2. _____ No Contact. The _____ Petitioner _____ Respondent _____ Other Person entitled to access,
visitation, or time-sharing shall have no contact with parties minor child(ren) until further order of
the Court, as such contact is detrimental to the welfare of the minor child(ren).
{Explain} _______________________________________________________________________
{Indicate all that apply}
1. _____ The Court finds that based upon the relocation, the _____ Petitioner’s _____ Respondent’s
child support obligation should be modified in consideration of the costs of transportation and the
respective net incomes of the parents.
{Choose only one}
a. _____ The amounts in the Child Support Guidelines Worksheet, Florida Family Law Rules of
Procedure Form 12.902(e), filed by the _____ Petitioner _____ Respondent are correct and are
adopted by the Court.
b. _____ The Court makes the following findings:
The Petitioner’s net monthly income is $_____________.
The Respondent’s net monthly income is $______________.
Monthly child care costs are $_______________.
Monthly health/dental insurance costs are $_________________.
Transportation costs are $___________________.
2. _____ Amount. The Obligor’s child support obligation shall be modified to $___________ per
month for the ______ children {total amount of parties’ minor or dependent children} commencing:
{month, day, year} and terminating _____________{month, day, year}. Child support shall be paid in
the amount of $__________ per __________________ {week, month, other} consistent with
Obligor’s current payroll cycle.
Upon the termination of the obligation of child support for one of the parties’ children, child support
in the amount of $__________for the remaining _________children {total number of remaining
children} shall be paid commencing _______________________________ {month, day, year} and
terminating_____________________________ {month, day, year}. This child support shall be paid
in the amount of $________per __________ {week, month, other} consistent with the Obligor’s
current payroll cycle.
{Insert schedule for the child support obligation, including the amount, and commencement and
termination dates, for the remaining minor or dependent children, which shall be payable as the
obligation for each child ceases. Please indicate whether the schedule ____appears below or
____ is attached as part of this form.}
Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.950(i), Final Judgment/Supplemental Final Judgment
Granting Relocation (03/15)