_______________.
Monthly health/dental insurance costs are $_________________.
Transportation costs are $___________________.
2. _____ Amount. The Obligor’s child support obligation shall be modified to $___________ per
month for the ______ children {total amount of parties’ minor or dependent children} commencing:
{month, day, year} and terminating _____________{month, day, year}. Child support shall be paid in
the amount of $__________ per __________________ {week, month, other} consistent with
Obligor’s current payroll cycle.
Upon the termination of the obligation of child support for one of the parties’ children, child support
in the amount of $__________for the remaining _________children {total number of remaining
children} shall be paid commencing _______________________________ {month, day, year} and
terminating_____________________________ {month, day, year}. This child support shall be paid
in the amount of $________per __________ {week, month, other} consistent with the Obligor’s
current payroll cycle.
{Insert schedule for the child support obligation, including the amount, and commencement and
termination dates, for the remaining minor or dependent children, which shall be payable as the
obligation for each child ceases. Please indicate whether the schedule ____appears below or
____ is attached as part of this form.}
Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.950(i), Final Judgment/Supplemental Final Judgment
Granting Relocation (03/15)
The Obligor shall pay child support until all of the minor or dependent children: reach the age of 18;
become emancipated, marry, join the armed services, die, or become self-supporting; or until
further order of the court or agreement of the parties. The child support obligation shall continue
beyond the age of 18 and until high school graduation for any child who is dependent in fact,
between the ages of 18 and 19, and is still in high school, performing in good faith with a reasonable
expectation of graduation before the age of 19.
If the child support ordered deviates from the guidelines by more than 5%, the factual findings
which support that deviation are: ______________________________________________________
Obligor shall pay modified child support as follows:
1. Place of Payment.
a. ____Obligor shall pay court-ordered support directly to either the State Disbursement Unit or
the central depository, as required by statute, along with any fee required by statute.
b. ____Both parties have requested and the court finds that it is in the best interests of the
child(ren) that support payments need not be directed through either the State Disbursement
Unit or the central depository at this time; however, either party may subsequently apply,
pursuant to section 61.13(1)(d)3, Florida Statutes, to require payment through either the State
Disbursement Unit or the central depository.
2. Income Deduction.
a. ____Immediate. Obligor shall pay through income deduction, pursuant to a separate Income
Deduction Order which shall be effective immediately. Obligor is individually responsible for
paying this support obligation until all of said support is deducted from Obligor’s income. Until
support payments are deducted from Obligor’s paycheck, Obligor is responsible for making
timely payments directly to the State Disbursement Unit or the Obligee, as previously set forth
in this order.
b. ____Deferred. Income deduction is ordered this day, but it shall not be effective until a
delinquency of $__________, or, if not specified, an amount equal to one month’s obligation
occurs. Income deduction is not being implemented immediately based on the following
findings: Income deduction is not in the best interests of the child(ren) because: {explain}
There is proof of timely payment of a previously ordered obligation without an Income
Deduction Order in cases of modification,
( ) There is an agreement by the Obligor to advise the Title IV-D agency, the clerk of court, and
Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.950(i), Final Judgment/Supplemental Final Judgment
Granting Relocation (03/15)
the Obligee of any change in Payor and/or health insurance OR
( ) there is a signed written agreement providing an alternative arrangement between the Obligor
and the Obligee and, at the option of the IV-D agency, by the IV-D agency in IV-D cases in which
there is an assignment of support rights to the state, reviewed and entered in the record by the
1. _____Other Provisions
2. _____The Court reserves jurisdiction to address all issues of time-sharing and parental
responsibility, as well as to enforce or modify the provisions of this Judgment.
3. _____ Unless specifically modified herein, the provisions of all prior judgments or orders remain in
DONE AND ORDERED at _________________________, Florida, on_____________________.
I certify that a copy of this Final Judgment/Supplemental Final Judgment Granting Relocation
was ( ) mailed ( ) faxed and mailed ( ) e-mailed ( ) hand-delivered to the parties and any
other persons or entities listed below on {date} ____________________________.
Clerk of court, designee, or Judicial Assistant
Petitioner (or his/her attorney)
Respondent (or his/her attorney)
Other Person (or his/her attorney)
State Disbursement Unit
Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.950(i), Final Judgment/Supplemental Final Judgment
Granting Relocation (03/15)